Remove Japan from Game

Japan needs to be removed from game until they can be reworked into something fair


I suggest you write a list of things you don’t like about Japan or this topic will be a waste.


Every game Japan, Ottoman, Malta repeat

Okay, forget it, this topic will be a waste (I don’t know why I have such high expectations sometimes…)


Just curious what elo you have. I think I only rarely see Japan at around 1400-1500 elo in 1v1.

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remove one civ for being “lame” and we have a domino effect and nothing would be safe and in the end we would be left with france on saguenay without any cards since 2021…
no wait stop plat the kids dont want to experience that based of a meta :melting_face:


He is 1100 and only plays brit. Check his post history


I could see Japan as hard to deal with if you like making musk and arnt big on taking out shrines. Japan can punish a passive opponent.

Saying that, considered nothing with the 1v1 data suggests an op Japan. Maybe a different approach is needed

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He also calls out anyone that beats him for being a hacker with no evidence like when someone did the azap rush vs him and he made a post on here.

Japan is a mid tier civ, no longer as it was back in the day. Sure it has annoying mechanics but so do many civs.


Civs he has called OP: Inca, China, Japan, Germans, Ottomans, India etc…

Opponent according to him: all hacks, see the whole map, know where his army are exactly.

Weakest civ according to him desperately need buff : British

The only civ he ever played: British.


hahahhahahhahah XD HAHAHAHHAHA


If everyone successfully had a civ removed due to having a bad day, we’d be in Civ deficit.


Je crois qu’il avait aussi dit Aztèque était OP :rofl:

The issue is that they have too much cheese

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I almost agree with him though. between the daimyos, flaming arrows that kill you falcs and sams that walk to back of your base and destroy your factories, I think he has a point. although I do play Japan a lot I just don’t use there nonsense

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It is okay to criticize certain aspects of the game, as long as clear reasons are provided for it, otherwise no one can take the issue seriously.

Lately I’ve seen some comments criticizing Japanese civilization, so maybe they have a point, but the problems need to be explained in detail, and give possible solutions, for example “Change the Great Buddha’s ability to do something else instead of revealing the map” “nerf the Samurai’s hand mortar”, “nerf the Flaming Arrow attack against artillery”, etc. but that “Remove Japan from Game” thing is not a solution.

If you want the players to take you into account, you have to treat the matter with the due rigor and clarity it deserves.


90% of the issues with Japan can be summed up as:

  1. Daimyo/Shogun are oppressively powerful and don’t take up the extra military population slots, as Japan is balanced to have less villagers than other civs.
  2. Japan can passively produce resources at a faster rate than other civs, making them safer.
  3. Japanese military units tend to be overly powerful and underexpensive.

Historically in this game, those have been the major issues with Japan. Pretty much every issue would be solved if #1 was fixed by rebalancing Japan to require a full 99 population of economy without touching anything to do with the Daimyo or Shogun.

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only once gainmaxed to max. An age 2 ashi costs 20% more than a euro musket while simultaneously being 20% worse vs cav

You’re forgetting swedes and usa and mexico, they seem be be favourites to blame.