Return of Rome Discussion

People on the steam boards are saying this DLC got delayed. Is that true?

Wouldn’t surprise me.

How can we even know when there is not a single official info?


Yes, maybe they will do it in the next dlcs of AoE 1…you have a temporary time gap between the year 1000 and the year 734 BC and then between the year 401 and 290 BC (except for the Greek mission of Alexander the Great) that you can fill quietly …

now that AoE1 is on AoE2, they could add unique units to AoE1 civilizations. For instance, the Mesopotamians had the Kungas, the first known human-made hybrid animal, which were used in combat as War Chariots.

As mentioned in the article below, they were “bioengineered war machines”, and can’t be created again anymore, since the last hemippe perished more than a century ago.

[Scientists Identify Earliest Known Human-Made Hybrid Found in 4500-Year-Old Tomb (](Scientists Identify Earliest Known Human-Made Hybrid Found in 4500-Year-Old Tomb

Yes, maybe eventually they will put unique units for the civs of AoE 1, although at first they will come as they come from the game of origin and in the successive dlcs they will be adding the respective unique units that we already know from AoE 2…

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I already made a thread about Unique Units ideas for all civilisations in the AoE1 forums.

According to the poll I made most people want Unique Units for AoE1. [poll] What AoE2DE features would you like to see in Return of Rome?

The only thing the majority of people don’t want is AoE2 like drop off buildings and Castles.
A few polls are very decisive like gates or land trade, while others are more contested like starting Scout or Herdable Animals.

But not sure how many AoE2 fans just voted in favour of AoE2 things. I made the poll in the AoE1 forums though.


I just want to play as the Egyptians as soon as I can

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Is it because 16 range priest?

Assuming that the ancient and medieval game modes are going to stay separate, there’s a suggestion:

Why not make a fork of AoE2DE, then insert AoEDE’s dataset, graphics, sounds, interface, and then replace AoEDE with that fork? Instead of making AoE1 themed DLC for AoE2DE?

Not to say, that releasing a DLC instead will likely open an unexpected can of worms (for example, how ridiculous will future expansions look - a dlc of a dlc?; and more).

Concerning finances, you can be pretty sure, that fixed AoEDE will drive up its sales. Yes, what I’m saying is, that an update can be just as profitable as a DLC.

Here are two extreme statements that don’t necessarily reflect reality, but can be utilized to look into the opinions of the small and desperate AoE1 community about the upcoming Return of Rome:

A) Making a fork indicates, that the devs are truly interested in AoE1, and want to bring it closer to the greatness of a perfection which is AoE2.
2’s game engine reused for 1, a noble intent and goal which can’t possibly do harm to either AoE2 or 1 communities

B) Making a DLC indicates, that the devs continue to dehumanize and punish AoE1 by turning the father of the series into ‘just another AoE2 dlc’.
1 gets gobbled up by its younger brother, becomes another dlc of 2’s


It’s easier to bring new people to AoE2 than to bring them to AoE1. I fully agree that the fork you mentioned would have been better, but AoE2 is way more popular than AoE1.

I think that in the future, AoE1 DE will have the same relation with Return of Rome than AoE2HD has wih AoE2 DE.

Maybe to give AoE2 players a better intensive to buy AoE1 as a DLC for AoE2 when they see it as a big icon in the AoE2 main menu all the time?

Maybe they have some bigger plans. Like using AoE1 civs (Romans for example) in AoE2 campaigns and AoE2 civs (Celts, Goths, Huns) in AoE1 campaigns.

Not sure if AoE1DE owners get a discount on that DLC or even get it for free.
Also is it going to be a standalone DLC?
If both is the case you’d basically get what you want.

The reason to not replace is that some people actively don’t want some of the new features like formations or gates that we’ll likely get.


Yes, right…I mean, everything can be…AoE 1 will come in handy to add many of the civs of AoE 2 (Celts, Goths, Huns, Teutons, Vikings, Aztecs (such as Olmecs), Incas (such as Chavin) and Hindustanis (such as Mauryas)…

People should top asking for discount or free acquisition, this game is not a japanese RPG or any expensive stuff so ever to need a discount. It’s pretty cheap and even the expensive IP don’t give any ease to its fans.

Also the devs deserve the income for all the good content they provide us. And if we keep supporting them they will keep on giving us DLCs.

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[quote=“PersiasRerising, post:520, topic:224213, full:true”]
Also the devs deserve the income for all the good content they provide us. And if we keep supporting them they will keep on giving us ############## [/quote]

Yes, dlcs are super cheap and worth buying at full price… I bought even the skins for the AOE 3 explorers of how good they are…

If it is a direct port of AoEDE assets then the people who bought it either on steam or ms store should receive a major discount if they want to buy what is essentially the same game. Not free, just a fair price for the additional features you would get.


Yes, that’s fine with me… there are people who if they pre-ordered AoE 4 they received Dawn of the Dukes completely free for AoE 2 …


Cheap is relative.
If you live in a developed country and have a job AoE1/2/3DE are super cheap.
But not everyone does. The game is for 12+ years old and very popular in a lot of different places of the world, party because it runs well on older hardware.

But it’s not like you can expect the developers to work for free either. Just saying that for some people it wouldn’t be nice to pay the full price for RoR after they already paid for AoE1DE.

But it’s hard to talk about how fair it is when we don’t know the price. If it’ll cost as much as a usual AoE2DE DLC it’s half the price of AoE1DE already.
The more important question is if it will be a standalone DLC. Do you have to buy AoE2DE to play it?


I hope for standalone DLC for Return of Rome DLC!

This is only option for development of AoE 1 content in future.