Ridiculous lag + long queue times since DLC update

The lag identified by the colored clocks are always related to the performance. Since games are now hosted server-sided, the connection delay on your side won’t affect other players, only your own inputs. But a bad performance on your end will affect everyone on the match.

I copied and pasted this from a dev.

I don’t have any problems with the coloured clocks though. They are never yellow or red.

I am getting the same “freezing then speeding up then freezing then speeding up” issue . When I check the logs I get this error message a bunch of times:

[rlink - error] 2023/11/12 12:24:42.430 (UTC) Session::SendQueuedMessagesToRelay local peer is missing, not sending

so you have no lag. why are you complaining here then…

I do have lag!!! That’s the whole reason why I started this topic! But the system is not recognising it as lag. The clocks never go red or yellow but my game keeps freezing then speeding up then freezing again.

Do you still have this issue after the weekend? Do you have an ISP different than Virgin Media?

I still have the same freeze issue, yes. I am based in the UK with Virgin Media.

The issue might come from the ISP, it seems that people with different ISPs don’t have these issues. I don’t know how to help other than asking you to call them for support.

no, you dont have lag. you are experiencing connection issues with the server.

But you said I had a bad PC, nothing to do with the server, yet now it’s a server problem? So which is it, make your mind up

I never said that. Check again what I said

you used the term lag refering to your connection problem. Which was incorrect.

We don’t have the same problem.

It’s not incorrect though. I am suffering from latency lag which is caused by my ISP / connection problem. It’s still called lag even though it might not be the same as the problem you’re experiencing.

the problem is at your end. Not the game.

Yeah, obviously, we established that a long time ago. It’s not caused by the game, but it’s still lag. You said it’s not lag, but it is. That’s all I was saying.

Lag issue is resolved for me. It was an ISP issue after all. There’s a thread on Virgin Media about it here:

Yeah mine is ok now too. It wasn’t just a London issue either, it was all over the UK. I’m nowhere near London.