Yeah, this decision is controversial to say the least. I’ve seen few people defend it.
I think Return of Rome should have some new units and upgrades.
Axemen line should get new upgrades, I would add for example Heavy Axeman and Falxman.
I think it would be best if axemen upgrades come from iron age unless people find that Short Swordsman should receive buff then it could come from bronze age with different stats.
Heavy Axeman:
75 HP, 9 attack, no armor and moves 5% faster than swordsmen line.
85 HP, 12 attack, no armor, +5 vs hoplite line and moves 5% faster than swordsmen line.
Scout should also receive upgrade or upgrades. If they don’t want to upgrade them then they should receive +2 attack from bronze age like in aoe2 scout cavalry gets +2 in feudal age.
Bronze Age: Light Cavalry
80-85HP, 6 attack, no armor and +5% faster than other cavalry. Should also have res vs priest like chariots since some civs don’t get chariots.
Iron Age variant if needed: Lancer/Elite Light Cavalry etc…
100 HP, 8 attack, 1 pierce armor and +5% faster than other cavalry + conversion res.
Slingers need upgrades since less range than other range units makes it bad counter unit vs other range troops.
Bronze Age: Improved/Heavy Slinger
30 HP, 5-6 range, damage 3, pierce armor 2, is effected by melee armor upgrades and damage bonuses are same.
Iron Age: Elite Slinger
35-40 HP, 6-7 range, damage 4, pierce armor 3, is effected by melee armor upgrades and damage bonuses are same.
Camel Riders really need iron age upgrade, because they become pretty weak vs iron age cavalry units.
Iron Age: Heavy Camel Rider
140 HP, 8 attack, 1-2 armor, attack bonuses either same or +2 vs cav and +1 vs chariot/elephant compare to regular camel rider.
Heavy Cavalry should receive some health buff from 150 to 165.
I think that composite bowmen should receive Iron Age upgrade. Could be called Heavy/Elite Composite Bowman.
Heavy/Elite Composite Bowman:
50 HP, range 7-8 (should have higher range than mounted archers), damage 6, no armor.
Not sure but maybe Chariot Archers should have an Iron Age upgrade, could be called Heavy/Royal Chariots.
85 HP, 7 range, 5 attack, no armor and has res vs priests like other chariots.
I think that AoE1 towers need damage buff here are my ideas:
Watch Tower from 3 to 4, Sentry Tower from 4 to 5, Guard Tower from 6 to 8 and Ballista Tower from 20 to 25. Or there should be similar tech like AoE2 arrow slits which improve tower damage.
Also I think rams should be introduced to Return of Rome. They should be available from bronze age. They called be called Battering/Light Ram, Armored Ram and Siege Ram. Since it would be totally new unit its hard to me give it even initial balance.
Bronze Age: Battering/Light Ram
150 HP, pierce armor 20 ( Ballista Tower should be capable to destory them so they should have 5 pierce armor less than basic ballista tower damage), damage should be better vs buildings compare to Stone Thrower.
Iron Age: Armored Ram
185-200 HP, pierce armor 35 (it would mean that ballista can deal 5 damage per shot), damage vs buildings should be better than Catapult.
Siege Ram:
250-300HP, pierce armor 40 (it would mean that helepolis can deal 5 damage per shot), damage vs buildings should be better than Heavy Catapult.
Anyway here are some unit ideas, which should or could be in the coming Return of Rome.
More upgrades to different units would make easier to make civs more different to each other.
