Recorded games not working

Anyone having problems watching recorded games which end prematurely with an error?
At first I thought it was because of an update, them being out of date, but it keeps happening.


No, all my records are working just fine

This is a bug with recent versions of the game, I think it is tracked in multiple bug reports (f.i., here: Recorded games go out of sync ) I read somewhere that recorded games go out of sync if two players attempt to build a building at the same area, but I don’t know if that was just speculation or not. However the behaviour seems to be deterministic at least, because for me games either always go out of sync at the same time, or play back correctly all the time I attempt to replay.


For me about 1 out of 5 replays have this issue.


For me it’s all of them NOT working. The error usually occurs mid game, or early imp at the latest. I do play 4v4 only, so maybe the said bug has more chances to occur.

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The recordings were working perfectly fine before red bull’s hot fix which broke the recordings on multiplayer, they should have rolled it back but they have a terrible politik of not going back plus the hot fix for the hot fix has not arrived despite the multiple complains even with a high cash event that got affected(warlords), the lack of attention makes me doubt about their promise to give monthly updates to the game the next year, we are also not getting an anniversary update, they are once again investing time porting aoe1 DE to this game for the 50 players that keep playing it.

Yeah I checked the topic from the bugs section linked here by slow10cris, and that’s from 21st oct.
Dont think there’s gonna be a fix for this anytime soon.

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