[REVOLUTION GUIDE] - 2023 update - The Complete Military Review

Sup, long time no see… I did a complete reworked guide of all revolutions, because since the last one, a lot has changed, even the way some base civilizations work, so a rework was needed.

This time, I’ll start with some brief analysis, showing some ideas of how to fight with said revolution, and some things to keep in mind if pretending to revolt with it, and i won’t mention too much about losing your villagers, since everyones agrees that not a good thing. It’s a pity we have to make them all over again, but unless the revolt do something with it, I won’t mention too much.

Also, I’ll introduce the concept of a “Dry revolution” that is when you revolt with no main civilization shipments to upgrade your units, usually applying to revolts that you try to go ASAP for them, like Argentina for example, since the units ends up strong anyway. This is to analyse what it can do by itself.

So, let’s start… this will be a long one.


  • Argentina is the top tier of the “Dry Revolution”. If you look the effect when you revolt, you’ll see Argentina got 10 Gauchos right at the start, making an impressive bonus to get. Gauchos as you see, even in the “Dry power” are almost stronger than a Dragoon, with even a more flexible cost. Revolting with a lot of food can be deadly for any enemy, as they can almost be insta trained without shipments.

Gaucho makes a little more in this case then the revolutionary, that’s just a standard one, nothing special.
About the Mounted Granaderos, i don’t even need to say anything. Maybe the stronger revolution unit in the game even without shipments. When they enter… “Adios… Hermano”.

  • Argentina got a deck upgrade recently adding some variety for their livestock strategies, and a discount for their melee cavalry. It… works. Far more usefull for spain, since you can put to great use with the Haciendas. Germans and Italians need to use the livestock pens yet, not getting the full benefit of those shipments.

  • For long games, if you choose, or if you couldn’t finish your enemy, Argentina get a little more dealable. The Mounted Granadero will always be challenge to deal with. just be sure to protect your food gathering. Argentina, as you see in their deck, can still go for a INFINITE FORT SPAM, granting you the best of two worlds. A hard time for enemies to get in with your forts, and an easy time getting on their base, with the Granaderos.

For their units, let’s start with:

Revolutionary - Standard revolutionary infantry that counters ALL cavalry. Argentina got nothing special with them.

Germans - Nothing changed with them. Still the fastest revolutionary, and the costly one. If not for their pathetic HP, would be a more reliable raider, since not many shots already kill him. Still can be used with great effect if the enemy don’t wall-up. Only cavalry can consistently chase him, and he got extra damage in ALL cavalry, not only heavy ones.

Italians - Italians, got a good final version, being the most balanced of the 3. Good attack, good HP, and the best Melee attack, for how little it is. Nothing special, but not underwelming neither.

Spanish - The last debuff in the “guerilas” card, nerfed the final version of the revolutionary, but still hold it’s crown. If you somehow plan to keep making them, it’s only this version that hold up a good fighting chance.

Mounted Granadero - The Argentinian MVP. If you plan to revolt for Argentina, you WILL ship this unit. And why you wouldn’t? Cheap for it’s power, only 1 resource, area damage, great siege, great speed… “Adios Hermano” for real, even being a little Tag Heavy since it’s a heavy cavalry, AND a light one. You can take a lot of damage of all sources, for the high HP, he still hold his ground.

Germans - I don’t get why they end with the strongest attack, but i’m not complaining. Their ranged cavalry shipment apply 2 times? Well, even if that’s the case, it makes up for the lowest HP betwen the variations. He’s the fastest one too, although, not sure the speed card would be a worth one for the granadero.

Italians - Italy gives some unique buffs for their units too. Cavalry combat, help to boost the Granadero, while their church cards, gives a 10% attack speed incrase, especially usefull in a Hit and Run tactic.

Spanish - The Spanish used to rule that variation, but now i’m a little more inclined to give Italy the first place, definetly a hard fight betwen the two, but a win for Argentina nonetheless. This variation isn’t so fast as the German one, but still faster than Italy. In all cases a MUST HAVE UNIT.

Gaucho - The “Dragoon Outlaw” unit type from Argentina. Since he can be created right from the start, you already got a strong unit without the need to ship anything, adding to the initial push or even a surprise defense.

Germans - Here he don’t get the same weird effect that the M. Granadero, and his attack ends up the same as the others. Still the fastest possible, but i doubt that you’ll ship the speed card, it’s only 10%. Well, i listed only the end result, but this would be a not so important thing to have. The default speed is good enough. But hey, it’s there.

ltaly - Italian Gaucho sound like some kind of bad opera with a destructive lyric, put to a very good use in this case. Again a faster attack rate, that i believe helps a lot more here since the gaucho got a slow firing animations, kinda like the Hajduk before.

Spanish - Again the Spanish ends as a jack of all trades unit. Good speed, good HP, Perfect to spam.


  • This card grants a discount only to the MELEE CAVALRY. Good in paper… but… usually, cavalry will be used against units that counters, obviously. But in those cases, what would be? Light infantry? M. Granadero do it better. Artilery? At this point in the game, it will be protected, making again the M. Granadero a more viable option. A nice card, but not sure Argentina get much benefit from it.
    For italy, if you chosse, the “Lancers” Shipment grant a little more power for your lancers against infantry. A surprise actually.

Next one is:


  • My sweet little Barbary States… what they did to you? I know they got nerfed because the Ottomans got a powerfull strategy with them, but… maybe was too much, don’t you think? The barbary warrior, lost it’s outlaw TAG, and now it’s that joke over there.

  • But the Corsair marksmen got it worse… OMG. The price it’s terrible, The starts aren’t nearly strong as before. But for the REVOLUTION in itself, i believe the worst thing is that with the 2 population cost, you’ll be forced to bring the “theaters” card ONLY FOR HIM. It’s too impractical, to use.

  • Actually, this would be a good change for them. A lot of revolution outlaw based actually, but this one in particular. Theaters card should be given by default. Really… REALLY, the barbary states needs some kind of buff. Maybe the same treatment that was given to Indonesia? I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the Javanese Spearman now it’s a strong unit, or at least CAN BE.

  • TERRIBLE for a “DRY REVOLUTION” without any shipments, the Barbary States are a joke now. At least Theaters + Advansed arsenal shipments should be given freely to them.

Barbary Warrior - Their version of a revolutionary that is a surprinsingly fast unit, and got extra damage against villagers and of course, should be used to raid when you got the chance. Deeply hurted by the nerfs, that make him too weak for other things, even to fight cavalry, that it supposedly he counters it.
Can’t believe this land shark became a shrimp.

