Romani/Hungary Revolution Cards buff

Simple buff to these revolutions, which in supremacy 1v1 feel a bit weak compared to other european revolutions (finland/egypt/usa/argentina).

Buff 1:
Include TC/TP/Fort/Tavern count to every card that ships units per outpost.

Buff 2:
Add a Manor House spawn-like mechanic to every card that ships a unit. EG: shipping Hadjuk/Dorobant/Wallachian Horse Archers/Roșior Dragoons will also make any newly built outpost to spawn a said unit. Combining all these 4 cards would let you get a lategame tempo where with each outpost you build, you get a 4 unit army.

Buff 3: Add infinite 3 outpost card

Buff 4: New Card, your outpost/blockhouse now trickle a little amount of XP

Buff 5: New “Theaters” card, Ships 1 Tavern wagon. Upgrades the Tavern to the Theater which can trickle coin, outlaws take -2 population. Theater build limit +2. You end up with 3 theaters max with each trickling 0.33 coin.

Any of these ideas can be tweaked.

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I had an idea for both revolts for a new economic card. Danube Swabians, which sends a number maybe 4 or 5 settler wagons.

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that would be way too OP, just get all on wood and delete/rebuild outposts for infinite army

solution would be disabling the delete button on them, just like manors