Ra's terrible early game

We are all aware of the problems this god is dealing with in the early game.
I personally have two suggestions and I’m eager to hear your suggestions as well.
● buff Ra priest’s movement speed a bit to help him in exploring the map (Set has baboon & Isis has cheaper & faster building obelisks).
● buff Wadjet. Improving wadjet’s damage or range a bit will help Ra palyers significantly in early game combats.


How about simply a second Priest at the start?

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It will be great :+1:t2::+1:t2:
It can definitely help exploring the map better

That would be a big bonus and I doubt they will ever give Ra a 2nd starting Priest without some kind of negative like starting with less Gold in exchange for it.


I’m agree with your opinion
But I think small buff like making Ra’s priests a bit faster will be ok for game’s balance

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I dont agree that Ra has an early game problem anymore. The new berry bonus boosted that by quite a bit and I already saw a pro player (I think it was TheRapl) stating that the impact of the berry bonus is bigger than he thought it would be.

In addition to that the huge buff to Electrum Bullets gives you a very good age 2 unit to go for now. That’s probably going to get nerfed and then we might need to talk again, but at the moment Ra is very capable of fighting efficiently in the early game.

I would agree with a buff to the Wadjet though. That unit is pretty underwhelming.


Ra has really good exploration. Just empower the obelisk for a second to get extra LOS.