1 TC gameplay is very viable right now. Matches are shorter than in EE, and there a lot of viable aggressive strategies on many gods. This game needs to stay aggressive and fast paced, especially since a lot of players from other RTS games will be checking it out. It’s more fun to watch when players can win in the Classical Age.
The fast heroic strats of EE is just boring and repetitive. Classical Age fighting should be a staple of the game.
Naturally, aggressive strategies and gameplay will be easier to counter. No need make the gameplay any slower with patches or changes. Keep the past fast.
I also hope they’re not too fast with nerfing things and give players time to figure out counterplay first. Except of course if something is obviously overtuned or too weak (which is not always that easy to say).
I think with free Myth Units on Age up, God Powers, weaker vills compared to EE and a lot of incentive to go out on the map chances should be pretty good that aggressive play stays relevant.
I think 1/3rd of matches should end in each of the 3 Ages after Archaic Age.
This is what the balance should aim for.
It’s boring if every match is fast Heroic, but it’s also boring if most of the games content is never accessed because most games end in Classical Age.
Some starcraft players not being interested in it is not a problem.
They anyways wanna play starcraft only or just migrate to stormgate which is starcraft in different colours.
That doesn’t mean defenses should suck. That’s currently a major problem in the game. What’s the point of the Wonder Age and Mythic Age if most of the games can’t even reach such a length?
If they were “too strong,” then games would last far longer. But that’s the neat part: they don’t. By the way, it costs resources to build defenses. If you spend a lot of resources on defenses, you won’t have an army large enough to take on your opponent.
As for the Greeks, they’re the strongest civilization as a whole right now, so of course their defenses are strong.
P.S. If you want fast-paced games, there’s always lightning mode.
Now, i’m not saying that aggression should be stopped (after all, my playstyle is mostly aggressive), but it shouldn’t be the only option. If everyone is going for aggressive strategies and no turtle or boom strategies, the game could experience severe imbalance.
Of course it shouldn’t the only option. Right now there’s plenty of options, more so than prior versions of AoM. It’s why Retold is the best AoM has ever been.
I think 1/3rd of matches should end in each of the 3 Ages after Archaic Age.
I agree with the spirit of this (that we want a good spread of game end times), but I think this is a little too extreme in terms of how heavily it’s weighted towards early game ends. I don’t think it’s good if the game ends too often in the early stages, and 1/3 is too often.
Instead, I would split it up a little more than that. Split it into early/late Classical, Heroic, and Mythic, and I’d say either it should be equally split 1/5th each of those (except for early Classical, which should rarely happen with equally-matched opponents), or possibly a small bell curve so late Heroic is the most common with early Heroic or early Mythic next most common, and late Mythic/late Classical more rare. But that bell curve would be a gentle one, with a large variance.
Or to put it in less abstract terms, it should be possible to win the game in the Classical Age, but only with a well-executed rush against poor defence from someone who had planned for a naked boom.
it really isn’t, except Hades, who is the only god with viable defense right now since Sentinels are indeed just better towers.
unless you mean starving your opponent in his own base is not good enough. That we must go further as the base still off to much protection and we should remove the tickle damage from towers and the attack from the town center all together so we can raide beneath it like in days of yore.
This 100%. People will figure out how to defend over time. Please don’t slow it down. I also enjoy AoM Retold alot and was super tired from those long turtly AoE4 matches. Coming from SC2 (I find SC2 too fast, especially after the 8min mark it feels like im fighting against the game) I like many aspects of AoE games but not the super slow defensive turtle ones. AoM Retold as of now has the best elements from all worlds.
Building up your base with buildings that work as walls is important but not as crucial as in AoE2
Many myth units are good against human units and buildings which means that there is a counter for defensive structures without going all in
Literally everything costing gold in this game means that you have to leave your base very soon and you also can cut off your opponent from ressources very soon. This is exciting to play and watch as there’s always something going on
God powers can flip the match which again prevents stalemates and is also a very good experience for potential twitch/youtube viewers because the outcome of fights and therefor the match isn’t predictable at all
Apart from the human soldier rock paper scissor counter there’s another counter system for hero mythic and human soldier units
Please don’t make this another slow turtly AoE4 is all I can say.
AoE4 has extremely strong defenses and long matches. Not every game needs to have that. I love that Aom Retold has a middle ground in that regard. It’s not super fast like SC2 but not super slow like AoE4 either.