Ottomans - There’s no strong points with the Ottomans variation, nor good unit combinations.

Portuguese - Again, nothing special for the portuguese.

Maltese - Malta also gains nothing with this variation, but maybe for Malta it’s a little more usefull, since they don’t have a more “cheap” way to raid. Order Hussars, are far more limited strategicaly than this unit.

Italians - Now we’re talking. I still believe it’s a weak unit, but Italy end’s up with a decent unit at least. Not the op monster that was before, but not the weakling that is now. We could go from there Dev team? I believe in you. But in the end, this don’t save the Barbary States from the terrible status they are now. The unit it’s only USABLE, it’s not a definitive factor as it was before.

Corsair Marksman - If someone suffer with this nerf, was the C. Marksman… OMG… OMG!!! REALLY. He’s terrible now. He was a faster skirmisher before… that 6 speed, before, was AMAZING, even in his description it says “a fast unit”… yeah, as you can see above. Problem is, Now you have to ship “theaters” To make him an usable unit, and he’s slow… only 1.25 against vills OMG… Well, i know it was for a balance reason, but, again… how about the Indonesia treatment? I’m only mad because I use to love this unit.

Ottomans - Aside from the nerfs, the Ottomans still got a good use for this unit, since they don’t have a 1 population skirmisher, it can still be used effectivelly.

Portuguese - Dead for Portugal. It ends weaker than the caçador, with less armor, less HP, and less attack. Portugal got no more use for Barbary states, nothing beat their units or flexibility at ANY point. Even in 4 age.

Malta - Malta like the Ottomans, got a good use for this unit, since, again, they don’t have a dedicated skirmisher… ok… a gold based one, also, he can get the 10% attack rate buff from some of their buildings. usable here…

Italy - Ends up as a strong unit, but suffers from the same problem as Portugal. Their main units covers the same problems. Man… if at least the corsair could have that insane speed. I would stay with this s*** even with italy.


  • Another good contender for the crown of the “Dry Revolution” master. But I must be realistic here, I don’t think the double voluntarios numbers beats the Gaucho Spam from start. Brazil will be locked with the voluntario for some time. This can be used for great effect, but you won’t be unstopable until you drop the Jagunço in the field. Jagunço can be even scarier than the granadero in his own way.

  • I think Brazil revolution is a little more “forgiving” if you miss anything, since voluntarios are made for free, you’ll always have someone in the field, even if you only need to hold a little more. To build a fort, mass units, whatever, you always have someone to hold the line.

  • Before revolting, just be sure to not spam Heavy infantry units. Voluntario can fill that gap for good use. And don’t put much hopes in that Dragoon.

  • Also, know that all Brazil unique units are weak against light infantry… Fight near forts (Infinite of course) or prepare some artilery to fight some if this units.

Voluntario da Patria - Free unit generated in your town center, in groups of 9. The ultimate cannon fodder of the game, with a surprisingly good effect against cavalry, even if it doesn’t look like. His upgrades get a “special flavour” since most units got about 25% more total HP, but Voluntario, for his weak nature, got a 50% HP increase, making a lot more value in the end.

Dutch - All variation ends up similar, But the Dutch can fill the field with more units, because of villager limitation… you’ll note this better if the game last longer.

Italy - Italy got the best of all worlds AGAIN. They can have the initial push almost stronger as the Portuguese, with a good recovery time. Don’t bother with the incrased melee damage. It’s only potential, but i wouldn’t ship that card.

Portuguese - Classical. Portugal, for its free town centers beforehand, will have the strongest initial push. The Voluntario is a consistent unit in all its variations.

Jagunço - The outlaw MVP of Brazil. This unit got impressive stats that makes that “punch” Brazil needs. If you choose this revolt, try to get this unit ASAP. Unluckly… or not, it’s “tag heavy”, being a heavy cavalry, AND a light one, benefiting from both, but taking extra damage from both too. Another great thing for jagunço, is that different from other outlaw units, he don’t get a penalty against villagers, making it almost on par with the Romenian cavalry archer for raids.

Dutch - The Dutch ends up with a strong variation, even stronger than Portugal. It only got a bad sinergy because the Dutch are more gold based, and Jagunço its full food. You could focus all the extra gold for artillery however.

Italy - I loved Italy the moment i saw how Jagunço could be upgraded. The strongest variation, with a slightly faster attack rate. The definitive Jagunço.

Portugal - As an Ode to irony, Portugal Jagunço ends up as the worst of the 3. No buffs whatsoever. Only thing going for Portugal is a good setup before revolting.

Independence Dragoons - This guy was supposed to be the MVP, but his bonuses are terrible. Ind. Dragoons got a powerfull melee attack and the guard upgrade when shipped. I said in the last guide and there’s no change in that opinion… this attack serves no purpose. Artilery is protected, so you’ll be using your ranged attack anyway… light infantry counter you before you close the gap. Other units are better fought at distance, like heavy infantry or cavalry… also, the Jagunço does those counters and everything else better overall… so, why it’s here??

Dutch - Dutch Ind. Dragoons don’t get anything special, the difference is that their ruyter got a stronger melee attack too. Pass. Not worth it.

Italy - Same as the Dutch, with a faster attack rate… again… Jagunço does everything better.

Portugal - HOW DARE YOU GOOD SIR? Trick me with your sarcasm?? First, you have a shipment that incrase your ranged distance… now Brazil gives you a stronger melee attack… you must decide where you want to fight… close or far away. In Both cases, Jagunço does better with a cheaper cost, and less population space… making 2 jagunços > 1 Ind. Dragoon. Sad Vibes.


  • Canada is the perfect revolution if you’re getting a backdoor. The incrased villager attack can be helpfull if you need that firepower. Although Canada don’t get many offensive new options, it got a more consistent start, since you keep your villagers intact. Just remember, even having stronger fighting villagers, you still want them COLLECTING not fighting.

  • If you Choose Canada, you’ll have two main options: Go for an INFINITE FORT SPAM, ASAP, or go for a NATIVES BACKDOOR. More on that later.

  • Canada could have some more options like allow the creation of the Highlander, and not shipiping it, like the Dutch have it now. And maybe more card for natives, in particular “blood brothers” and the price one (the one in the image).

  • Also, since you don’t have any new units, most of the time, you’ll be fighting with vanilla ones, so, be sure to upgrade them acordingly, like the British Musketeer or the French Voltigeur, for example.

