Return of Rome Discussion

Unless the aoe units are resized they dont fit with aoe2 units.aoe2 units are taller.

I checked SteamDB and even if Microsoft are pandering to the Vietnamese playerbase they dont have Vietnamese voiceovers for the 3 new campaigns.

Don’t most of the Vietnamese AoE 1 players play the game in English anyway? Most streams and videos I see from them feature the game in English

I think they also mostly play multi. I don’t think the devs eve tried to get them interested in the campaigns, otherwise they would probably have released a Trung sisters one.

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The Hatti, Phoenicians and Carthaginians could have a similar set, extended to the Hebrews when they are eventually added. Nubians added and use Egyptian set while Assyrians, Sumerians etc use the Mesopotamian set with Persians. I really think we need unique wonders for all the AOE1DE civs.



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It has already been done by brilliant artists and modders for the original AoE;
Here are the ideas:,6580,0,all


There’s tons more stuff on the other pages too. Like a nomadic set, an Iberian set etc.

These are amazing! Hope the devs are watching…


I am happy and sad at the same time to see this.

Happy to see that “it would be” amazing if it were like that…

Sad to see the current game and not be able to have these improvements.

I hope the developers really BETTER the “Return of Rome” into some other DLC.

It’s also a reference to the mod Rome Returns…

They can still introduce dlcs in the future for AoE 1 inside AoE 2, instead of continuing to squeeze AoE 2 only…

How exactly will that work? Do we need the base RoR DLC installed to be able to buy new content?

Probably…since many of the new civs fought with the original civs, especially Rome…I don’t think Lac Viet will be the last civ to receive AoE 1 mode…

Anybody with modding knowledge?

Unique wonders and Unique Units could be introduced with mods, replacing the graphics only with MP compatibility.

When I say Unique Units I mean swapping the roman legion (cause they have a bonus) and changing the graphic only to Roman Legion, cause OFC a whole new unit would break it. It is possible?

Sort of. To do this you’d need to use a data mod, in order to assign different graphics to units that currently share the same graphics. Data mods can’t be used in ranked multiplayer, and can only be used in unranked multiplayer if all players use the same mod. I believe they prevent campaign and achievement progress. They also need updating whenever the game gets an update.

I hope the Romans have self-healing buildings, either through a bonus or unique tech.

I know this sounds sci-fi, but self-healing concrete is a thing, and the Romans invented it.

I know it’s a real thing, but even if it was super slow I think it would be too OP for a game :laughing:

Would be like the bonus of Gaia in AoM.
I think that could work well for a defensive civilisation.
Maybe 1HP/second per age.

I was gonna point out the Gungans have the ability in SWGB, but they’re unequivocally the best faction in that game, so…

Eh, would it? Outside of maybe very closed maps I dont think you would have enough time that pasdive regen would be that crazy

Tbh I would prefer if the Roman defenses werent particularly good though, Ronan cobcrete fell out of use by the 5th cebtury I believe and defenses is alreadt the Byzantine thing. Romans could still have a solid university, but nor a particularly defensive playstyle. Somethimg like Vikings

You could just make it so it doesn’t affect defensive structures