PUP - March 2024 [Patch notes]

First thing to note is that bloodlines now provides an additional +3 hp/min (I’ve checked this in the PUP). So the new values for Georgian units are:
Monaspas: 11.25+3=14.25
Elite Monaspas: 13.5+3=16.5
Knights: 15+3=18
Cavalier: 18+3=21
Scouts: 6.75+3=9.75
Light Cav: 9+3=12
Hussars: 11.25+3=14.25

Overall, I’d say that this is a buff to hp regen (even for the Monaspas, though hp regen isn’t what made them strong, so I think that this patch will still be an overall nerf to the Monaspa line). Knight line is definitely going to appreciate these changes, as will scouts in feudal age. Hussars do get nerfed a tiny bit, but won’t really care since they’re very expendable/spammable at that point of the game (and they’re still better than generic).


How are Hussars nerfed, the slef healing rate is basically the same as always in Imperial, is simply stronger in feudal/castle age.

Thx for checking that. Sometimes it’s unclear when bonuses apply to the total of a unit’s attribute or the base stats.

14.25 is still less than 15, so it is technically a nerf. It just isn’t one that matters since it is negligible

Advanced Genie Editor will now have increased Krepost health in the effects of Hoardings (I don’t know if they had it before the PUP). It doesn’t really matter though, because Bulgarians can’t get Hoardings.

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Hooray! I’m glad to see the resource penalty was removed entirely, and not replaced with -100 wood or something.

This sounds good, but I don’t get why this (and similar scenarios) are only available for a limited time. Limited time content only really makes sense to me in an open world MMO.

I’m flattered, but the fanmade random map most deserving of official inclusion is HyperRandom.


Especially since those scenarios won’t get removed but instead stay in the game files. You could easily make a new point in the main menu where you can select current and previous scenarios such as Barbarossa Brawl.


i really hope they keep the garrisoning rams feature but with the fix of if one clicks ungarrison they can NOT regarrison until after 7 seconds… this hotkey was a desperately needed feature

EDIT: every suggestion below punishes manually clicking i believe

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Yeah, I watched Hera’s reaction and he had some video where Jannissaries were popping in and out of rams…yeah, that’s a bit broken.

Yeah some type of cooldown could work.

or maybe only one unit at a time and units take say 1/2 second to garrison. you have 6 units that takes three seconds. barely and inconvenience when you have a blob of infantry here and a couple rams there, but makes those cheesy pop in, out, in, out, in, out strats hopefully unusable.

Anything to make getting in and out easy, but in, out, in, out, in, out in rapid succession not easy.

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As much as I would like some pros nerding around with this, the reality that this would be broken seems very real to me.

But I like the concept in general from the devs to test this kind of stuff in the pups.

Cause even if the pros use their right for a veto against this kind of change - it makes really great content :smiley:

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I saw that video, and this does sound like a good solution. Would also need to be applied to siege towers. Maybe to transport ships as well (but only due to hybrid maps, and maybe not even then, since units die if the transport goes down with them in it). There are probably other solutions, but I think this is the most elegant.

Other ideas I had was to make some ways to damage units within rams (like with mangonels). Or to have units within the ram/siege tower die with it (don’t like this idea - players who are paying attention could still abuse this, but avoid the penalty by ungarrisoning the ram and deleting low hp ones). But I think I prefer the small garrison time. Might not become completely unusable, but would at least have some counterplay options.

The exploit is nasty, but easing the efforts to garrison transport ships is a much needed change. So adding a small garrison time in exchange for keeping this change would be a major benefit.

Maybe both a cooldown and a slowdown???

by default going into and out of happens instantly. And for convenience say if you make a mistake let’s allow the player to immediately get out.

So the first and second in/out within x number of seconds, let’s say 10, happens instantly. But if you’re hopping in, out, in, out, in, out, that in/out counter increases. Once its past two in the last 10 seconds, it throttles garrisoning/ungarrisoning to the one unit at a time and takes 1/2 second.

The one counter argument to this, unless you know exactly why it’s supposed to work like this, just looks like a bug.

IDK. Between cooldowns and throttling there has to be an intuitive fix that cuts out that exploit.

I think that a littet attack delay for range units when they ungrarrison may be a elagant way to fix it. they should keep at simpel.
you can still hop in and out but have to wait befor you can attack, so that a mangonel /archers can still hit.

one thing that could be problematic is that grarrison and ungarrisons is a globe game mechanic and changes could affect other things like towers. So, they have to must keep the fix separated.


Has anyone else done the siege yet? Just played a game with my buddies and the Byzantine team can just stroll out and roll the other team seemingly no matter what from what we can tell

Power creeping Berbers and Dravidians even more. Because why not?

Some quick calculation -

11x6 = 66 seconds
14x8 = 112 seconds
Time increased by 112/66 = 1.69696969…
So a 70% increase on time to get the extra attack.

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A bit melodramatic.

But I also think this isn’t really necessary as the 50 extra food is already a massive buff.
We’ve seen it for Lithuanians who lost like 3-4 winrate when they took away 50 f at the start but got 100 f for each extra TC instead.

The monaspa nerfs are good though, i mean in principle. Practically we need to see what this does.

We’re approaching more and more a state where monaspas can be seen as just a “better knight” unit as we have already a lot with stuff like keshiks. I would like to see a specialisation for them instead of just a general “oumph”. IDK what this could be though. Seems even devs have kinda given up on making the cav UUs truly “unique” cause of the lack of ideas.

(If I would do Knight UUs I would possibly try one that is immune to conversion and one that is generally weaker but has a special bonus against camels flipping that specific matchup)

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Aaaaaaand this is why SOTL is the GOAT.



Funnily enough, my Khazars civ concept, which relies a lot on units garrisoning in Rams and Siege Towers, might actually be a lot better with the change to garrisoning in transports.

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Thanks for teaching me a new word. Will be added into my vocabulary.

Hold your ̶h̶o̶r̶s̶e̶s̶ mules. That might come in the next patch.

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Well Cataphracts are already truly unique in the sense they completely doom Infantry and also make fun of Camel units, Leiciai are the cheaper but high damage cavalry UUs at the cost of having lower durability, Boyars are the slower but heavily armored cavalry that dominates lots of fights, Konniks the ones that mock the counter units so I don’t see how those aren’t specialised as you want them to be.

Just make it so that Infantry is the only type of unit that can garrison in rams.

End result: Infantry Ram pushes get a much needed buff, mechanic not abusable by ranged units for the purpose of doing continual DPS in total safety.