Realistic Expectations for the future DLCs

Yes but Im also talking about the devs that searched for a language with less than a hundred thousant people so the language argument falls apart.

A part of me agrees we have way too many civilizations, but I also want more campaigns.

I wish they would add a DLC with a lot of campaigns for existing civilizations like: Persians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Rus (Slavs), Hungarians, Turks (Dracula doesn’t count, they should have a civilization of their own).

I would like to see a Wlachs civilization so we can grab Magyars, Turks and Slavs (Rus) to have their own.

I want an Ottoman campaign.


It could be a Forgotten 2.0 because those civs really seem to be forgotten without a campaign of their own


Its not about what we want, we will just get more civs

Its inevitable at this point

I disagree but whatever

I dont see devs stopping with the DLCs until we reach the 48 civs. Theres just too much $ to be made

Poland was asked by many and it came in to the game.

Im talking in the more civs vs no more civs argument.

As long as it sells well it will keep coming

Seriously? On this forum alone there are around 3 bengalis that are quite active: @StereoQuasar163 @Mubashir158 @bigbossbro08
There are millions of speakers of each Indian language and it’s not like they are unreachable either. Even google translate has all of the major ones.
How is it hard to find voice actors?


TBH, I don’t expect any North American civilization (from the US and Canada) to be included primarily because of intolerance, racism, misdescription, susceptibilities (whatever you want to call it) that it might cause in the US with its communities of native American Indians
One of the main reasons why they changed the names of the North American factions in AoE3 and I think Microsoft wants to avoid that

I think you misunderstood something. He’s on your side and arguing against those who think it’s easier to do European civs cuz language reasons. Among any other reason they can get to stick.


Yes what @MatCauthon3 said. I was saying that it wouldbe silly to argue that adding Euro civs is easier when they searched people who speak Burgundian


For any Indian language, this is just so wrong. Maybe somewhat true for African languages.

Correct thats what I wanted to say. Indian languages are fine as there is a big player base playing.I would imagine finding languages like pastune or tibet would also be hard.

It could be the the other way around too, they were able to find a niche language in europe unlike a niche language from africa.

In my opinion Romanians civ could be civ added for free as part of the update. Making this civ part of the payload DLC would create bizarre complications, e.g. the ability to play them throughout the campaign, but not being able to play them in a skirmish or multiplayer. Adding this civ for free would make it easier to release 4 DLCs containing 2 new civs each. So the “40 civ” would be Romanians civ.

Examples of the last 4 DLCs:

  1. Danube DLC - Serbo-Croatians civ and Habsburgs civ (civ which the creators were considering adding. A more appropriate name would be Bavarians civ)
  2. Caucasus DLC - Georgians civ and Armenians civ
  3. African DLC - Zimbabwe civ and Congolese civ
  4. Asian DLC - Siamese civ and Dravidians civ

Personally, I would prefer the number of civs to be kept close to a round number, e.g. 50 or 55 as a minimum. I believe that the proposal I gave above fits the 48 civs limit as much as possible. I hope the developers will continue to develop this game to have a nicer civs number than 48 - prettier means a little bigger :wink:


Shona has 12 million speakers, they will be fine. They already searched for Hausa speakers as well

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Both new Dlc’s came with campaigns for factions without a full campaign and new civis were in close proximity to if we look at the civis without campaigns we have Chinese Koreans Japaneese Mayans Persians and Vikings. Also if we look at the areas not covered by earlier dlc’s we get south asia east asia and southern part of civis falling in both these areas would likely to I would think

Tibet and Juchen/Macnhu with a Chinese campaign.
Bengal and Dravidian civi dlc with a Persian campaign.

Then again they might just add more europe stuff for south and north europe or random here and there civis like the forgotten expansion.

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I would argue that Turks, Magyars and Slavs could be considered as well.


Very true they too should get the spotlight but this will just complicate things more.Then you get more options from Europe to go with them eg. venice serbs etc.

Turks can be put in an African or middle eastern campaign and Slavs in a Caucassian DLC

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