Rating each civ's architectural appropriateness out of 10

Actually, this is my topic, so I can choose who to welcome and who not to. And you’re far too uptight for my tastes.

No, I really think the civ just needs a simple rename and that’s it. You’re asking too much from a game that’s not meant to be a documentary.

All this I got for just saying the truth. Amazing forum.


This topic is largely based on opinion from simple observation of pictures. Not every detail is going to be accurate, but if the basic gist is there, then I score points. It’s quite simple. You’re free to overanalyze everything on a different topic, but it’s not necessary here.

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Then your opinions are both subjective. Just take a look at your Georgia rating. Then take a look at some pictures:

Can everyone really tell which one is from Georgia, and which one from Toscana? 1.jpg is Toscana. Btw i DO think there needs to be a Byzantine style

Similar applies to slavs imo: they were sorta fine as an umbrella, but now that specific slavic nations are introduced, the slavs ingame style feels superfluous IMO. If they’re supposed to be western slavs, why the orthodox church or the bochka roofs? If they’re supposed to be eastern slavs, why the stone masonry or the castle? If they’re supposed to be Wallachians/Romanians (castle looks like Viscri fortress:)

then why don’t others houses have the gothic/romanesque influence? Dividing the slavs just brought more questions and made nobody happier (just like irl)…


I think you got too harsh. Feudal building are okay. And why unique Castle won’t count? Newer civs got more appropriate architecture with unique castles and this should count. Although I’m not sure which buildings Bengalis Castle is based on (Wiki saying it is Lalbag Fort is wrong), I will give it a solid 3/10.


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I think the Lalbagh fort is correct (southern gates), but it’s blended together with the Curzon hall because the real castle is partly in ruins today

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Even if it is said to be based on Japanese architecture, the East Asian architecture set is definitely not 10/10 for Japanese.

Thatched roofs should be for the Feudal Age buildings rather than the Castle Age buildings. The current Castle Age buildings and even some Imperail Age buildings look cheap, crude and fragile, somehow equivalent to the Feudal Age ones in other regions.

The lanterns look strange, large and with excessive color contrast, like overly bright big balloons. For Japanese buildings, a suitable lantern should be similar to the one decorated on Wonder.

The ridges are also a problem, look not exquisite. In addition, katsuogi, typically used on thatched roofs, usually won’t be used on tiled roofs except on Shinto shrines. Yet they appear on the most types of buildings but none of those are Shinto buildings, which is quite an obvious mistake.

The stone foundations, gables, and roof of Castles make sense, but the large, exposed staircases and balconies don’t fit with the design of vast majority of Japanese castles. To me, those look more like the features of Chinese gatehouses. Another obvious mistake.

The Walls are completely not Japanese architecture. They are entirely in style from the Asian continent, although in reality they are not quite accurate for stone walls on the Asian continent either.


Nha, you cant choose


Okay, I see that now. The top floor is imaginary as it is in ruins.

Better than Bengalis speaking 19th to early 20th century written form language that was never spoken. Not to mention their Castle is based on a 17th century fort.

Rating every civ’s architecture seems a bit much, but I know a reasonable amount about English medieval architecture (for a non-expert), so here’s my assessment of Britons:

Dark Age: Not very appropriate. The cloth/hide roofs in particular don’t resemble anything I’m aware of from medieval English architecture. They should probably look something like this:

(These are reconstruction Anglo-Saxon buildings from around the 7th/8th centuries.)

Feudal Age: Generally very appropriate – timber-framed buildings with thatched roofs were very common in England throughout the middle ages. My only nitpick here is that the Feudal Age is probably too early for the jettying seen on the barracks.

Castle Age: Generally, these buildings are very appropriate. The monastery includes Norman Romanesque and gothic elements, which is very common in English churches, although you wouldn’t build one from scratch like that. The sudden absence of thatch is inaccurate – but it makes sense as an artistic choice, to show some progression through the ages, and the tiled roofs are perfectly fine. The lack of a market cross is a bit weird.

Imperial Age: Things go downhill here, since the buildings that change (town centre, market, university, keep) don’t really resemble anything from medieval England. They look somewhat like Georgian-period architecture, but that’s well after the AoE2 time period.

The wonder is either based on Chichester Cathedral (weird choice) or is supposed to be a generic English cathedral. The overall layout is correct, although it looks awkward crammed into a square, and the orientation doesn’t match that of the monastery. There are several features that look pretty off, the most conspicuous being the slate roofs on the spires.

So I guess probably 7 or 8 out of 10? (Although I’m not really keen on assigning arbitrary numerical scores to things.) Since Dark Age is short, most Castle Age building graphics carry over into Imperial Age, and one hardly ever builds a wonder, it’s mostly very good.

But with the topic of this thread, you’ve set up the perfect conditions for extreme negativity! In fact, didn’t you partly do that deliberately, so you could voice your own negative opinions about Armenians and Georgians?

This is really not a reliable method here. We’re talking about buildings from 500 to 1500 years ago. Buildings that old rarely look the same now as they did then – either due to modifications, inaccurate restorations, or generally falling into ruin.

You’re free to base your opinions on whatever you like, but if someone else has some more specialist knowledge, I don’t see the problem with them sharing that. In fact, that’s what I’d hope for in a thread like this.


Could something like picrel suit Bengalis? (It’s a quick and dirty repaint I just did to make it match their castle)

Second version with more saturation:


Looks awesome. I think it can go slightly more reddish.

I’ve edited my original post for a saturated version.
Looks interesting indeed, giving off a different vibe imo

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I imagine the roof also needs changed to thatched Bengali style -


I like the dim version more. The red is rly too red.

This definitely suits better. But I’d avoid this due to gameplay concern. This is just too bright.

Could look something like this. Almost looks malaysian/ bali…


I guess. I was just sharing my thoughts on architecture based on what it’s like in real life. It was not intended to a negative dogpile against the game.

No. I created this post because I like architecture and I like history. Aside from the ones I already mentioned, I’m not advocating to change any of them. I just thought this would be a fun analytical topic. Apparently not.

I see. I wasn’t aware of that.

It is all fun and games for this guy until everyone only agrees with him. :woman_shrugging: