I claim no ownership of this concept.
I have a concept that may or may not improve the quality of gameplay. That is a checkable option to create what will be called a “Proxy Lobby.” A proxy lobby will be a safe zone option. Should say a player drop out of a game (Or frankly just leave early), a screen will pause the game for an undetermined period of time asking if the players would like to restore the game using the proxy lobby, whereupon the dropped player would be immediately invited upon reconnecting. This would facilitate easy restorations. If a player simply left early, the remaining players could either decide to go to the lobby, or keep playing–the player who left would not be invited again unless players within the lobby decided to do so. Should the player of interest not be able to arrive within what the players deem a reasonable period of time, they could either invite players and make a new game or do whatever else they want. The lobby would have a randomized name. The lobby creator may restore the previous name should they want to do so, barring a need to change it. Upon proper conclusion of a game with a proxy lobby, players may return to it, or simply leave the game like normal.
Would this affect ranked? No, but yes. There would be a similar option, but it would simply allow good faith competitors to enter an unranked lobby to finish their game in an unranked setting. It would be entirely volitional.
How would the vote take place? A strict yes vote would be required in the case of the dropout to go to the lobby, a single no is a veto. If a game should end, then the yesses go to the lobby and nays proceed as normal.
The time period for team games is necessarily long enough to facilitate chat, but voting can override it. If all the players in game so decide, they can pause the timer. Otherwise, the vote ends regardless of how many have voted. Not voting has always been recognized as a form of voting.
Would the lobby be passworded? Only if the original was.