Make a recreational mod that makes it possible to produce unique units based on the aoe2 model at the Academy
Khopesh Swordsman : Fast infantry good at attacking villagers
Recurve Archer : archers with +2 range
Ram :Sturdy Siege Weapon
Immortal : Cavalry with +1 Range
Hitt ites
#################################################################### Heavy Chariot : Chariot can switch to melee and range
Spearman : Cheap and 0.5 pop infantry Good at against cavalry
Chu ko nu : Archer dealing Multiple damage in once attack
Samurai : infantry dealing trample damage
A siege weapon that can garrison troops and shoot arrows
#################################################################### Javelineer : Deal heavy ranged damage
He tairoi : Cavalry that deal extra damage to buildings
Battle Elephant : powerful war elephant
Camel Archer : Range Camel Rider
Lac Viet
############################################################### Rattan Archer :High Pierce Armor Archer
Createn archers
The Romans from AoE 2 are playable in multiplayer…ergo they can fight against the civs from AoE 2…
Well in AoE Online the Greeks and Egyptians have the Palintonon (an ancient trebuchet)…
The Palintonon was a variation of the ballista that threw large stone balls on top of structures like a mortar instead of throwing projectiles directly at it. These artillery pieces had a range of 150m. with stone balls the weight of 27kg. requiring walls to be 5m. thick to withstand the impact. They were not treated a anti-personel artillery because of the target being able to move unlike a structure.
That is correct and true…
Having looked at some Phoenician architecture, Greek fits less than either Sumerian or Egyptian architecture imo
I suddenly find the DLC name hilarious.
AOE1 is more centered on bronze age to hellenistic, based on the unit appearances (chariot as a mid-late game unit, horse archers come very late, etc.)
Most units look Egyptian or Greek.
The only “Roman” elements are: (1) legion, given to the Greek-est unit model (2) centurion, which is an upgrade of Greek phalanx with a very unlikely combination of lorica segmentata + tower shield + pike and has nothing to do with the actual centurion.
The Rise of Rome expansion kinda forced Rome and its opponents into the game.
Yet most people’s impression of the game is “Rome”.
Yeah, you could even say the game as it was on release didn’t even cover the Hellenistic period, considering the Greek campaign ended with Alexander and aside from Yamato and Gojoseon most civs were designed with time periods earlier than the 4th century BC in mind.
Take a look at this thread Unique Units ideas for all civilisations
There’s no better alternative for Carthaginians, it’s fine they stay Roman. They were geographically closer to Rome than Greece.
By chance, are you implying that Phoenicians and Carthaginians should have matching sets?
We don’t really know what most of their architecture looked like. There is limited amount of information from their archeological remains. It’s better to leave them be to not overcomplicate things per Occam’s razor. Changing too many civs’ appearances is not wise and would be a too radical change to the feel of the game.
I am ok with the mechanics of aoe2 to aoe. In fact it is a dream that comes true. The bad thing is the aoe will be finished with this dlc. I am looking forward to play this dlc. I wonder how the Romans will present the WRE. Any info about it will be helpful
Is even funny when one realizes the Romans weren’t even in the base game, they came from the expansion “Rise of Rome”
The bad thing of aoe is the hoplite-centurion, trireme are available for all civs but in the reality was Greek. I hope this one day will be fixed. Also the wonders
That is incorrect. The Romans and Carthage used hoplite equivalents during their history The Phoenicians invented the trireme, and it was used by Greece, Carthage and Rome at the very least.
Samurai didn’t pop up until waaaay later. Japan was known for its horse archers when it first started forming organized militaries, so I would go with a horse archer UU for Yamato. Probably with extra range, to reflect how it’s basically a mounted longbowman.
They were actually originally planned for AoE1.
Should be a generic unit. Iron Age upgrade of the Composite Bowman.
Should be generic too.
Immortals were foot soldiers with bows and spears.
I had the same idea.
Same here. Did you read my thread?
There aren’t even normal crossbows in the game. So giving them normal crossbows would make more sense.
Samurais did appear like 1000 AD or even earlier but they manly used bows (up until the introduction of firearms).
Outside of the timeline in anyway.
Why that for the Greeks?
Doesn’t seem very Greek to me.
I would make the a Greek unit instead.
Why against buildings?
Same as a generic unit but stronger seems kinda boring.
Yeah that would work nicely.
Makes sense too, I guess.
they both from AOM greeks
Only use existing models, so some selection is helplessness
I think there are some hero cavalry archer models that would work for mounted Samurai. Like the Girgen Khan model.
A little weird, more suitable as a Middle Eastern cavalry archer