Ranked Placement Matches not updating for Season 2

My first 3 ranked placement matches were correctly shown in the ranked mulitplayer screen. Played my fourth ranked match today and it will only show in my profile statistics but not in the ranked multiplayer screen.

Player ID: R4llone

Ranked matches from profile statistics vs. ranked matches from multiplayer screen

“Missing” placement match from aoe4 world:
Game #49973874

Additional info
I had huge lag spikes while playing including total package loss (had a ping checker running on my second screen). I don’t know how you guys post your match results, but I thought this might be one thing to consider.

Thank you for reporting @Reiberdatschi69! There should be some improvement coming for a couple progression results bugs. That said, if you could contact support with your warnings.log file so the team can take a look, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!