  • Not a good revolution to go for a “DRY” strategy. It really need shipments before revolting.

British Variation - The pathfinder is the same villager with a stronger attack, nothing too big of a deal. I put the “pioneers” shipment only to see what it can be, but it’s a bad card to have in your deck. This should be in Canada default deck actually. About the natives, the best you got with the British, is a discount. They’re still weak overall, but can be well used for a cunning backdoor. Trust me… it REALLY works. A shame they’re not in their last upgrades.

French Variation - Now we’re talking. You can see the difference betwen this natives and the last ones. The French variation got more going for it than the British. Of course this backdoor will be far more effective.
As for the Voyageur, even though he got impressive stats with those cards, you won’t bring them… villagers should be collecting not fighting. Canada at least give this option, but as soons as you can, you want troops fighting troops.


  • Chile got some new cards some patches before, and i think that was a great help, specially the advanced feitorias. I believe some revolutions should have that “closed” aspect in itself… like, it’s a Cavalry revolution? Should have some of the main cards that upgrade it. Chile got some of that, with the Feitorias and the training card, and OF COURSE, the water aspect that I’m not covering in this guide. Still the economic ones are more than welcome here, as Chile is a costly unit revolution;

  • Chile is a “Heavy Revolution”, heavy cavalry with a heavy infantry unit supporting it. Can be very unique, but also troublesome, since it got so many counters specially at this time in the match, and again, a melee unit plus a 12 ranged one… Chile must be used with care. It’s not fast to regrow an economy, so be sure to not pick bad fights.

  • Due to the nature of the Death Hussar, Chile CAN WORK with a “DRY Revolution” mindset, but it’s too risky, since Hussars are expensive and you don’t want to lose them for nothing. Try to raid your enemies fast with him.

Since it’s Spain exlusive:

Hussar of Death - When i was looking trough with the “dry” options, i expected a more significant difference here. But 75 to 84 attack… I would consider not getting the attack only upgrade if I want to get Chile ASAP. It’s worth of course, but remember that upgrades consider the base stat (32 attack for the Hussar) and delay the revolution. Still the unit with everything is a monster worth of its name, not many will stand before it. Just be sure to cover it properly, for his HP isn’t that good.

  • Remember that you can go beyond the 100 damage with the missionaries card becoming the ultimate Avatar of Death. Just protect your missionaries to keep the damage high.

Revolutionary - Revolutionary ends up with solid stats, perfect to cover the Hussar particularly against Dragoons that got that extra damage. Would like to make them from outposts like the Hungarians, or the barracks… Town centers need to work for a long time after the revolution, and you can’t build more in better places.


  • Egypt got some changes after my last guide too. And… I’m not sure what was the intent here taking out the Nizam Fusilier. That was the defining aspect for Egypt, but Nizam Fusilier let his most trusted pupil to carry on his legacy, the Khevite fusilier… Well, we can all agree he don’t teach him well. Khevite fusilier, has some of his master tricks, like a more limited stance changer modifiers, here limited to volley and stagger stances that gives him more range (15 range total) and bonus against siege units and artillery. Not bad, since grenzer for example, got 16 range.

  • I believe Egypt lacks a good support unit or main unit if you wish to call that way, because khevite by itself, can’t hold his own so well, and the Stradiot and the Mameluke aren’t as flexible or made in good numbers to help acordingly. It’s strange, it always feel… lacking, a thing that nizams fusiliers used to cover well for the price of only be possible to be made them in forts… it used to take time to make Egypt work and was satisfying, but not anymore.

  • Not sure why all those mercanaries… none can be trained after shipping them, what could bring some needed numbers to make Egypt work a little better.

  • Oh, the 50 gold cost, I believe was to make the Stradiot and Mamelukes a little more forgiving to train. But only got that way if you ship that card. Until you ship it, Khevite will cost 100 food.

  • Egypt can’t work all that well in a “DRY Revolution” setup. Khevite Fusiliers aren’t enough to make it worth it… hold a little.

Khevite Fusilier - I believe I said enough before, but here, we see a GREAT difference between them, and remember that the british can train them from their houses with the “terraced houses” card.

British - If you even hope to “remember the time”, I mean… revolt for Egypt, do it with the British. Khevite becames almost as good as the grenzer, losing for 1 range and ends up as an impressive unit by itself with the right upgrades.

Ottomans - Weak… ends with the same attack, but far less HP.

Stradiot - This is the main cavalry for Egypt. But it’s TOO EXPENSIVE, OMG. 300 gold and 3 population space… Holy s***. It’s a good unit, of course, but maybe too expensive and limited to cover the Khevite accordingly. Don’t let that HP fool you, not that stronger than a Death Hussar.

British - With all those cards, of course that would be the better variant. Again, 3 cards cost. Choose your poison before revolting, Egypt can end up with a lot of good units, but 6 cards (3 cavalry, 3 infantry) can be too much.

Ottomans - A little more limited than the British counterpart, but again… less cards = Faster times. And Stradiot with cavalry combat only don’t end up all that weak, can be used for great effect.

Mameluke - The basis for the Abrams war tank. Mameluke got an INSANE amount of HP. But he put all points in vitality, forgetting some in attack. It still a 4 population unit made to take hits only. Not sure it’s worth it.

British - This variation make the HP get even more insane. 2k… OMG. But only take hits well, a thing that won’t get you far. You see what I mean? It always looks that Egypt lacks that “Punch”. Khevite needs a more numerous cavalry to help it. The mercenaries even ending up as impressive units, lacks a lot in numbers.

Ottomans - Got some okay stats for it’s price, and a not soo good melee armor… i mean, you won’t send mameluke fight heavy infantry with that leaf armor will ya?


  • You know that joke character in fighting games?? Well, we have a similar thing here. Let’s start with my favourite problem.


  • This alone greatly impact finland, because they don’t get ANY new unit… usable I mean. Karelian Jaeger is a villager and should be collecting, not fighting… Canada gives an attack to villagers and if you guys try some thing like the Infinite fort with Canada, or the natives backdoor, you’ll see how strong Canada can be… but here… OMG. You’ll always on the edge of poverty. Karelian NEED to get an economic buff. It just can’t keep the way it is.

