[Request] Rename 'Gastraphetoros' back to its correct form

The name of the ‘Chronicles’ archery range unit Gastraphetoros:x: doesn’t exist in any language. The correct form exists for centuries in written records of Greek language and its translations, and all over the internet, as either:

a) Gastraphetes:white_check_mark: Gastraphetai / Gastraphetae
b)* Gastraphet:white_check_mark: Gastraphets

*declensions that come from Greek language are removed; common British practice.

Gastraphetoros:x: starts to show results in search engines only around after ‘AoM:Retold’ launch date, when for the first time it appeared, mistakenly renamed from the original Gastraphetes:white_check_mark: of vanilla ‘AoM’.

Clarification: Gastraphetes:white_check_mark: is the name of unit’s weapon, which literally means Belly-releaser. We don’t have a word to describe the user of that ancient weapon, since literary sources never gave us such a word.


I hope this will affect Gastraphetes as well.

I hope they will correct translation mistakes as well, especially in TMR and V&V…

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