Question about new return of rome event

how to " Defeat 5 Villagers with Militia-line units." Should I kill 5 villagers while they have Militia-line units (at same time?)? or should I kill 5 villagers who’s civ have Militia-line units.

You kill villagers with your own Militia-line units. As in, you use the Militia-line units to kill vills.


I don’t really understand what’s difficult to comprehend with the mission statement. It’s just like Apocalypso said: you simply kill Villagers by using Militia.

OP might not be a native English speaker. Even for English speakers, sentences can be written in such an ambiguous way that they’re difficult to parse without context.

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That’s fair. I suppose for a non-native, something like “Use Militia-line units to kill five Villagers” would be easier to work out.

Okey, para los que hablen ESPAÑOL: Tienen que matar 5 aldeanos con cualquier unidad de la línea de Milicia (Milicia, Hombre de Armas, Espadachin de Espada Larga, Mandoble, Campeón) en cualquier modo de juego escaramuza o multijugador. Yo personalmente, recomiendo Conquista Total, ya que la IA tiende a mandar a sus aldeanos a construir por cualquier sitio con los recursos elevados y es más fácil acabar con ellos con los campeones en Post Imperial.

Que quede claro, “Línea” es el nombre oficial que al parecer le han puesto a todas las unidades que provienen de la evolución de otra unidad. Esto solo se aplica a AoE1 y AoE2 ya que en AoM, AoE3 y Aoe4, la evolución se da por rangos (Elite, Veterano, Campeón, Legendario, etc)

For those who speak English: You have to kill 5 villagers with any unit of the Militia line (Militia, Man-at-Arms, Longsword Swordsman, Greatsword, Champion) in any game mode. I recommend Total Conquest.

Let’s be clear, “Line” is the official name that apparently they have given to all units that come from the evolution of another unit. This only applies to AoE1 and AoE2 since in AoM, AoE3 and Aoe4, evolution occurs by ranks (Elite, Veteran, Champion, Legendary, etc.) I personally recommend Total Conquest, since the AI tends to send its villagers to build anywhere with high resources and it is easier to kill them with the champions in Post Imperial.