  • He can’t collect or build mills or any economic building… This create an annoying problem that is constantly forcing you to create herdables assuming you make some livestock pens before revolting, and if not, directing your hunts that you can ship from homecity… it get distracting after some time… ESPECIALLY with Russia, but very forgiving with the Sweden that can gather coin from estates (at the same rate as mines)

  • Another thing, as you see in the image above, Finland don’t get any new units, so you’ll have to fight with those ones. Pykeman + Leather Cannon, in the 4 age?? Don’t panic, the Swedish Finland won’t fight with those units. Thats because, i finally found a “reliable” way to fight with Finland.

  • “DRY revolution” potential?? HAHAHAHAHAHA.

  • FINLAND IT’S A TWO RESOURCE REVOLUTION. Remember this: FINLAND NEEDS TO COLLECT WOOD and some other needed resouce ONLY. You don’t want to divide the Karelian Jaeger weak collection rate too much. The basis for it to work is build as many blockhouses as you can. Karelian Jaeger can construct them and collect wood right from the start. This is how you play Finland actually:

  • But of course, in a real game, it’s not that simple… wood isn’t that abundant in some maps. But Finland can make a tree in EACH of those blockhouses via shipments, making it a surprisingly usefull revolution. you can cover large areas of the map, IF you have that much wood. But again, i said TWO resources, and wood is just one.

  • If you’re playing with RUSSIA. YOU MUST ship the “Strelet Horde” Shipment. It means ALL blockhouses will create 5 strelets for FREE. After you build one you’ll have free strelets getting out to help. You won’t need any other unit, since the blockhouses got an extra damage on cavalry. So retreat if need to counter.
    Problems is… you only have this. You won’t have a support or main unit to push the game. WOOD AND FOOD revolution. Don’t got any unit Wood and Gold based to fill the field, affecting an artillery push for example, since only the swedes got a food and wood cannon.

  • If you’re playing with the SWEDES, YOU MUST ship the “Treaty of Roskilde” (church shipment). This will allow you to create the Savolax Jaeger (another Jaeger…) That cost WOOD AND GOLD. Making easier to make artillery that’ll help push the game forward… I believe it ends a little more capable to fight than the Russian counterpart… With it’s own share of problems, but manageable. WOOD AND GOLD revolution.

  • I would say to let Karelian Jaeger just be a regular military unit with a new cost, since both nations lack a dedicated 20 range skirmisher (1 population) and allow the normal villager to collect and construct.

  • “All man can dream, but the best ones dream for Finland” - Unknown Author

Blockhouses - That’s not much variation between the two so I’ll cover the basis only. As you saw in the image above, it’s on your best interest to spam those blockhouses. Finland don’t get the INFINITE FORT SPAM, but can construct infinitelly right from the start and still ship 5. If only it’s economy could work with it.

Strelet - The backbone of the Russian Finland Revolution. The spammable nature of strelet can be put to good use here. A shame it can only go alone, since TRUST ME, you don’t want to let Karelian Jaeger collecting anything that you don’t need. I could see a good combo, with Strelet and the Leather cannon altered in some way, to have a Food - Wood based army.

Savolax Jaeger - The backbone of the Sweden Finland revolution. It’s only usefull because allow you to use two resouces… if not for this, Finland would never had a chance with Sweden. But hey, this unit it’s REALLY that strong, even if enemy cavalry attack you, you can always retreat for your blockhouses to cover. Best part, is that allow to create some artillery without going out of your economy to keep making the blockhouses.

OMG, my head… let’s continue…


  • La Gran Colombia was one of the victims of the benevolence of the devs. I really like those changes… in particular the “Advanced arsenal” card. As you noted in this guide, almost all units benefit from it somehow. I even think that “Advanced arsenal” and “theaters” should be standard shipments for all revolutions, or even given freely. This would allow one less card to ship before revolting.

  • Also, 2 town centers… and one factory?? Well, everyone got favorites right? Colombia greatly benefit from this allowing a lot of versatility in it’s execution. Having 6 town centers to rebuild you economy that WILL be halted during some time it’s a BLESSING. I use to like colombia already, but after this update, It’s one of my favorites now.

  • Llanero ends up with a better final result overal than the musketeer that really need some upgrades. Again, after ship what you need, go ASAP for the INFINITE FORT SPAM.

Musketeer - A classical one, don’t have much to say. When you revolt if you don’t have the veteran (first) upgrade, you gain it, and 10% hp and attack bonus and 10% speed debuff). And THAT’S your revolutionary… Colombia don’t have the normal one.

Germans - The german variation, ends up the fastest, although not an incrased cost. Not sure 4.8 speed is worth of this, specially since the Germans get a powerfull Llanero that in fact IS the main unit with them, being the musketeer the support one in this case.

Portugal - THE BEAST. Portugal got an amazing musketeer already, and Colombia grant a new upgrade for it. The difference will be more in the way you fight since with Portugal, the musketeer will be your main unit. With Colombia you want the combo Musketeer + Llanero + Infinite forts.

Spanish - Here we got the slowest variation of the 3. Like the Germans, the Spanish will be more cavalry focused, But their musketeer ends up a little more capable than the German variation at least… Still a must for Colombia.

Llanero - The outlaw MVP of Colombia. Llanero is a weaker and cheaper version of the spanish Garrochista with an impressive attack against infantry, for its cost, of course.

German - For a 1 population unit it ALMOST got 500 HP. German Llanero can be the fastest, although not so deadly as the spanish, but still pose a great threat to anyone.

Portugal - Finally Portugal got an upgrade for an outlaw… Far more modest than the other 2, but here, the Llanero is the support unit for the Musketeer, not the other way. If you prefer, it still only one card to fully upgrade THIS variation.

Spanish - Another monster… For the BEST variation, its 5 cards expensive… maybe too much. But if you go for it, just look man… 75 attack against infantry…

  • Colombia is a true revolution. Deadly where it must be… weak where it must be.


  • Now that’s an underestimated revolution. Haiti probably is my favorite revolution. Although with a slow start, it can snowball and be unstoppable.
  • The Bucaneer is one of the most micro heavy, rewarding units to play in the game. I’m even afraid for him to get nerfed somehow while i write this. When you ship the “Letter of mark” card, he gain a pistol with a 20 range attack and this counters Heavy Infantry, that in melee range counter the bucaneer.

  • This attack get even better, because is not affected by the “cover” stance, it keep its 22 damage. Please, don’t nerf this… Haiti takes a long time to go, and it’s a costly unit, it’s just natural that snowball eventually. Only heavy cavalry can consistently counter him.

  • Haiti got potential for a “DRY Revolution”, but since it takes some time to make the bucaneer strong, it lacks the same impact. Delay a little.

