Release notes preview

  • they usually announce/tease the new civs beforehand.
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They improved the textures and the water with the expansion DLC pack so they are doing things in that regard, just donā€™t expect a whole new game engine to be added to this game because that will simply not happen.

We can most likely expect other similar graphical updates just like the ones above in future updates/DLCā€™s.





My understanding is that bonus damage ignores ranged armor. So the springald is more effective now by 5 attack. The entire base attack was already negated by the bombard armor. However, the culverin loses 5 attack due to the extra armor. This is good for civs that donā€™t have culverin and need to stop GBā€™s.

1).- HRE: New mechanics of faster Infantry:

I like the change to the Marching Drills HRE, Iā€™m looking forward to knowing what name they will give it as a bonus in the technology tree section (Itā€™s one of the things I like the most, the historical representation).

Letā€™s see if this makes it viable for ranked again, since it has always been one of my favorite civs.

2).- French: New Keep Discount (10%) as Civ Bonus Mechanic

Curiously, one of the French epithets was always ā€œKeepsā€ (ā€œCavalry, Trade, Keepsā€), but apart from the influence and having a 4th age Lanmark that is a keep, they had almost nothing else that related them to that. Now the hands will have something unique with Keeps, their epithet, thatā€™s good.

In fact it also reminds me of the Age of Empires 2 bonus from the French:

  • Their castles are 20% cheaper.

This has a historical explanation: France has been an area of castles, many feudal nobles had private fortresses as mansions, known as Cheateau, some more fortified than others, but in general there were quite a few, to the point that more than 45,000 castles were built. only in France.

Which makes me think, in the BETA development of the game, was it planned to also give the same bonus to the French, but it was ruled out at the last minute? In fact, it also reminds me of the Age of Empires 2 bonus from the French: Their castles are 20% cheaper.

  • Note: With this discount the french would build a Keep (810) and a new Town Center (350) with only 1 small ore of stone (1200), so this is going to be a new strategy of french player to take account.

3).- Mangonels nerf, but springald attacks speed keep going

Well, mangonels now are going to be destroyed by Two-hit of the springalds (Again).

But the good news is that the only nerfed thing was the HP of mangonels, Springalds still keep the attack speed bonus of the last patch, so they are going to be useful adding range units as before.

4).- Bombards +10 range armor, Great Bombard " ā€“ 50 HP":

I think the only reason to increase the Armor Range of Bombards and Large Bombards (35->40), would be to prevent certain ranged units: Handcanonners+Chemistry (42), and OftD Post-Imperial Crossbowman+Bodkin Bolts ( 46), they take them down so easily, as well as maintaining the status quo with the Springald, which received +5 damage bonus vs siege.

In the case of the Great Bombards, they received an HP nerf, letā€™s see if that affects the current development of the game or not.

Until now, since it is a preview, the only thing left to do is Speculateā€¦ or speculate about what ā€œExtraā€ things were not told in the preview.

Unfortunately, it very probably that donā€™t happen. With the success of the recent DLC, probably any update with New Civs will be a paid expansion, and every certain number of seasons.

As it is a ā€œpreviewā€ they will probably reveal ā€œsomething moreā€ when the 7th season begins and the changes are official; or maybe they will come out in another patch a few weeks after the 7th has started after seeing ā€œHow aboutā€ were the changes that were made, because they are ā€œquite a few.ā€

Of course, it is always good to have the Hype high; I personally still hope for new unique units for the HRE, although the changes they already gave it are already quite good, and perhaps we will have to wait for the 8th season to see how the balance changes they brought turn out.

Iā€™m sorry to say, but Iā€™ve done the testing:

  • EXTRA damage is added to BASE damage and then subtracted from the targetā€™s armor.

  • Itā€™s no longer like in AoE2 that extra damage was considered ā€œpure damageā€.

  • This could be verified with the damage that the Springald cause to the battering rams (Fifth Season: 30+70=100 vs 50 ranged armor: 50 damage), also with Bodkin Bolts of Guilded Crossbowmans.

At the top of this message I explained why I think it is the change: mainly to maintain the status quo, and that the bombard remains the ā€œExpensive Imperial unitā€ in contrast to the cheaper Castle siege units, which would be used to finish games faster if you get to the point of post-imperial late game.

