You simply don’t want to play civs like mongols on black forest.
I dislike that idea; I prefer different civs on open, closed off and naval maps, so your suggestion actually forces me to go with an allrounder civ like the English.
I have no problem playing Mongol on black forest you should reread it’s the contrary as I don’t want players to see the map before choosing the civ.
Yeah, same as any other RTS where a civ is better on an Open map but are forced to play on the close one.
You have enough tools to win with your civ
I understood you, and in the case of the Mongols you will have a hard time on black forest since you can’t build walls.
If every civ can perform equally on a map, then there is no no need to restrict selection.
the civ will have other tools to compensate, if you think like this don’t play asymmetric-based RTS does not make any sense otherwise if you play aoe2 symmetric RTS same as asymmetric one.
lol. kill the game? the game was played for 20 years without this stuff. you shouldn’t try to insult people about not understanding the game if you started playing with definitive edition.
go look at every single age of empires game (the ones by the actual developer, not the steam ports). these weird maps you keep bringing up are fringe settings and basically irrelevant in the big picture of how age of empires works. it’s mostly a way to play casually for people who don’t want to experience the first few ages. they aren’t what ranked play has historically been about
let me translate it to aoe2 language for you: every aoe4 civ gets access to all the units and all their upgrades. that means fully upgraded paladins. fully upgraded economy. fully upgraded everything. if you’re so tunnel-visioned about aoe2 vikings on aoe2 black forest, just relax. you don’t need to spread misinformation about contrived aoe2 settings to try to prove a point. aoe4 is not that game. it doesn’t have that problem.
u can always pick pocket/flang based on ur color. it’s not DE feature.
It’s the same reason why “ALT+F4” is the problem. Players skipping maps which they don’t want to play, that they dont expect.
I chose flank if i have strong teammate, and chose pocket if i have weak teammate.
If not the position choosing, probably I would be forced to play with only premates or play only 1vs1. Cause it’s so stressful to play on flank with teammate, who are weaker. He wont help u in expected moments because he is weaker.
Let me translate into aoe4 examples, cause u dont perceive the general
One dont want to play english in the pocket. Because archers slow.
Fast units are preferable in the pocket, because they fast.
Archers is slow unit, and cant reach on of three teammates fast.
English are archer civilisation.
Forcing players how to play game is very bad approach.
English are archer civilisation because of the age 2 landmark, but you can open stable and your horseman are the same as other civ.
The big adventage of aoe4 is each civ have access too full upg units, so you can do pretty much everything.
I like how it works in age2.
If both players -agree- they can go random civs. Forced random civ can have a lot of problems.
→ Playing civs that you dont like, or you just dont want to play for that game.
→ Alt-F4, if you get your worst civ for the map
You can’t do that in aoe4 because each civ are a way more asymetric. I can tell you, i have never play rdm civ in aoe3 and i wont in aoe4
guys, I don’t know what you are talking about random civs, I just say, the player should choose his civ and be locked to it before seeing the map he will play
Hehe another thread where arguments are based in AoE II
Hi, english paladin.I never said u cant. But probably u want to play from civ’s strength… and it’s archers.
So i never will understand if Devs will force me play English in the pocket. I better play lobby (quite high ranked lobby) in local community from discord.
I just trying to explain, how things work(at least for me) and why it but… who wants to hear the reasons nowadays.
Why play as English pals, if i can do the same as Franks pals? In the TG there everyone can play from civ’s strength.
Civs are assymetric. I can know build order for Franks, and English Archers, but never learn the build order for English kts.
I just don’t understand your whining realy. If you want full archer, then play full archer, but dont ask to make each civ solo units. If you can’t adapte to the map, you are the probleme, not the game nor devs ^^
In SC2 map doesnt make much of a difference, so being able to choose faction or not would be the same.
and aoe4 is not aoe2
england is not just an archer civ. they have fully upgraded elite knights (and everything else), and probably the best economy in the game to spam them. just learn how to make more than 1 unit and relax
if you want to play 1-dimensional civs, just stick to aoe2DE. it’s not going anywhere.
U are making civ one dimensional. Forgetting about civ individuality and that civ’s have unique bonuses for certain units.
What will be the difference in civs, if one have to play kts no matter what.
As English I want to play archers. I can play kts, but I dont want to play, if i’m not forced.
As Mongol I want to play Mangudai, i can play archers or even infantry. But i want to play smth unique.
For infantry, I would pick HRE.
Civs presented with some unique units. But if devs will take position choosing, and force me play kts in the pocket as English to win… why… i can… but why…
PS I’m very dissapointed when in aoe2 i’m forced to play for the team, and cant make unique units like Mangudais. Absolutely same story here.
They are, just because the tech trees are additive instead of subtractive, doesn’t mean that a civ has no advantage when playing with a certain unit combo.
For example, you can go infantry with the Delhi Sultanate, but should only when forced (by the Abbasids for example), since their cavalry line including elephants is superior.
So just because you can switch to other unit compositions doesn’t mean that your civ doesn’t have an identity.
Right. It’s like Britons in aoe2: they have access to both champion and halb FU, but it’s not like you’re getting anywhere making infantry instead of archers against a civ that has actual infantry bonuses such as Japanese or Aztecs.
I hope its better in this than the others