Request for a trigger to be added in the scenario editor

I’ve been playing around in the editor’s triggers and with XS script although im new to that, to add a new command to my toxotes to transform them into spearman.
Like we have arcus with the command “toheroarcus”. But in the files i see this is specifically based on the arcus unit. So i cannot change this command to focus on another unit.

Could you add a new function or trigger of “protounit add new unit command” with the function “transform to protounit”. Giving it the option of “protounit (base unit)” to our choice. And “target unit” also to our choice.

I’ve tried it a little bit with my bad XS script skills to load a script into the editor. But it’s a bit too compilcated for me.
Would it be possible to add it sometime with a patch? That would be lovely and add a lot of diversity to the scenario editor. Thank you so much in advance if this were possible.