I would like an explanation from the moderators, I obtained 1602 points in the 1x1 rating with a lot of effort and sweat, and for some reason without me playing much less losing any game my rating decreased to 1597, that is, 5 points were simply discounted out of nowhere in the 1x1 random map, I would like some explanation for this, because I love the game and I am disappointed.
A simple google search has found that an elo decay happens at 1500+. Besides, you only have 69 games and you are 1.6k, is that a smurf or? Couldn’t have been that much “effor and sweat”
animal how can you talk shit like that I’ve been playing since 1999 and I use the same nickname you fucker, I conquered it with a lot of sweat but you must be a fucking noob