Right now Retold is fast paced. Please don't slow the game down with future changes

There feels like a minority rhetoric of people who like AOE2/4, SC2 etc, and want games like that - but we HAVE games like that. AOM is its own game with its own play style. If people don’t like its own take on the RTS genre then they have other games like the aforementioned that cater to what they want. Not a fan of people who like a certain play style coming over to AOM and trying to change how this game inherently plays to cater it to other RTS that they like.
AOM has always been fast and intense. I agree, keep it so. If they did want to “slow” it a bit in terms of giving a bit more time in each age, I’d suggest adding a favour cost to ageing up too (from classical onward). That way it would potentially keep the game going a little more with a bit more time for “each age battles” without massively reducing the game speex

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This is just giving me flashbacks of people defending the Phosphoru strategies (although that’s more balanced).

What about the RPS system? Turtling has to counter rushing, rushing has to counter booming, and booming has to counter turtling.

That system doesn’t really work in AoE4 since TCs are so strong in that game they work as a keeps light (turtle) that can also produce villagers (boom). If someone goes for two TC while your going for a ram push it’s already an all in with literally no chance to come back for the attacker and change your overall strategic mode to booming or turtling. In SC2 I’d say it works pretty well and so far my impression is that in AoM it also works quite well. You can quickly build either hero or mythical units to hard counter attacking units since you have the neccessary production buildings already in classical age. You can build walls, towers, villages or towncenters, keeps and you can also apply build block by building houses to connect wood lines with towers etc. Depending on civ you can also go for lots of favor and use god powers defensively. For greek this would mean that you have to draw away many villagers away from gathering ressources which switches your strategic mode from booming to turtling.