Purely for fun speculation on future civ additions for AOE2 DE

I think those two civs would be fun concepts. Would cover North America a bit.


Architecture set : North American

  • Starting with an Eagle Warrior

  • Lumberjacks do not need storage points (alternativelly Lumberjacks hold 10 wood more if too strong)

  • Siege weapon technologies are 50% cheaper

  • Houses cost 15% less wood

Team bonus : Team members can build councils

Council : military building in which the unique unit can be built, costs stone and wood, no attack

Unique unit Tomahawk Warrior: Infantry unit with range that quickly throws two axes. Few hitpoints, average attack strength. (Can cut trees)

Unique Castle age technology: Confederation: Unique units of all team members cost 5% less and are built faster in councils

Unique Imperial age technology: Forest Prowlers: Eagle warriors are 15% faster and regenerate their life points

Design idea : A Mesoamerican siege civ with a team focus flair. Would probably also have access to a very generic hand cannoneer, an unicum for a Meso civ. Would heavily focus on raiding. The wood bonus warranties a strong economy

History : The Haudenosaunee are a powerful North East Native American confederacy which origins some suppose can be traced back to 1450. Some say their origins can be traced back even further in the past though this is questionable. The civ would represent all Iroquoian speaking people.



Architecture set : North American

  • Starting with an Eagle Warrior

  • Farms are smaller and cheaper, but have less hitpoints and less food

  • 30% of the stone cost of castles and towers is converted to wood

  • Eagle warrior line automatically researched

Team Bonus : Eagle Warriors have +2 range of sight

Unique unit : Cahokia archer: archer with high hitpoints and attack bonus against buildings. Slow fire rate. Easily massable.
Unique Castle Age technology : Mounds: Castles can train infantry units and garrison siege weapons (regenerate health there too)
Unique Imperial Age Technology Warrior Priests: Eagle warriors are cheaper

Design idea : A Mesoamerican economic civ which focuses on cheap easily massable defenses. This civ would probably lack keeps, hoardings and architecture.

History : Mississippians were a Mound building Native American culture. Cahokia is the most impressive heritage they left. Probably would speak Caddo.

Various pictures:

Architecture set:

Cahokia :

Iroquois Longhouse:

Other Native contenders are Mapuche, Chimu, Pueblo, Muisca, Tupi, Taino.

Also a few African civs (Kongolese, Swahili, Zimbabweans, Nigerians, Yoruba, Songhay, Kanembu,…) would be nice to have.

Possible new African architecture set:

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