Return of Rome Discussion

Hope this is only a distraction for Aoe2 players for the biggest patch ever seen on the game, while RoR is coming, so both playerbases will have their own worries when the expansion releases.

I no longer play Aoe2 after the last civs and how some balance changed my experience for the worse. It’s even harder to be a modder when everything changes, updates and breaks.

Play Age of Empires Online in Steam then…

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You mean Project Celeste as AOE online has been deactivated for years and can’t be bought on steam.

Because they don’t have knight?

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Yes, exactly…i mean, AoEO with the Celeste patch…

No, don’t do it… You can get into troubles…


Pretty sure you are not. So better not risk it.
They deleted every leaked picture so far.

Isn’t the beta tested in Vietname called
“AOE1 DE” ?

You signed a NDA. You can get in REAL trouble if you disclose details

It’s the internet … you just need the right key word, search for images with “return of rome”, “viet nam” and it’s all there.


Hearing it was playtested in vietnam already is a great indicatar, for people hoping to get a port instead of a dlc with inspired civs

It’s kinda like the Unreal Engine - AoE 2’s version of the Genie engine is the improved version of the one from AoE 1.

This is where I’ve been from the start. AoE1 was great back in the day, and it was a stepping stone to AoE2, but it’s a bit strange to wait for “AoE1” again in 2023 before having something to be excited about for AoE2 (although it’s possible the “Balance Update” will have something before then). Best of luck to the devs of course, and I hope they knock it out of the park. But I expect the eventual rollout to be Chaotic Neutral, much as the Xbox port was.

A couple weeks ago I was made aware of something mildly interesting about the AoE2 side of the DLC, but unfortunately it seems to fall within the fairly broad category of “leaks,” so once again there’s nothing to say until the devs show their hand. Although strangely the addition of new achievements that otherwise don’t provide any information except that “it’s being worked on” seems to be a pretty high-octane hype-fuel for some people. If nothing else, they should release a little teaser that at least gets caught up with everything that’s already been leaked, so that people can at least openly discuss the verboten things they’ve already seen.



I want to know what the civs unique bonuses will be.

does Project Celeste have campaigns or single player content?

Check Age of Empires Online wikia for some info

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Can you please stop asking for leaks or implying that you have?

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Yes, each civ has a campaign, with MMO-type mission lines like WoW…

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Herodotus publicly told, before everyone else, that Macedonians were Greek, and as far as we know, he didn’t end up in any ditch.

Check your facts next time:

They should have done that.

AoE1DE time period is so long, and there is so much info available regarding the ancient Greek history, that there should be at least 2 different campaign lines, 1 for the Bronze age, and at least 1 for the Iron age, using both civs.

From the Mycenaean civilization to the Roman conquest of Greece, Asia, and Egypt.