Reporting players for wasting time/griefing

Also ally walling another ally’s production buildings.

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Is Ranked not Standard Victory? It should be if it isn’t. Relic/Wonder victory was made for situations such as the topic creator’s.

I agree 100% with this, while it’s unrelated i think this is one of twitches biggest problem where their ban enforcement is very random, having a clear guideline is good for players/users but usually big companies don’t like it since they like having wiggle room when it comes to this sort of thing.

I also agree with this but pro players will throw a fit if this was even suggested

Afaik Ranked = conquest.

I kindof agree, but

  1. In teamgames I feel like wonders are too easy to protect

  2. Relic victory would force players to play differently, some of the time, which might not be a good thing. It can punish mistakes in early Castle rather harshly.

  3. Even in single player games, on campy maps like Islands, the game might devolve into a wonder race, and I’m not sure that’s desirable.

I could be up for trying out standard victory conditions in the ranked que for one cycle, and seeing how it plays out.

i just had two teammates say they were gonna report me yesterday because i didn’t build a wall around my base. And one of the enemy’s went through and attacked one of the guys b/c he was easy to beat. Both of them didn’t have any military.

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I like your team mates. ROFL

it was almost 40 minutes into the game too. crazy.

As it hasn’t been mentioned on this thread, note that you can research spies to show all enemy units, and this is cheap when there are few enemy units left.

You can always troll them back. A streamer last night had an opponent who played on with two villagers and a scout, so the streamer built a wonder in the middle of the map and made an army of monks to convert the scout. The opponent ended up resigning before the monks converted the two villagers.


So you want to ban this guy, that is, force him to buy the game a 2nd time, because he made you lose 4 min of time after probably a 1 hour game ? Also do you think it is reasonable to ask DE team to spend time reading complaints and watching recorded games in order to punish the 1% times where something like this happens, when they took 1 month to fix the Malay aging bug ?

Most of the time when people do this they rage in chat, and it takes a lot longer than 5 minutes to clean up. Just last night I had a game where I won early with a TC drop and my opponent said I “deserved” to “spend 20 minutes looking” for his villagers. One glance at my report description, the chat log, and the timeline would be enough to confirm. No need to even watch the replay.

Some moderation decisions might require looking at the replay, but moderation can be strategic and target frequently reported players first.

So you want to ban this guy, that is, force him to buy the game a 2nd time, because he made you lose 4 min of time after probably a 1 hour game ?

I think you do have a point here that in some cases a ban is too harsh. But it should really not be that hard to give players warnings or “strikes” or even a temporary suspension from just multiplayer. Lots of other games do it.

I mean, this behavior is douche-like I agree, but is so rare, it literally happened to me only 1-2 times since I started playing. There’s no realistic chance that your suggestion happens. This will require moderators to review the replay and support to appeal the bans. Just look at how often there are obvious cheaters that place 1st on the leaderboards with 100% winrate and they stay there for a few weeks.

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The win condition is resignation or defeat. If they want to play until defeat, they’re allowed too. Might as well start banning people for laming or for trushing next. You don’t want to play them, resign. They’re allowed to play however they like.


I suppose the game could consider a 10x difference in population a ‘defeat’ condition when all players are human. If player A has 10 villagers/military and player B has 100, then player A is defeated.

Ahhh, yes. Kids, this is how the Karambits to the corner OP strat was eventually created.


If you’re out of a game and your allies want to play on without you and try, go get a drink, a snack, maybe order some food. Nothing’s stopping you from resigning at any moment and doing something else while you are waiting for the game to finish.

If I honestly thought I had a chance to win the game in my position, maybe I had knocked trade out and had an extra gold pile or two, I would be furious if I got reported for playing it out and losing. Comebacks are incredibly rare and extremely difficult, but it isn’t impossible and players make mistakes. The instances where I believe the game can still be won after losing a player are going to be exceedingly rare and I would not want my dead allies making that determination for me, or further down the line, a GM making that determination over a report.

Banning people dragging out the game for whatever reason is the start of a slippery slope.

The win condition is resignation or defeat. If they want to play until defeat, they’re allowed too. Might as well start banning people for laming or for trushing next. You don’t want to play them, resign. They’re allowed to play however they like.

It’s not “playing” if the other person literally says in the chat they are going to go AFK and are only doing it to waste your time. I agree, nobody should be banned for trying to play when they are behind. That’s not what this complaint is about and the slippery slope fallacy is called a fallacy for a reason.

You might as well say that mangonelling your allies’ villagers is “playing” a “strategy” too.

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Population control bro, clear up some pop space for that military :slight_smile:

I mean, just about a few hours ago, I played the Quick Play empire wars challenge and my opponent did not resign even when his final forward castle attempt failed. (his base was destroyed)

He started sending his villagers to the far right of the map deep inside his base that was walled but no defense / military building.

I had to research Spies and find them to end the game, he did not call the GG

people should be happy to just play the game. there are much worse thing you can do to ruin game and i’d rather not share them.

-I feel like this is all avoided very easily by just researching spies. You’re already imp; it would have taken you about 1 second to research spies and less than 5 minutes to finish him off.

-And yes the mod to show tower range is somewhat a grey area…the same as players hiding villagers is a grey area.

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