Bucaneer - As you read before, I LOVE THIS UNIT… But it’s micro intensive. you have to keep shifting between volley and cover stances. But it’s great to pull it off, I can’t really describe it, no other unit has this magic.

  • “Pearl of the islands was its name”

Revolutionary - This guy don’t get the same love. Haitian revolutionary isn’t all that good as an unit. Even if you revolt with full 80, it’s still easily countered. All you have to do is to hold until you can spam the bucaneers. Just be sure to not lose them too fast. If you hold enough for the bucaneer, it’s GG.

HUNGARY (OMG, this will be a long one)

  • Hungary has already seen better days… It lose something, gained something… Still hold it’s place as one of the strongest revolutions in the game with an impressive variety of units. I’ll forever miss the Magyar Hussar… and so does the Ottomans.

  • Hungary is one of the revolutions that suffer with the outlaw population cost. So be sure to have the “Theaters” card in your deck, unless you want to combo Grenadier + Grenzer.

  • The Ottomans take a MAJOR blow here since their available unit from the start was the Magyar Hussar, now you can’t create it anymore, so it’s the ONLY VARIATION that don’t get a imediate benefit, even if you ship the Magyar after, you still can’t train them…

What you think about making the Crabat the Ottoman unit? No one get’s it so would close the cycle well here.

  • Hungary got SOME potential for a “DRY revolution”, but the best combos need some time in the making, like the “theaters” card or the “grenade launcher”. Only worth it if you want the Grenzer only.

Grenzer - THE BEST REVOLUTIONARY, just this. In all revolutions it became the backbone of the army. 16 range makes him usefull even against some stronger units like the imperial musketeer since he always attacks first.

Russia - A perfect combo with Hungarian Grenadier covering each other perfectly. Let the siege with the grenadier and focus on holding the line, particularly against cavalry.

Germans - The FASTEST one… 6.5 OMG, It’s almost as good as the Barbary Corsair for raids. Even with the little incrased cost, it still a MUST to use it.

Ottomans - Grenzer is good with everyone, if you choose to keep making them with the ottomans, try to pair him with the grenadier.

Malta - Now a strange case here. Malta got a good use for them, because aside from the crossbow, it doesn’t have any other 1 population ranged unit, less yet a heavy infantry one. So the grenzer can fill that role pretty well.

Hajduk - The anti-light-infantry-light-infantry infantry… His attack animation was greatly improved some patches ago and now I think it’s a better unit than the pandour… when you ship “theaters” of course… a MUST for malta especially.

Russia - Ends up good, but Russia got a better sinergy with the grenadier, so I would avoid… but if you want to combo Crabat + Hajduk, then go for it. The Russian variation ends up as strong as the others.

German - The fastest and the expensive one again… Same fighting capabilities as the rest, but a better Hit and Runner.

Ottomans - Ottomans don’t have a specific unit with hungary revolution anymore. So I would go for the Hajduk + Crabat combo in their case. If you forgot the Theaters card, go for grenadier.

Malta - Hajduk is the default unit for Malta. Just be sure what combo you’ll do. Hajduk + Crabat or Grenzer + grenadier… I wouldn’t try other variations to not force your economy too much.

Pandour - Now that’s an unit that I don’t use that much. I believe it’s kinda like the bucaneer, you need to micro more. Pandour is a more ambush type unit, since it can use stealth. If you like that mechanic, you like this unit, and it don’t need to ship theaters… so if you need a cheaper option to counter anti-infantry and forgot the “theaters” card, go for pandour.

Russia - Nothing special here. Just a better siege damage. Usually Russia will use the Grenadier to counter the same units as the pandour.

Germans - The infantry speed really shines in some cases, and here isn’t different. Maybe combo with the crabat it’s your best choice here. Germans got the strongest variation of the bunch.

Ottomans - There nothing special for the Ottomans here. Again, if you forgot the theaters card, a thing I don’t recomend ESPECIALLY with the Ottomans, then use this since the Hajduk will be more expensive population wise.

Malta - Only usable if you forgot the “theaters” card. But passable even, go for the grenadier and grenzer… more consistent.

Crabat - One of the best outlaws available for any nation, and a necessity for some. Just remember to bring the Theaters card. Maybe not in the same same level of any american outlaw, but the damage output is comparable.

Russia - The tankier of the group and by far the best one. Russia got an amazing sinergy with Hungary. If you choose to focus on the Crabat, mix with the Hajduk for a good cover.

Germans - The Sonic nation. The same good attack as Russia, but a bad HP. Can combo well with the Pandour.

Ottomans - I didn’t knew that the Ottomans card affect all Light Ranged Cavalry now… didn’t see when this was added… but as you can see, it gives the Ottomans maybe the best Raider in the game, with a bonus damage against villagers instead of a penalty. Really, Crabat must replace the Magyar Hussar for this variation.

Malta - Malta have little option here. Their crabat ends up the worst of all, but the one that MUST be used to complement their Hajduk. Can be strategicaly usefull if you use your outposts well. It’s more where to fight with this variation.

Grenadier - OMG, finally the last one for Hungary. Hungarian Grenadier, is by far one of the most usefull revolutionary units.

Russia - The MVP of Russia, with the highest siege damage of all. Don’t know why it revert back to 300 HP when you get the upgrade, but still a powerhouse. If you choose Russia, and get the siege card, try to roam around your enemy base ignoring enemy attacks.

Germans - Again the fastest one. PERFECT for the roaming in your enemy base, but lacking the destruction power that Russia have.

Ottomans - He was fixed, the grenade launcher wasn’t working before. And with this, the Ottoman variation became the most capable fighter again. Just decide beforehand if you’ll focus grenadiers or crabats.

Malta - Malta got nothing special with their grenadier, not even the grenade launcher. But SOMEHOW, got more HP than Russia?? For what I tested, when you get the grenade launcher before revolting and ship the Hungarian Grenadier, for some reason, your HP drop to 300. Well… it still strong with Malta. Can be used with grenzer if needed, but you won’t have anything special with it. But hey… it works.


  • Indonesia got a little rework recently, and it correct a lot of its problems. Even the Infamous JAVANESE SPEARMAN… my boy… they grow so fast… and now it’s worth make more of them. it’s the PERFECT unit to backdoor your enemies. The Barbary Warrior from Barbary States could take this treatment. Don’t forget that Javanese Spearman can use the “Cover” stance, gaining 50% ranged and siege resist.

  • The standard revolutionary it still the best unit overall. specially to cover the Cetbang cannons.

  • The Elephants were fixed, and now they properly upgrade to champion level when shipped.

  • For a “DRY Revolution”, Indonesia is unique… you won’t get the 270 HP Spearman from the start. It still the 220 HP at best keeping it impressive siege damage. If you go for it… try to know beforehand where enemy factories are and remember to use the cover stance.

Javanese Spearman -


That update for indonesia really makes wonders for all of its units, especially this hard work guy.

Dutch - The Dutch gives a little more juice for our hero, closing the 300 HP gap. It still a siege only unit, don’t let the cavalry bonus damage fool you. For the time you can make this unit, it won’t hold that well against cavalry, since it got no melee armor.

Portugal - Portugal got a weaker variant, but not useless like before. It still got a good HP amount to make his job, but maybe you prefer the standard revolutionary variant instead.

Revolutionary - A very good unit for Indonesia that got some nice new options some patches ago. The best unit to cover the Cetbang cannon. Unluckly only possible to make in the Town Center.

Dutch and Portugal - They end up with the same variant, to do the same function that is to protect the Cetbang Cannons.

War Elephant - This unit is a Native, so usually I wouldn’t put in the guide, but the indonesian one is special. In theory, you could spam them as much as the Infinite Forts. But to make that, you should send them more them 8 times, to exceed the normal built limit that keeps at 8 (trainable at stable). But 8 shipments… really? For a heavy Cavalry? No, just ship it and go for the Forts… more consistent. Each shipment incrased the next sending in 1 elephant.

Dutch - Since they got the Cavalry combat card, they get the strongest variation here. A good unit to complement an army, as its not bound by population.

Portugal - Same use as the Dutch, but weaker. Portugal cards are very infantry focused.

Cetbang Cannon - Indonesian MVP. An artillery focused in numbers with a reasonable price, although, even costing less gold and not so population heavy, you’ll see that the wood cost adds up quickly, even falconets cost 100 wood. Also, the fire rate also it’s comparable to a gunpowder unit being surpringly fast. Some pacthes ago, it got the “gunpowder unit” tag, alowing some new upgrades for it.

Dutch - A basic upgrade, with more HP, nothing special.

Portugal - Portugal got a lot of HP upgrades… A nice end product, but, not sure you want to bet in HP for an artillery. Even with all that, it’s still frail overall, so, just protect the cannons with your infantry. Those cannons are fast to reposition themselves.


  • I get people think this revolution should be taken out because of the actual mexico we have now, but trust me, the revolutionary variation is unique in its own way, particularly for the “Cuerudo” unit, that IMO, it’s one of the BEST revolutionary units, and a good unit overall. Although he’s a little costly with upgrades it can be insta trained from your TC without shipments. His speed mitigate the TC location A LOT.

  • One thing you notice in the image above, is that you can’t build the Tavern if you revolt with Mexico. Be sure to build it before, because you can upgrade with the “folk heroes” tech, if you forgot to do it, you can’t build after, locking you from some little bonus.

  • I don’t put the other units but if you’re interested in the exclusive outlaws, bring the “theaters” card again, to allow “pistolero”, “bandido” and the “Cuatrero” units to cost less population, (2, 2 and 3, if I remember correclty).

  • If you want to try a “DRY Revolution” Strategy, just hope you’re dealing with a lot of cavalry and got some food in stock, and bring the “fiesta”.

Charro - Charro is the Mexican Lancer that you can train here. It’s a good complement for the Cuerudo unit. Heavy and Light cavalry. The drawback, is that must be shipped from homecity to ALLOW the creation on Haciendas. Luckily, the Cuerudo is cheap enough to buy A LOT of time to make this possible. With upgrades, becames a beast. You need to ship Haciendas first to allow him, even if you ship before, still need the Haciendas to make it. Also, remember to ship (again) the upgrade to Guard level… Yeah, a costly unit to make work.

Soldado - Don’t get the the same Punch than the real Mexico, and I’m not so sure that complement the cuerudo all that well, but he don’t need any previous shipment, except the Hacienda, of course.

Cuerudo - The MVP from Mexico. That’s an amazing unit that’s overlooked. Cuerudo is like a Dragoon, without the bonus damage against artillery, but reliable anyway. You can make him right from the start, and can be instantly trained even without shipments. Ends stronger than some other units covered in this guide, really a powerfull unit for 100 Food cost.
A little shipment and upgrade heavy, since you need to make your tavern to get an upgrade, plus a saloon to get some more, AND the Mexican card “outlaw combat”. Don’t worry, this is for the MAX potential, even without some of those upgrade he’s still a powerfull unit.


  • Peru is a limited revolution with not much identity. Yes, you have a revolutionary, yes you have an outlaw… And that’s that. Ok, to be fair, this can be a strength too, if you remember that you don’t lose time to get there, since there’s not a long way. Even like that, Peru can hold his own.

  • The revolutionary, is a standard version comparable to all the other, with the difference, that Peru can grant him a grenade attack. This contradict a little what i said about identity, but when you try to use the revolutionary with the grenade you’ll see the problem… THE GRENADE ATTACK IS TOO SLOW.

  • Peru got some possibility to rush that grenade attack shipment for a “DRY Revolution” strategy, but it’s too unreliable… if the attack was faster, then maybe it could work.

I don’t know how the grenade don’t explode in his hand, really, he takes forever to throw it, this, and the fact that is distance based… if you’re in 12 range, he’ll do the musket attack. I believe this makes it too unreliable, sometimes the grenade attack WILL make a mess of you enemy, but it’s hard to make everyone use this attack to fully take the benefits

  • The Morochuco is a more reliable unit in this case, because you’re sure of what he’ll do, and he do without problems. It’s the backbone of the Peruvian army.

  • Bolivar is there for free to help, but you don’t want to be dragged by a slow units, Even being a strong unit, he isn’t a Daimyo to pop units fast like them.

  • I Believe Peru could get the “Chile” treatment, in particular with the revolutionary with that grenade. It needs a little more “Punch”.

Revolutionary - You won’t have the grenade attack by default, so at the start, he’ll be just as simple as any other. It’s hurts taking forever to throw that grenade. I’ll repeat this forever… The Hajduk had a similar problem with his attack and it’s fixed now, so the peruvian legion can be fixed too.

Spanish - The best variation as you see. Even with the spanish you’ll end doing the morochucco anyway.

Portugal - Nothing special here, 2 upgrades like almost any other. Portugal don’t have a good sinergy with this revolution.

Morochuco - The outlaw MVP from Peru that WILL be your main unit, like it or not.

Spanish - The best version, and only with 2 shipments… You can’t go wrong with this.

Portugal - Portugal don’t get anything for the morochuco. It’s sad, but I believe that even with that cost, it still a more reliable unit than the Dragoon.


  • This is a new revolution added some patches ago, that… exists… Clearly, the deck is the most unique OF ANY revolution, or even a main nation… but don’t get your hopes up because it’s not even half of what you think.

  • This is a SHIPMENT based revolution, strangelly. Almost all the cards in the first line of this deck are sanscullote exclusive upgrades that alter a little their killing xp, creation xp, etc.

  • Their “5 era” cost some resourcers, but after you reach it the game gives it back… the resources AND the shipment. Maybe to compensate the terrible gather rate of their villagers.

  • For new units, you got the Sansculotte, a villager soldier that SACRIFICES it’s collection rate, to get some attack and bonus against ALL infantry. If you read until now, its basically Finland 2.0, a batter fighter, that collect at an ABISMAL rate.

And another thing… there’s something strange, if you SOMEHOW rush this revolution and don’t upgrade the “blunderbuss” in the market (villager attack damage upgrade), he’ll keep his 12 range EVEN IF YOU GET THE ATTACK UPGRADE AFTER. So, if you want to revolt for this thing, get that upgrade before… I doubt you won’t do it before, but REALLY be sure to not forget.

  • Now, that was an evil move… If you look in the deck, you will note that YOU DON’T HAVE AN INFINITE FOR SHIPMENT… WTF?? WHY?? Napoleon proibited because Forts sound too British??

This hurts more than you think… So, you get a BAD economy, the worst BY FAR, even worse than Finland, and can’t use the main power of any revolution? Finland at least got the INFINITE BLOCKHOUSE SPAM, but Rev. France, got nothing like that.

  • Good luck sustaining that Dragoon, and that grenadier with that collection rate, if you get there. Actually, why this happen? When you allow the imperial upgrades, the Sanscullote go back for their old cost of 120 FOOD, but won’t get back to their collection rates?? So, everything got more expensive, and your work keep the same bad rates??


  • It’s impossible to make a good “DRY Revolution” with Revolutionary France. You need about 2 shipments to make your villagers stronger. Not a good idea to attack with a 198 HP unit.

Gather rates - So, first let’s analyse those rates with all the possible upgrades … The grenadier ones can be acessed when you ship the “Genie troops”, that will allow them to collect at a fixed rate.

Don’t be so excited with the grenadier gather rates that on paper are good, but remember that he costs 2 population, So there are some situations where it’s preferred that you let the lazy sansculotte keep doing the work.

“Peasants should work… I’m sure Louis will agree with me.”

Basically, if you want to keep your economy going at this rate, you have to use grenadiers to collect gold at least, while you wait to attack.

Dragoons - Just a imperial dragoon, but Revolutionary France gives an additional 2 multiplier against heavy cavalryand shock infantry, Making this the most powerfull counter in the game… almost 250 damage against Heavy Cavalry. Not helped by the bad economy.

Grenadier - They end up as a good unit, don’t get me wrong. I believe that’s a more “standard” version, but what make this grenadier unique is, of course, is the possibility of gather some resources and that little added armor. In the end, you’ll use him more for necessity, since dragoon can’t collect anything.

Sansculotte - Ok, attention here… That final version can be obtained RIGHT AT THE REVOLUTION AGE, being a POWERHOUSE. Don’t overdo it, you’re still limited to 80 units. So be carefull, and remember to upgrade the attack in the market BEFORE revolting to apply that +4 range.

Sansculote is extremelly effective against ALL infantry, so try to avoid fights against cavalry. Another good thing going for them, is that he can be trained in groups of 5 making easy to mass and to regrow your economy… even if he don’t get the best collection rates.
The real thing is that, again, villagers should be collecting, not fighting.

Sorry but… Canada villager > Sanscullote.


  • Ahh, Romania… Or weaker Hungary, if you prefer… Unluckly their revolutionary, the Dorobant get too punished to be reliable like his brother, the Grenzer… Grenzer got +4 range but 10% less HP, and the Dorobant it’s the opposite… He got 10% MORE HP, but lose 2 range (a little more forgiving), ending up with 10. Now, since my boy, the “JAVANESE SPEARMAN” got some needed buffs, the Dorobant again claims his number 1 trophy as the worst revolutionary.

  • Really, Dorobant need a more consistent benefit, I would even argue that should be on par with the Haitian revolutionary… i know it looks like a lot of HP, but his 10 range hurts TOO MUCH to make 10% a fair benefit. He don’t seems to be a “tankier” revolutionary as he should be. Yes, i defend 250 HP, for him AT LEAST.

  • The Walachian Cavalry Archer still makes worth revolting for Romania, as least.

  • The other units are the same as Hungary, with the same buffs, so here, i’ll only cover what Romania get different… So for Crabat, pandour, and the Hajduk, just scroll back.

  • And the “ROSIOR DRAGOON” won’t be covered since you can’t create it… a shame… would be a nice unit to have…

  • Romania Could potentially have a “DRY Revolution” scenario, but since they don’t get any new unit available from the start like Hungary, they don’t work very well, and the Dorobant don’t hold enough your enemies to be worth to try… Delay this revolution a little.

Ottoman Dorobant - Not needed, janisary, with the veteran upgrade got more HP than the dorobant. Well, dorobant got more damage against cavalry, but for this objetive, you get a better unit.

Russian Dorobant - Better than their musketeer at least, but not cheap like him. Again, for the same purpose, you got a more reliable unit.

Ottoman Walachian Cavalry Archer - A powerfull anti-cavalry with the added bonus against villagers with a shipment, and some new cards for the ottomans that grant the same attack that the Russian variation. A more Raided oriented version.

Russian Walachian Cavalry Archer - The crown is intact for this king. Still the best variation between the two. You could add the melee bonus for the Walachian, but would have the same problem as the Indepence Dragoons from Brazil. “Why you’re in melee with them”?? Not worth the shipment… you’re well served with what you have here.

If Dorobant could cover a weakness against light infantry at least, would be a killer combo, but here, I recommend Wallachian C.A. full spam.


  • South Africa is totally focused on economy with only the “wanderlust” shipment complementing your military somehow. So, instead of an unit review, I choose to give some hints to how use it best here, since in the end, SA won’t alter the way you choose to play.

  • It’s more for the British actually, since for the Dutch, everything is more natural. Your hero can construct your banks if some is destroyed, you can have 4 now… 2 shipped, and two can be built ONLY BY YOUR HERO. Dutch will get + 2 without any new quirk.

  • The Huguenots look like don’t help the british since you have 99 villagers possible… But they do… since those got a better gather rate, just slowly delete some of your villagers to make room for the 30 better ones. Don’t forget this one, really helps. Slowly, don’t cripple your economy of 30 villagers because you can only make 3 of those each time in your town centers… assuming you don’t ship anything to build more, of course.

  • South Africa could go for a “DRY Revolution” strategy, but really… why would you? Wait a little.


  • Revolutionary USA, is a FORT based revolution, and different from others, can also TRAIN that annoying gatling gun. This make them a very complete revolution military wise, covering well offense and defense, with some interesting trick at it disposal.

  • I don’t need to remember how good is the INFINITE FORT SPAM, and USA can get pretty wild with it, since you always gain 2 Gattling for each new fort. You can ship the “revolutionary shapshooters” to gain 4 of them for EACH fort in addition to your powerfull Gats. The best spam for sure.

  • The cowboy must be shipped like a lot of other outlaws and got nothing special going for them, even remembering the already mentioned Morochuco from Peru, but with more potential for each main civilization to make it better.

  • USA can have an interesting “DRY Revolution”, focused in map control, not so much on the first attack. Different to say the least.

![2 USA ##########################################################################
Revolutionary - Nothing special with this version.

Dutch - Same standard upgrades, lacking the good initial numbers from the others, The dutch make more with the Gattling guns than the revolutionary.

Italy - Again, a 250 HP variation, don’t bother with the melee upgrade… not worth for this unit.

British - The best variation in ALL SENSE… The British can make villagers from the houses, and somehow the revolutionary is bound with them… so, you can spam all your army just from houses. Always keeping the pressure. Also, one of the only revolutionaries here that almost reach that 300 mark.

Swedes - Since they got the advanced arsenal by default, this makes the strongest LOW SHIPMENT version of the revolutionary, It got it’s valour here. But again, you’ll go for the cowboy when you can, but at least, you initial push won’t require that much of a delay.

French - Ends with the best attack of all, but the lowest HP. Since USA don’t fare all that well with infantry, i wouldn’t recomend focusing in the revolutionary ESPECIALLY for France.

Gattling Gun - The unit that the only purpose is to unite a comunity to ask for nerfs. Let’s say that the revolution version is the “Gattling Gun Begins”. Don’t get the same upgrades that it’s main civilization counterpart, but it’s not less annoying because of it. By the way… it’s attack is upgraded? Isn’t 30 the same attack as the base version?

ALL variants - Since they all end up EXACTLY the same, with a little more HP and speed, there’s no need to ####### further, only notice that:
For the Dutch is easier to go for it, since your banks can pay more Gatling, while you make cowboys, and
For the Swedes, they get the most practical version, since they don’t need to ship advanced arsenal.

Cowboy - The USA MVP outlaw unit. That’s your powerhouse for this revolt. Strong by itself and a GREAT complement for the Gatling Guns.

Dutch - One upgrade standard, can be hard to go for it, since the Dutch will be a more gold focused revolt, and as you see, cowboy only costs food. But again, that extra gold makes for it, when you use for the Gatlings.

Italy - Italy is a versatile nation for its revolutions that makes good use of all possibilites (even the Barbary States), and here is no different. With the benefit that you can use your Lombard to balance any missing or extra resource.

British - The best variation possible. Can even combo with the Hussars at this point, since the british benefit ALL cavalry, not only ranged or melee ones. It’s the definitive cowboy, for sure.

Swedes - Another good one, The swedes have that card altered, to give attack and HP only to the Ranged cavalry, what really helps their USA revolution, making the most with the minimum shipments needed. With the addition of the torps keep gathering during that time.

EXTRA - Only for us to see how different are the villagers limits after revolting for the USA.

I can understand the Dutch and the Swedes getting less villagers, but the FRENCH?? You keep the same number, but not the same quality?? WHY?? Even Haiti get it right now, why not the USA??

This little problem hits extra for the French, because they don’t have acess to the “remedies” card, so you’ll be forced to use some cowboys to collect from livestock… C’mon guys, give us those 99 villagers for the France variation please…

OMG, can’t take it anymore, all that time organizing that… Hope you guys like it, point any mistakes please, and sorry for any gramactical errors, tried my best to not miss.

If I try something that extensive again, I’ll write a new campaign. Would be ok to post in the forum as chapters?


Y’all will write a novel for revolts but struggle to write to a girl

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Yes, you’re supposed to tell to her face, not write it…
I hope you learned something too.


These guides were already missed, as always excellent research work. :smile:

I imagine you left out the anointing card because it’s technically a card for missionaries, but given its great utility, I think it might be worth keeping in mind, if only as a mention.

PS: I think the French revolution is the “subtle” way of (threatening) telling us to stop asking developers to improve Finland, I have no proof but no doubt either. :laughing:


Great Konahrik…

Oh, you mean the damage aura buff right? Hmm, I think i’ll add in the Chile section.

haha, Revo France was Finland all over again. A bad case of Dejavu…

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Yes, those missionaries that don’t cost population, distract the enemy, are super fast and to finish off they increase the damage of all units except cannons in a very large area. (they are very good for units with high damage or siege damage, such as grenadiers)

PS: All the revolutions in Spain benefit a lot from the missionaries, but Chile is probably the one that gets the most out of it.

At least the French revolution have imperial units and can build buildings with his “Villagers”, Finland cannot say the same. :laughing:


Im enjoying the finish revolt lately, so i was wondering whats your oppinion about the new stuff like counterjaeger/dragoon, jaeger combat, crates, etc.


Now it feels like Finland HAS a proper army… and a strong one… But even with the new cards, the main way to aproach the revolution is the same… TWO RESOURCES only. Karelian can’t collect fast enough to compete any other way.

Not sure if happens with you too, but Finland is saving A LOT of resources now with those counter units.

Since the Karelian can now build livestock, you can ship elks while the sheep are fattening and I always ends up with a lot of food.

And with the gold, at least need one shipment for gold mines to build torps around it, with the additions of 6 taverns…

There’s a very unorthodox way of gathering resources with them, but at least the army is finally paying off.


Yes, feeling similar about it :smiley: i’m really happy about the counterdragoon especially

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