The only reason they improve the attack of springald aggainst siege, and nerf the HP of the Mangos and Nest of Bees Again is that those last become Two-shotted aggain ((30+65 - 30)x2 - 130 = 0).

5).- Crossplay


Hahaha, well, kidding aside, letā€™s see if this encourages more players to try multiplayer more eagerly, or if the auto-villagers production of Xbox players get a conmmotion in the computer fanbase.

6).- Dominion mode: Regicide would be back but in FFA Official Mode?

Ottomans will have hard nerf. They will suck more than ever.


More than ever?
Have you checked their winratio in 1v1?
Dude, they are S+ tier and playing them is on the edge of cheating right nowā€¦
Iā€™m always trying to understand when I read such posts, where the poster gets these twisted ideas from.




They literally have ONE bad matchup in conq 1v1 ranked, which is against the English.
And even that is at 43% win.

Every other civ they either slightly beat or completely DEMOLISH with up to 67%.

You know there are civs which have MANY matchups under 40% win and even down to 28%?
Look at the french in Conq.
They got 28% against Jeanne Darc, 33,33% against OOTD, 40.7% against Otto, oh wonder against Otto?
That civ which doesnā€™t deserve a nerf?
They do have 2 matchups in which they are doing better than 50%.

I really wanna understand, where does a statement like this come from?
Please explain, Iā€™m actually curious.


Hahaha. Ahh, never change.

Crossplay, a new game mode, the usual balance updates, UI enhancements and notable fixes (fish placement, ungarrison in a specific direction, and others). Seems pretty hefty to me.


Yeah. This nerf is gonna affect a lot the Ottomans:

Iā€™d like to assume that the real reason for the Vizir Points nerf is to force players to use ā€œTopkapi Palaceā€ to get more Vizir points, since at the moment, ā€œTopkapi Palaceā€ It is still unprofitable compared to the Mehmedā€™s Armory Landmark.

But hey, letā€™s not fool ourselves: Even if they nerf the speed of obtaining Ottoman ā€œShipmentsā€ (AoE3 reference), the Topkapi Palace will still be less useful than the Armory.

Itā€™s like the Meinwerk changes of the HRE: not even with the 50% discount will it be better than Aachen Chapel, (not even Beasty recommends it).

I guess we will have to wait a few weeks or 1 month for the 7th season to come out to see how all this affects the Ottomans, or if it goes backwards.

More unique units?.- The only thing that would compensate for this, if their win rate drops, and if they donā€™t want to go back on the changes made, would be to give them more unique units in another patch in the future. (hehe) or new cards for Vizir points.

  • I do not lose hope that one day they will give Akincis, Dervishes and Kapikulu to the Ottomans, they deserve them.

Thank you for that. I will wait to see if devs implement any of that stuff on an official level. I prefer officially supported things rather than user-generated since unofficial can break at any time when patches release. (A higher chance of breaking)

At least the population increase (in 1vs1) rewards whoever destroys landmarks, but with this Meta they will only take advantage of the population increase to produce more than 150 villagers

For this it is necessary that the villagers produced in Non-landmark TC cost more

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As i feared they did the wrong nerf Ottoman military schools was barely competing with other civs eco bonuses.They needed to nerf the Istanbul Observatory and normal speed for military schools was 4x when did they make it 4,5 i dont remember.I like the great bombard nerf tho.
Janissary Company vizier point still has no use.


Do the Military schools do anything? I always here they donā€™t.

As far as QOL improvements go, this is probably the best patch yet. Between the xbox crossplay, the wall fix, the ungarrisoning fix, and the shore fish change, this patch is a real gem. I think itā€™s great that they prioritized this over major balance changes. I donā€™t feel that balance needs much improvement. They slightly nerfed Ottoman and there was a minor hit the Byz spearmen, which tbh, is sort of a broken unit.

Forum community says if the patch nerf Ottomans, It is good. :rofl: :rofl:

It was a minor nerf, they will still be able to create a ridiculous death blob just as before. They have never sucked.

Can please someone who thinks Ottoman was not strong (or even was bad) explain why they think they are like this?

I keep reading posts saying this but no one gives an explanation about.

I think the nerf to military schools and to GBs was super necessary.

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Jans sucks, GB will suck, military school and ottoman games are boring. There is no strategy. You can only rely on military schools, you cant do anything. Ottomans will suck forever.

Get well soon!
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