The Thirisadai: An ahistorical Age of Empires II unit based on a fraudulent Wikipedia Article
Somebody used faked and misattributed sources to create fictional Chola ship classes, among those the Thirisadai which has apparently no historical basis.
In light of the fraud and misinformation I have highlighted, I would recommend that the offending Wikipedia article excise sections 3 and 4 as there is no good evidence for their assertions. I am less sure of how to undo the fourteen years of misinformation but perhaps excising the original source of the lies might be a good start.
If it is not too much work (i.e. re-recording voice lines), I would also recommend that the developers of the Dynasties of India rename the Thirisadai to the Marakkalam or Kalam. The latter name has been attested to by multiple inscriptions in both India and Southeast Asia and it is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest class of oceangoing ship that the Tamil people possessed and possibly what transported the armies of the Chola dynasty to their overseas conquests in Southeast Asia, the Maldives and Ceylon.