PUP - March 2024 [Patch notes]

+4 is the upper limit

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Sorry my bad. Forgot that its +6 with iron casting…So 28 Monaspa for full damage output and all together while Leitis could split and be effective in small numbers.

Sounds like the splash change is just the center of the area, where the projectile actually hits, not the secondary splash outside that.


Ahhhhhhh that makes more sense. Like this.


no no no no no no no


You’re probably onto something as I can’t see them thinking it’s a good idea to do full damage within the whole circle, but…I also see very little practical change if this is what they mean. Presumably the area of the inner circle on the right is supposed to mean the collision area of the projectile, but I assumed it already did full damage within that small area. (If not, this implies that the left center is arbitrarily small and you only ever get full damage by landing within a unit’s hitbox). Otherwise it seems like you would have cases where a projectile landing with its center outside of a unit’s hitbox by the smallest possible margin would already do tapered damage, even if the unit and projectile’s boxes overlapped. Maybe this is already the case, although that would be hard to measure, and if so this seems more like a bugfix than a balance change. Either way, wish they were more descriptive, as this will have to be tested to see what it actually means in practice.

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makes sense.

But still would be quite significant increase to the overall damage output of like 10+ % for mangonels and even way more for bbc in most unit hitting scenarios. I consider this a straight-up buff for the siege units noone really asked for.

These units are already very much meta and not because there wouldn’t be alteranatives.

Cool to see some Italians changes finally, but this change sadly will make the elite geno upgrade even worse since now It won’t even offer a time reduction, confirming it as one of the worst elite upgrade in the game if not the worst.

It should be much cheaper or add something, like +1/2 MA, to make them stronger into their intended target of cavalry

Italians need imho a new bonus tailored to land and early game and military, or a better eco bonus (20% discount Age up instead of 15 for example) at the expense of some water prowess if necessary (but there are civs that are superior or at least equal to Italians on water but much stronger on Land, like portuguese) like less fishing ships discount and/or slightly less dock tech discount

Something simple like “non-cavalry military units get +1 MA” a small buff to their archers and their pikeman, since they lack halberdier, and italians historically use their communal militia extensively

Finally, change Silk Road adding something, even small, useful for 1vs 1. Maybe make even docks 50% cheaper, or add a small unique effect to their market


I tried the PUP and the boars stay in place indefinitely when de-aggroed with a building foundation. They don’t return to their original location. I’m able to freeze multiple boars next to my TC.


i’m kinda disappointed on the lack of any change to some OP civ and most importantly to some useless civs. Sicilians still in the dust it seems


Presumably this has nothing to do with V&V but rather the PUP



@FloosWorld Have the blurry graphics for the statues and other scenario editor items in the ROR editor been fixed?

Big change is consistency. Like how right now a mangonel can kill a scorpion only if it moves forward, but not backwards.


Description of “Hoardings” changed to: “Strengthens Castles, Kreposts, and Donjons by providing +1000 hit points.”

Lies, it gives +1001 Hp to Kreposts (yet Donjons receive a flat +1000), Bulgarians do not even have access to Hoardings. Hoardings also does affect Kreposts now in this beta. Were the Bulgarians supposed to receive Hoardings?

Because of Hoardings, Donjons get more health then Kreposts: 3575 vs 3146
Donjon w/ Hoardings 3250
Donjon w/ Hoardings + Masonry (current) 3575
Krepost w/ Architecture (current) 3146
Krepost w/ Hoardings + Masonry + 3961
Krepost w/ Architecture + Hoardings 4357

Full tech can be allowed in lobbies and SP.

I think it was intended for siege units like Petards, Flaming Camels and Demmolition Ships, as the closest unit/building would never take full damage from the explosion


Which ones? Can you elaborate?

Who are these “advanced” players?

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With testing, seems mostly innocuous as a change, at least for Mangonels.

Was actually slightly hoping the change would be more meaningful for Mangonel v Mangonel.

Krepost have much better armor then donjons and are much more resilient in practice. Also have a ton of damage over donjon

1 krepost can destroy multiple donjons by itself

Main difference between the two is that Krepost is actually a good building