Remove seige

Please remove all seige but rams and towers. Or nerf the others to the ground. There so annoying in this game. If peple want seige go play world of tanks.


Only 36% believe that no changes need to be made

Wam’s opinion

Wam clip - No siege


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Siege should have never been a viable anti personnel weapon. The ability of magonels to wipe out armies is absurd and just not very fun. Its like playing a Napoleonic era game but without all the cool cannons.


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Seige needs to go no place in this game at all to op not fun. Devs get rid seige

Hell no.

This game would be boring ## #### if it only featured human units. I’d quit in a heartbeat if they tried to remove siege units to entertain infantry blob enjoyers only. The new update is amazing for actually letting players maneuver and enjoy Siege units more, instead of making it all buggy and laggy to use.

Step in the right direction. Next they need to redesign Culverin and Springald to participate in combat rather than to function as a mechanical parasite to a counter system that needs not be.

What AoE4 ultimately needs is variety. The game boils down to counter units too often. AoE2 had the advantage of having many quirky unit types participate, such as converting Monks, Scorpion, Petards, and many Unique Units that were Unique and functional. AoE4 is just straight up 3 unit types from Dark Age to Imperial and that sucks. The game should “evolve” as time move on, aging up should unlock more gameplay features, not just “upgrade” units.


Seige needs heavy nerf population increase. Its annoying and no skill at all .i am tired its peoole like u who ruin the game and mass seige if u quit or anyone who cares there will always be people to play this game

Rams and towers are all u need. And maybe trebs.

I don’t mass Siege. But, using Siege is fucking epic. Get out of here with that caveman only gameplay. This is literally a medieval wargame. Siege existed. What do you think you’re playing exactly?

From your reply, it sounds like you’re just mad at balance. Let me guess, your playstyle heavily leans on some god forsaken infantry blob and you’re SURPRISED that Siege deals with that kind of bullshit?

Really? How about you play better? Or even better, request for reasonable changes instead of demanding a massive part of the game to be deleted to benefit your playstyle?

I’m tired of players like yourself who pretend to care for “balance” when it obviously is about something else. Additionally, the game is so much more than that too and we should aim to enrich the experience it, not to tarnish it.

Please do not remove siege, thanks.

I don’t even use siege much! I’m a big horses-and-archers kind of guy, with a nice meatshield in front (my Total War history shining through a tad).

But please don’t remove it outright (in the upcoming rework), especially based on such reasoning as “annoying and no skill at all”.


People say “medeeeval warfare is the most fun” but many of their perceptions of medieval warfare is based on the image of modern warfare with a medieval skin…

Catapults being field guns is one of such cases.

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I want more siege warfare type things… let me plant traps to snare armies, or poison map food to harm villagers/reduce gathering. Let me pay off the markets to make their trade reduce without needing to raid the trade line.

More than anything… please don’t reduce gameplay.

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Yeah, I’m quite excited about this siege rework and have high hopes for it. I’m so glad it’s getting a 2nd go-around like naval and the season 5 update to the terrain. I’m not even hung up on siege crews, I would just love to see it improved across the board in how it feels and plays. Nest of Bees is widely praised, and rightfully so.

Removing siege from any AoE would cease to be an AoE in my eyes. Siege is a fundamental part of this franchise.

I know you don’t play AoE3 but trust me when I say how fun and satisfying artillery is in that game.



True, it seems that Springalds and Culverinas are going to be given some extra functionality.

As it hasn’t been revealed what, we can only speculate. I would like to see it keep its bonus against mangonels, as it pretty much represents something like “Kill operators from a distance”, which is practically the role of the springald: kill important targets from a distance.

As for what I would like:

Siege, bonus vs Elephants

  • Historically, elephants were easy targets for projectiles, but with their tough skin and armor, it wasn’t so easy to put into practice. During Roman times, the use of anti-personnel siege weapons like Ballistas against elephants was a good way to do it, but also incendiary proyectiles work.

Springalds, Anti-archer bonus

  • Ballistae were actually carried into sieges in order to kill archers on walls, and were even placed on top of siege towers or ramparts. On the other hand, they were also placed on top of elevations and walls to take out targets at long range with great precision. In the Middle Ages, its successor the Springald served the same purpose.

Springalds, Anti-siege bonus, or rather "vs siege weapon operators"

  • Due to their greater precision than other anti-wall or building weapons (catapults, trebuchet), small Ballistae, or Roman scorpions, were used to kill important targets if they were on a higher ground elevation. It is speculated that the Springald fulfilled a similar role. When the transition from torsion to gunpowder was made, armies with higher range and more accurate cannons often outclassed lower range cannons, and were even capable of killing the siege crew if they aimed better, leaving the enemy army without a siege. This was most noticeable in the wars between Scotland and England, where at the Battle of Flodden in 1513 the English artillery managed to annihilate the Scottish siege crew from a distance.

Springalds, Anti-ship

  • The Romans mounted scorpions (mini-ballistae), and catapults on their ships to attack other ships from a distance. It is speculated that crossbows or springalds were still used in naval combat in the Middle Ages, only now the ships were better and even taller. Well, the game has Springald ships, so until now there is no problem. Boarding ships would also be great, in Attila there are some and they work, especially the ram ships, and in the Middle Ages there were boarding ships, but well, that would be for another topic.

Siege, Ultraweak aggainst melee units and high population cost**

  • Usually, if enemies came close to your cannons or siege weapons, the siege crew would run away, so they wouldn’t be caught off guard. In Total War games, including Medieval 2 and Attila, siege weapons, as a balance to their great power and ability to breach gates, are extremely slow, and take up 1 whole slot: In Attila, 4 mangonels are equivalent to 60 cavalry or 120 infantry. This makes sense, as siege weapons were usually carried not by 3, but by dozens of men and their horses to get to a specific location. This could be considered for AoE IV, as AoE3 also applies a similar criteria.
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You’ve said the same thing in everything you write, don’t you get tired? And if you really don’t care what I say you don’t have to answer me.

Is that an insult? If you don’t like the game don’t play it, don’t force others to play like you. And if not, use mods to remove siege, there are plenty of mods. Try playing multiplayer in lobbies with those mods to see if there are others who also play without siege. Most people seem to like playing with siege.

Okay, that was an insult, now I’m going to take it personally.

And like I said, there are MODs for that. I don’t think they’ll remove the siege. In fact, I’m going to bet they never will. You don’t have to be offensive, this isn’t Twitter. Grow up.

I keep posting till the devs nerf or remove seige do there job they get paid to do.its a cheap tactic and no skill

You can have whatever opinion you want about the siege, but don’t get personal.

Or the need to make springads one shot seige automatic attack seige only and no units to stop this amry of seige users.limt seige to 2 per person only there is ways around it they need to do.