Return of Rome Discussion

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So no crossplay

Last Khans was supposed to be the last expansion, yet here we are. I would rather have more civs and campaigns than Yamato vs Japanese, though


A crossplay mode would be a lot easier to add (if it’s not supposed to be fully balanced) then new civilisations so I don’t think it’s about having to choose between either.

A crossplay mode could be useful for campaigns though.

do you have the link to reddit?

They linked to the post that linked to the Reddit link that had a screenshot of a Twitter post.
But the Screenshot got deleted by mods.
So no idea what that means.

Crossplay has 0 sense


Full Techtree mode has 0 sense
Enabling cheats has 0 sense
Revealing the whole map has 0 sense

yet all those features exist.
So why not give us a barely balanced mode if we want it. We can make our own balance using handicap, team sized and AI difficulty.


This may be the most anticipated expansion ive seen, Maybe its the inclusion of Rome as a civilization on aoe2 and the aoe1 on the aoe2 engine

*Justinian: am I a joke to you?

*queue again circular discussion about bizantines for 50 posts


hahahaha I understand the Byzantine argument, but they were not Romans as the culture of antiquity anymore, too many variations including their religion, but they were cool as well! Different but cool too!

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What Justinian did is amazing by the way! Lawyer here so I know his importance to us!


Maybe we will have some good suprise at the end…
Hope so.

Crossplay would be so chaotic from a balance and logic perspective.

Starting the game with one civ in stone age and another in dark age because why not.

Then different villager stats and collection rates making one of them overpowered

Then have to balance all the unit/building costs and stats …

Considering how hard it is to balance aoe2 in it’s refined state can’t imagine what that would be like

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Give us one, just one single reason why it should be balanced. No one is asking crossplay in ranked games

If I recall correctly, this is even true for AoE2:DE (beta versions of the Central Asian castle and Cumans’ wonder). And it’s even weirder that it happens nowadays because Steam screenshots don’t have a deadline to go to the printer like boxes do.

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I bet they did an entire independent tech tree. How it works Genie Engine, it would be a ton of work to code everything into it, very hard to code AI, etc.

Its not complicated to balance and have aoe1 civ, just change values, stats things, size of things and you can keep all aoe1 age and techs. Just recruite good people who already made some mods in aoe1 in aoe2, they have the solution …
Its not more complicate than create a new civilization or create new campaign…
Its possible if they want. And it depend if they want or not… with all these months it was possible to do this work if they really want have something intersting.
Cup the game in 2 community for the same game… terrible things I think.

Well if we have a little chance to have this and if they read this it could be great, also, we just play aoe1 de once again… Half good. Could be better for sure.


Balancing a game is probably the hardest part


someone had to say it. You deserve either a medal or a statue. :smiley: It’s not like Antiquity civilisations would be totally obliterated against a medieval army in real life, and it’s not like even playing at different ages, the stats can’t be balanced as well.

It’s not like a hunter-harvester from the stone age coulnd’t beat a Dark Age militia, it’s a game after all but as I said many times, in real life the technology didn’t evolve enough during the middle ages to be revolutionary so a medieval army could beat a well commanded Antiquity civ.

If we get purist, AoE1 ages existed at least, we can say that Feudal Age, Caslte Age and Imperial Age are inventions to indicate advancement. Oh and castles existed during Feudal Age, in fact they were essential during the late feudalism era.

yes, and?

You don’t like it? Then don’t play it.

Many people have requested that mode again and again.
Many people don’t care if it’s perfectly balanced. Yes it would have to be changed in some ways since some AoE1 units have crazy stats compared to AoE2 units (A Legion could probably beat a Paladin but cost 35 Food, 15 Gold and 0.5 population) but AoE1 doesn’t have that many unit in the first place.

Just weaken AoE1 civs so much that they would need 10-20% handicap to fight AoE2 civs.
That would be logical and feel right while giving people a new tool to balance their custom matches.
Many people play in uneven matches on purpose to equal out skill difference, player numbers of AI difficulty.

And then there are people that just want to make custom scenarios where they want to utilise those additional civilisations.

I think no one want’s to add 16 new civilisations with completely different tech trees to ranked matches, that would be crazy.

It should still be somewhat balanced.
The raw AoE1 stats are very different, even ignoring that armour types were used in a very different way.

AoE1 armour upgrades are 3 times 2/0 (Infantry gets up to 3 pierce armour from shield upgrades) compared to the 1/1, 1/1 and 1/2 AoE2 has and Iron Age units have around 2x the HP compared to similar Imperial Age ones.

A Legion has:

  • Cost: 35F 15G
  • Population: 0.5
  • HP: 140
  • Attack: 13+7
  • Melee armour: 2+6
  • Pierce armour: 0+3

That is more attack and amour then a fully upgrades Paladin.

Is it possible to have civilisations that have an entirely different tech tree with even different villagers, houses, TC, etc. with different IDs next to ones with the default ones?
Wouldn’t replacing those IDs in the AI code not just be a simple search and replace task?
The code to replace the TC and villagers on map creation would also not be that hard I assume.

Perfect balance is hard, of course.
But ok balance is not that hard.
Since no one want’s crossover to be a ranked mode it’s not that important for it to be perfectly balanced.


I imagine that RoR has completely separate game files (dataset, ai, techtree, ui and unit graphics etc.) and the confirmation that there is no crossplay is a strong indicator that the devs implemented it this way. Crossplay between both game modes would certainly require lots of engine changes, and I don’t see the devs ever implementing that. Remember, this is a legacy engine and every change can break something you’d never expect to break, just look at the bugs each patch introduces.