Put the god damn 'unpause' button on UI!

There are bunch of sick brain players who just pause the game and expect opponent not to be able to unpause it. And probably they actually sometimes succeed it!

My keyboard has no ‘pause’ key.
In game options ‘legacy’ hotkeys layout also doesnt have ‘pause/unpause’ key binding.

So my only option is to, each time change my hotkey layout to other one, turn back to game, unpause and the go back to options change it back to ‘legacy’ as my all config is set in it…

Just bring back the goddamn ‘unpause’ button on UI!!! So fucking simple.

This is just one thing though, Do you know how the game is awful and not being updated anymore??

Do you know the algorithm that calculates shortest path between unit and destination is just shit???
In university I was crying when trying to implement ######## properly, just to get a few points more from homework. We sacrificedPawns obviously succeed things for just nothing. I am sure you are earning shit amount of money, but just doing nothing!

Do you know when many villagers are sent for building a building, they just keep walking on the building and never can start building the building ??? Your algorithm design skills amazes.

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • GAME BUILD #: ######
  • GAME PLATFORM: Steam / Microsoft Store
  • OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Mac / Linux

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED


:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:point_down: How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!

  • Less than 25% of the time / matches I play (RARELY)
  • 25% of the time / matches I play (SOMETIMES)
  • 50% of the time / matches I play (FREQUENTLY)
  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:point_down: List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

:point_down: What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:point_down: ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

:point_down: Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe3Ysav) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe3Yrec) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.

Also fix that goddamn how units behave to ‘Attack move’ ‘z’.

Just revert it to it was in old version.

If attack action wont work at the time of press, just make nothing to happen. I dont want my army to walk into enemy army and to be wasted jsut fucking due to the ‘attack move’

It’s right here: