Rework for Spanish Mexico Revolution

Since Lionheart_UK post a new video to prove how trash that Mexico revolt going to be, i had my own idea that rework this ironic Mexico Revolution for Spanish.

:point_down: Now here’s my idea that make Mexico Revolution being a better and more Mexican Theme :point_down:

  1. Ships Miguel Hidalgo (Mexican Padre) to your town centre (its same as Mexican Padre but only with the namesake)

  2. Mexican Church Card “Plan of Iguala” is sent (Three Guarantees Tecs are now avaliable in your Cathedral, Your Padre can build Cathedral, all Mexican main civ Cathedral tecs are now avaliable for Spanish)

  3. Folk Heroes is researched (Player will have Folk Heroes after revolted, and do not enable the Wild West tec in saloon which is Mexican Saloon tec but function the same as the Folk Heroes), Turn Tarvern into Saloon and let Peace Maker can be reseached in saloon (that’s because current Mexico is bugged, if player researched Folk Heroes before revolted, then it will causing Peace Maker no longer avaliable for player)

  4. “Infinite 4 Gatling Guns” are replaced by “Infinite 3 Faconets”

  5. Cuatreros, Bandidos, Desperados fully replaced Commancheros, Renegados and Pistoleros in Saloon and on the map, also enable them to be trained in Saloon

  6. Cantinas (Mexican Age 4 Outlaw population reduce card), Advanced Saloon, Cavalry Combat now added into the deck

  7. Veteran Chinaco fully replace your Veteran Lancer in Stable, Forts and galleons (but not on the map), in the mean while, Mexico Revolt no longer set your soldado into Guard (you will have to pay for it in hacienda), enable Soldado being trained ONLY at Forts.

  8. Hacienda Build limits is set to 7, Hacienda fully replaced Mills and Estates for Spanish Settler, Infinite 1 hacienda now increased to “Infinite 2 Haciendas”

  9. Cuerudos now only cost 100 coin instead of 100 food and 60 coin, and can be trained in Saloon, Stable, Forts and Galleon, Cuerudo Range Attack increased to 6x4 (Increased from 4x4)

  10. Revolutionary now can be trained in Town Centre by default once player revolt into Mexico (they are normal Revolutionary but wear Unique Mexican Sombreros hat once “Charros” card being sent)

  11. Land of Hidagos, Independence Hero (Which ships ‘‘Ignacio Allende’’, Mexican General with ironic namesake) and National Servant added into the deck, remove “Port Veracruz” and “Palace of Iturbide” from deck

  12. Charros Card will set Chinacos into Guard (Charro Upgrades), Chinaco and Revolutionaries -15% Food cost, this card now only cost 500 coin now (It will also Change Revolutionary Hat into Cuerudos Sombreros)

  13. Infinite 13 Desperados, Infinite 10 Cuateros added into deck

  14. “Rebel Spanish Regiment” added into Mexico deck, This card ships 14 Consulate Spanish Musketeers and 6 Veteran Soldados, Cost 350 Foods and 350 Coins

What do you guys think about my ideas for Mexico Revolution Rework? I wish my suggestions can be seen by Tilanus and the Dev team, Feel free to comment!


Honestly I wouldn’t say the video proves Mexico Rev is trash, it maybe trash, but I don’t think the video proves it. It was the strategy that was bad, he probably would’ve gotten a bigger and better army spending the shipments like normal rather than holding them for Army of the Three Guarantees.

Just to clarify, any mills or estates built before revolting remain as they are?


The formally built Mills and Estates will still keep normal as they are, but Spanish Settler can only build Haciendas instead of Milld and Estates, these 2 buildings are disabled after revolted into Mexico

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Love the ideas here, I feel like the Mexico revolt has so much potential, could explore cards from lots of the revolts and put them all into one revolt deck, like a mix of maya/Yucatan/Baja etc. Also would be cool if the revolt spawned some hacienda wagons and had good boom options.

Just to confirm, this is perhaps the weakest revolt in the game, the cowboy unit you get is such a niche unit (only good vs skrims) and there are no good cards outside of the one I sent in the vid but realistically you can rarely send it as it costs 3 shipments. Anyways, lets hope to see some changes to this revolt in future patches :slight_smile:


ojala los desarrolladores hagan este cambio por que la actual revuelta de México es horrible, ya nadie la utiliza, la revuelta de estados unidos es mucho mejor y mas precisa históricamente ya que cambia todas las unidades europeas por las unidades americanas con cada tarjeta del mazo, además los cuerudos deberían de tener su skin única, si se llegaran agregar revolucionarios estos deberían ser mas como los guardias rurales para contratastar mas con los revolucionarios mexicanos

Guardia Rural:

Cuerudos de Michoacán:


They looks really cool, i mean if Mexico Revolution get rework, their units should be like the pictures you post! :wink:

Si soy honesto, preferiría que eliminaran a la revolución mexicana de España y a la yankee de UK y fueran remplazadas por Filipinas e Irlanda

gotta make sure that it doesn’t stack with the age2 Spain card cuz 1(or 0?),pop Outlaws would go nuts

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It wont stack, if you sent Theater, you cant sent cantinas then

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Or you can just use european age2 theaters card replace the mexican one to avoid the conflict, that was okay as well

They can probability manage to just grey it out. The base civ Mexico already has its unique version just like with the Saloon tech so it should be the unique one in the rev.

Those are good ideas, I’m working on a Mexico Visual mod, and was planning to rework the Spain revolt too. Mind If I take some of these ideas? Would you like to collaborate?