Return of Rome Discussion

99% chance there’s Western Rome added as a civ in AoE2 DE


thats actually one concern I have is for AOE1 DE players, imho they should get the game free or heavily discounted. but if they did that would also mean maybe no AOE2 civs as it’s just too cost involved.

just have to wait and see what happens on 16th of may and not get another 10000 bugs that came with this last patch

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Great! Looking forward to it! Thanks!!

It is not known, but it is highly probable…

Judging by the dates, 1 month till May 16th I’d guess tomorrow or Wednesday they’re gonna announce it

The REDACTED and the recent updates to infantry and even the legionary model pretty much confirms the WRE will be added into aoe2 return of rome…It’s in the name as well.

Kind of hilarious that I upset so many people with a throwaway comment based on vague memories of 20 years ago…

My understanding is that the main difficulty is how unpredictable it is, since the list of bannable violations is open to interpretation, and there’s no way for a developer to know in advance whether a game will be considered suitable.

To be honest, if I were a Chinese video game censor, I’d probably be outraged with AoE2 already. How come Spanish, Portuguese, Turks, Koreans and Bohemians all get gunpowder before Chinese?!


The name is also a nice play on the “Rome has fallen” tagline from the Age of Kings box:


Edited cause I can’t read.
It’s also a reference to rise of rome. Which could mean that the campaign might be some alt history where the WRE manages to save itself from annihilation and then maybe engages in some sort of reunification war with the Eastern half.

If they really add the land trading unit in age of empires 2: Return of Rome, they could either add a technology or allow the land trading unit to trade both in the market and on the docks.

The Huns are coming intensifies…

Yeah,i know for the leaks,but great…

Curious,since in AoK the earliest campaign is those of Barbarrosa (1152-1190)…

Na,it’s a reference in that we return to AoE 1 times…

And also the return of rome into aoe2 as an incentive to get the expansion. The REDACTED and the recent update makes it very clear.

Weird that they couldn’t get up-to-date screenshots for the box – those have beta graphics for Knights, palm trees (which later became the jungle tree graphics), Middle Eastern dock and garrison flags. I guess the box design had to be finalised before the game was finished.

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Mongols could be added as an antiquity civilisation too. 2000 years ago women were the power structure of the mongols.

[Politically savvy princesses wove together a vast ancient empire | Science | AAAS](Science | AAAS

News from Science on Twitter: “New research combines genetics and archaeology to reveal an unusual power structure: Xiongnu princesses helped build the vast, multiethnic alliances central to their centuries-long success.” / Twitter

Sure, this is all good…

Of course, they are images from the AoE 2 beta…

Maybe the Xiognu will put in…

They are teasing us again!

But they still don’t use the opportunity to show us anything from the DLC, just an original AoE1 screenshot.

Stuff like that still happens today. So many games have Beta screenshots on their Steam page despite being released for years.


With the last patch and updated, we can suppose they balance all aoe2 things and values to be playable with aoe1 civs together.
They speak about some contents or suprise before return of rome too. Any idea ?

They said that there is no crossplay planned.

They also said it will be available for preorder before the end of the month, then we will likely know more.


is there a direct quote from this?

One dev said that once in one Reddit post that someone post way earlier in the thread.

But maybe that’s something they will add later when many people request it.

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