Puzzle time!

Tatars are what you call perfectly balanced.

I think Tatars only fall a bit behind these days casue CA play is basically dead.

BUt maybe Devs think different. The silk armor tech atm seems to be a bit underwhealming.

In terms of Bengali and Dravidians you might be right, they will probably see some love. Hopefully.

Nah, they are terrible on closed maps and only average even on the traditional CA maps. But as I said, imo it’s mostly caus CA stonks.

5 months of complete silence after announcing ROR. Then one single puzzle picture is dropped. And everyone is so hyped that they are grabbing every single straw. :joy:

If it replaces any UT, I hope it is Greek Fire.

Combined with Royal Heirs, maybe Ethiopians will get a new UT.

What if they are edible now? And may be spawned in Random Maps.

Huh? Really?

Big influencers are asking to change Berserkergang UT for a while now.


It’s the worst arena civ currently. And outside of maps with absurd amount of Sheep (and no other free food) they don’t shine either.
It’s probably an easy guess for a buff yes.

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They have a very bad winrate in mid ELO.
They are close to 50% in higher ELO though.

But the majority of players is not in high ELO.

They are edible but I don’t think they would make good gameplay.
Also nothing stops you from adding them to your random maps and trolling everyone that plays them.

Could be interesting, especially with a general Infantry rework.
Maybe all Infantry regenerate HP?

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They’re strong on open maps and thats what matters

Have you stats confirming that?
Cause all stats I’ve seen so far is that they are always below 50 %. Only havent looked up maps like Ghost Lake. But also there I think other civs are actually way ahead of them.

Honestly, would love for an Incas buff even though everyone is on the agreement that they’re fine. They just happen to be somehow in that gray area where they’re so unproblematic they’re almost never picked in tournaments, while getting consistently placed in B-tier in almost every tier list possible (aside from team bonuses, where they’ll be bottom tier).

Considering how recent civs have had really strong strengths that a more generic jack-of-all-trades civ without any obvious powerspikes, I guess Incas could really get something new to spice them up a little.

Personally, if people want to preserve them as they are in 1v1s, I’d give them some sort of a trade team bonus, so they don’t feel like ‘aw, I wish we had Aztecs or Mayans instead’ as much. Maybe Couriers could return, but also buff movement speed of team’s trade units by some %. Might get a little wordy in that case, though… :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe it will be a surprise DLC similar to Dynasties of India DLC (they announced it)?

Maybe it will be a DLC that breaks the umbrella civ of the Vikings or Teutons?

It could also be a Viking Era DLC adding Britons (Celtic Britons representing Picts, Welsh, Bretons and Cornish), Danes and Saxons civs. The Britons would become English civ and the Vikings would become Norwegians civ. The Celts would become the Gaelics civ (representing the Scots and Irish).

This way we got one civ each from the British Isles (Britons civ), Germany (Saxons) and Scandinavia (Danes) - all suitable for the campaign about the Viking expeditions to the British Isles. Huskarl would become a regional unit for English, Danes, Norwegians and Saxons civs (Goths civ in this place would get a real Gothic unit - Gadrauht).


Change to Goths?

Maybe all Towers get it free once u r in Castle Age and have an university? Castle will be stronger though. And Castle Age battering ram is already very lack luster against Castle compared to Imperial Age.

Always had been. Ever since DE release.

Yeah but they are not as bad as Koreans, Malay, Vietnamese, and even Italians either.

How? AFAIK, villagers can’t even attack them.

Big nerf to Berserk imho.

No one is seeing a Hindustanis buff? They were one of the weakest civ in NAC4.

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######################## post:123, topic:227259, full:true"]
This is just your personal opinion, devs don’t think so

It’s not just my personal opinion. Did you watch NAC 4? Nili confirmed more or less that the devs are aware of it and there will be changes.

Incas just need a new Castle Age UT and a Team Bonus.

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For real. Someone from FE could spill alphabet soup on a page, and this forum would take that as a sign from the gods devs. I was going to make a joke post about what the “clues” might mean, but it would be hard to differentiate that from some of the apparently earnest interpretations here.

But hey, if you enjoy that sort of thing, more power to ya.


Well, the puzzle was clearly posted as a hint; they aren’t just posting a random puzzle because of the server maintenance. For one, if it was just a normal crossword with intention as a teaser, it was a really bad crossword.

Imagine civs like Byz, Teutons and Incas got a buff. This would be one of the most ridiculous things that ever happened. Literally none of these need a buff especially Byz.

But they’ve done this with the past (DOI promotion) to start actually promoting the content. I get the frustration with their failing communication - they can and should do better on that front, but now that you actually get it? Would you rather have some soulless corpo talk about the ROR update? What’s more there to tell than what we already know?

I’d imagine things like release dates and the like are not mentioned for a reason, perhaps the team isn’t sure when they can really get it done and don’t want to rush it as… well, we’ve seen how slow the bugs are to get fixed.

This ‘puzzle’ game is just them seeing how the last time actually involved the community quite a bit and trying to reciprocate that fun, I’d hope there are more puzzles to come like in the past, too.

I like this stuff. It’s fun.
Maybe it’s not everybody “taste”. Who doesm’t enjoy it doesn’t have to participate.

Is there more to come?

Edit: I love this censor, it removes

I never thought about it could be interpreted as this until I got censored 11.

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According to InfernoGalore and Jarazz on Discord, more stuff/teaser is coming very soon


To be clear, my post was mostly talking about the (over)enthusiasm of forumers to come up with all kinds of fantastic interpretations of things that may or may not be meaningful. It’s the kind of thing I think can be great at certain times and in small doses, especially if people are having fun with it, I guess I’m just kind of burnt out on it given how much of this forum’s discourse has fallen under that category in the last year or so. To be fair, that’s mostly a “me” issue, and I’m surely being a little curmudgeonly in this regard. I was just expecting we’d be past the “light tease” stage after almost a year from the DOI release, and have something more concrete at this point, if not an actual DLC already.

This puzzle post, and others like it are good. Frankly I would have been better primed to appreciate it had it come earlier and if the groundwork had been laid better with improved communication and a smoother Xbox port, but I’ll take it late over never. It’s a good way to gin up interest, and I’m sure we’ll get a more detailed and grounded idea of what’s to come before long.

About RoR? Quite a lot. Most of the original questions regarding important implementation details remain unanswered. Not really my cup of tea though, I’m more interested in whatever comes after it.