Relic Entertainment is probably working on Dawn of War 4: if true, Relic will not work on AOE4 anymore

There’s new leak about a new game set in into Warhammer 40k universe developed by Relic Entertainment.

It could be legit.

In this case, as i said in the past, the next AOE4 DLC could be the last by RELIC but also the last for this game due the Essence Engine: too much complicated.

Other discussions here

Yes, It could be legit

I don’t think I’m going to trust Relic to make a new DoW after 3. I think as an RTS developer, they’ll have to do A LOT to improve their image.


Who else would you give it too? There are almost no other RTS development studios with a suitable size.
DoW3 wasn’t great, but also not as bad as the internet wants you to think it is. Only extreme opinions matter on the internet, which can lead to distorted views.

For DLC: It sometimes seemed Relic and MS didn’t expect Sultans Ascent would perform so well and didn’t have plans for another DLC. But then they did. But it is plausible, as also Relic cut down its employees by about half compared to 2023, when they could work on two titles at the same time.

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A lot of folks said this after DoW II as well.

Can only Relic work on Age 4 or could other companies take over the development of the game? It would be a shame if Microsoft abandoned Age 4. While it is true that it needs to improve in some areas, it is also true that the game has gotten several things right. And at the moment it has reached one of its best versions.


DoW II wasn’t nearly as bad as III, so I don’t get your point.

Tantalus and Forgotten Empires with a Little support by Relic only for technical support relating to Essence Engine.

But World’s Edge was looking for new positions with experience into UNREAL Engine 5 for One reason.

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If Relic no longer works on AoE IV, another company that Microsoft assigns will likely take over.

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Yes, basically this. But Who? Working on a new titles Is different to work on definitive edition

That’s anyone’s guess at this point. We don’t even know what’s happening behind the scenes. For all we know, nothing will change for AoE IV.

Time will tell; let’s hope the new DLC sells well, then the future should be okay.

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These are the leaked images of Dawn of War 4

It seems a update version of COH3 engine


Is 4chan still a thing? :rofl:

Regardless on what their next RTS will be, Relic has two teams. One for CoH3 and one for AoE4. With work on CoH3 being mostly finished, they are expected to be shifted to a new project of course.


There are plenty of people who still play vDoW because they considered DoW II sufficiently bad. DoW III being received worse had nothing to do with it.

This makes any sequel tricky. I’m a huge DoW fan and I certainly wouldn’t want “vDoW with better graphics”. And yet that’s what some people want from a hypothetical DoW IV.

All of this is to say, just because DoW III did poorly, doesn’t mean they can’t do a IV.


Why should we trust the guys that made a horrible job with III to make IV. This is also the same team that made CoH III which was also bad. And before you say “but they also made AoE IV” I find AoE IV to be highly overrated, so that’s not much of a defense to me.

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Oh, that’s cool!

The Warhammer 40k series is huge!
There are so many stories, races, factions that can be explored and some revisited and expanded.

I’m honestly happy that we’ll be able to see something new, at some point in the future, about the Warhammer 40k universe in an RTS game.

I don’t know which path they’ll take… whether it’ll be closer to DoW1 or DoW2 or if it’ll be a mix of both.
Either way, I’ll be waiting for them to please most players and consequently, there will be a lot of DLCs with the intention of exploring this rich universe to the fullest.

COH3 was very bad when it was released.
Nowadays the game has improved drastically… the problem is that the damage has already been done and the first impression was not good. Now getting players who abandoned the game back will be more difficult unless there is investment to do so, It will be very difficult.

It is worth remembering that COH2 was heavily criticized at the beginning and was lucky enough to turn things around in time, but I don’t know if COH3 will have time to do that.

I believe that if a new major DLC came along bringing many of the things the community wants, this would be resolved over time… But the company wants money now, so I don’t see them investing more money in something big in COH3… it would be more worthwhile to move on to another new game that could sell more when it’s released.

Well, like it or not, the world revolves around profits, and without a quick return on money from what has already been invested, it’s difficult to put even more effort and investment into COH3, so all we can do is hope that DoW4 can succeed or that there will still be a team responsible for something new for COH3 in the future.

Now regarding trust… only time will tell.

Exactly. DoW III was an step down on the franchise
Im sure this is not the case after all!

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They promised us a large DLC this year. I guess other studios will be working on Essence Engine!


dow 2 was an downgrade from 1 and it goes on from dissapointed to actual garbage game

CoH 3 is a fine game. A lot of the problems were technical (stability, sound quality on release, etc). A lot of the features the community wanted are now in the game.

If you’re just here to say “all of their games were meh or overrated”, you’re free to that opinion. I disagree with it of course, but it’s not like either of us get to decide who works on what :slight_smile:

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