The August 2023 patch brought a lot of new features for almost all the civilizations in the game, new cards, new units and many changes to new and existing technologies, I realized that one of those changes were some British units which received new models, achieving a more historically correct appearance which pleased many players, recently the British also received a new British grenadier card combining 2 grenadier cards that existed before in the deck but that curiously do not change the skin of the unit, today I bring you some proposals to update the British Army thus achieving something similar to what was done with the civilization of Russia and the Ottomans, below I put some images as a reference of the models that long-shot archers, pikemen, grenadiers and the dragoons, all the images are of completely British units and I feel that they more appropriately represent the timeline of the game by not looking so dated and add a more cultural and original aspect to British civilization
Very Nice!devs Reworking the British units for coming big updates has herald new dlc coming soon,I like you Rework suggested
Please stop misleading othersâŠ
There is no information that the developers are redesigning the British forces for the upcoming major update, nor is there any so-called indication that new DLC related to the UK is about to be released.
As I said before, before you express your opinion, you may consider asking your friends around you to help you review what you say.
It would be great if they updated more unit models in the next patches, letâs hope to see what new features the new dlc brings when it is released
I know friend, thatâs why it is only a suggestion to improve the models of the British units, but we know that the developers have the last word and they are the ones who decide what to modify and what not, although in the same way we should not rule out the I know that you may see some changes in some civilizations with the arrival of the next DLC
I know friend,I misleading others,that is express your opinion, I may consider asking my friends around you to help me review what I say. I know British maybe has to ottoman and Russian civs big update this is devsâs suggest
My friend, my reply is actually directed to the friend below --[AnyDiagram93675], not you, because perhaps it is a language problem. He sometimes uses too much perfect tense and affirmative tone in his speeches, which has misled some players in the forum.
I sorry my friend you may have been a little too radical,I really is actually directed to the below,I Shouldnât have misled players,I really wrong,I because perhaps it is a language problem,But you donât target me
I may have been a little too radical, and I apologize for that.
However, I do suggest that when you express your opinions, you should ask your friends, especially those who know English, to help you read your comments.
The biggest problem with your comments is that you always express âwishesâ and âspeculationsâ in the tone of realized reality. In the past two years, you have been discussed as an âinformed personâ several times.
Iâd love all civs to get the Ottoman/Russian update treatment though with the disclaimer that models/textures should only be unique when it involves Church techs, Royal Guards, shipments that change specific unit stats or they are just in need of an update.
I think the current Longbowmen skins are really just all medieval. Now, there is a natural dropoff of the use of Longbowmen in the history covered by AoE3, which is the mid 17th century.
With that in mind the standard Longbowmen should look medieval (as it does already). Veteran Longbowmen should don Tudor-era bonnets and tights(no armour)! Guard Longbowmen should look more 17th century (no armour) and Imperial Age Longbowmen could actually look a little similar to pikemen - looking more like the âDouble-Armed Menâ.
I will add some images here to illustrated when I can get back on my laptop.
Iâm all for a general Euro Dragoon facelift - they shouldnât be armoured save for their helmets. The current Dragoons look nothing like real ones. Historically as they started off as mounted infantry, they were as armoured as musketeers infantry - i.e none! Whilst it would be nice to have a unique British skin, they donât really require it (no real unique shipments nor royal guard upgrades). Most Euro dragoons start off with floppy musketeer hats before progressing to the fancy helmets of the later 18th century onwards.
Again, Iâd disagree - Pikemen were fairly similar for most Euros. If you wanted to be particular, pikemen were either the armoured or unarmoured variety, but it doesnât really matter.
If you wanted the âBeefeaterâ sort of unit, then youâd want the Yeoman of the Guard. Actually, they are often confused with Beefeaters (Yeoman Warders) but theyâre not the same - Beefeaters are just tasked with protecting the Tower of London, whereas the Yeoman of the Guard are the proper bodyguard of Royalty (oldest British military corps - once the Battle of Bosworth). These would function better as a special home city-only Halberdier unit. Historically they functioned as polearm-welding bodyguards. (Much the same as the Swiss Guard)
Ok, not particularly of the British army, however itâs a Unique Building and has no unique artwork.
maybe write in your original language so the forum can translate it