Romanian/Vlach civ concept (inspired by the Slavs Civ DLC topic)

How can I keep it to the single original thread if the single original thread got blocked because of… @Juggernaut8704 ?

And last time I tried to update an older topic, I got blocked for necro.

So it’s a catch 22. Can’t do this, can’t do that.

Good morning, please use this thread from now on to publish all your ideas about Romania, Wallachia and similar, do not make more threads about the same or similar topics.


Just want to say that this is totally wrong.
People know it’s not true even they do not learn too much history of there.
Either you seriously do not understand Asian history at all or you lie.

Even the story of Xu Fu itself does not mean the Chinese had occupied or conquered or colonized Japan.

But scorched earth means you destroying things so enemy cant use them right.kinda defeats the naming if its only buildings destroyed by the enemy enables this.

Yes this is a very interesting concept,I also thought of how to get scorched earth tactics in game what I came up was the ut will destroy all your farms and will give you back the remaining food and wood cost back.

The story of Xu Fu is most likely forged or fake. Genetic studies have already indicated that Japanese are closely related to the ancient peoples of the Korean peninsula and of Manchuria, nothing to do with Central or South China.

So do the right thing and make a civ from another part of the world to quell ideas of bias

True, but how would you implement real scorched earth in AoE2? The enemy doesn’t need your buildings, farms, etc.

Using the ut would be very complicated, when you’re in a fight, the last thing you want to do is make some units not to fight but to destroy your own things. And in general, I think giving the player the abilities to get stuff back by destroying his own stuff, could lead to a lot of exploits.

But I can definetly see how this can be very useful late game. Forward castle destroyed? you just got 25% of a castle back. If this is too powerful castle age (thinking of castle drop) can be switched to an imperial age tech.

“Please give finally for the Hero Vlad Dracula his own Vlach/Wallachian civ to the game.”

The developers have already created the Coat of arms for the Vlach/Wallachian civ at the Definitive edition from 2019. All that, what is missing now, is the addition of these civ to the game… It was a similar thing with the introduction of the Poles and Bohemians, so you can do that in the same way with the Vlachs too. I see no reason against it.

Credits goes to the Fandom wiki.

Hero Vlad Draculea icon:


Hero Vlad Draculea ingame picture:

Coat of arms of the campaign from the Vlach/Wallachian civ:


Completed campaign overview map of the Vlach/Wallachian from the highest level of difficulty in gold checkmark:


Well one way is to make the UT affect the enemy in a negative way eg.slows down his unit or economic production.But im unsure how balanced such a thing would be ingame.

They were just enemies in campaigns unlike vlachs who have a campaign but no civi.better comparison would be indians based off mughals having a gurjaras campaign.

Vlach civi is like the ingame romans they all ready have assets that can be used to make the civi in editor wonder pinori castle uu vlads skin buildings slavic campaign dracula.just need voices shield and ui leader names and full civi complete.


Romanian voices also available in AoE3 for the Hajduk or Boyar units. UI shield also available in Seicing’s post.

Like the Romans this will be the easiest civ to make with almost no extra assets required. A modder can easily compile all.


One guy is trying.

Im just happy more people are trying full scale modding in DE.

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Well, it’s a shame I don’t have the money or resources for a proper Caucasian set then.

Interesting idea but unpredictible, not sure how much of an effect slowing down enemy units would have. Or how broken slowing down the economy would be.

You can see from Dracula’s campaign rework that they put some thought into it.

See the definitive and HD difference:

They added Vlad’s banner & the order of the dragon insignia. That’s a cool attention to detail.

There is a small mistake in the 2nd mission of the campaign.

" Bogdan II, Dracula’s cousin and the new Voivod of Moldavia, had heard of his kinsman’s plight and offered his help. If Dracula could cross the Carpathian Mountains into Transylvania and ally with Hungary, then they could launch a three-pronged assault on Vladislav II and the Turks."

Bogdan II was his uncle, not cousin. His cousin was Bogdan II’s son, Stephen III, who at this time was not the ruler of Moldavia but helped Vlad the Impaler in battle.

11:55 to 16:20 for the 2nd mission.
47:20 for the final mission.

Would be nice if the text would correctly say “uncle” instead of “cousin” in the 2nd mission and the 2nd mission had “Prince Stephen” as a cameo like La Hire for Joan of Arc’s campaign.

Also, the comment section:
Vlad reaching Heaven: “You did terrible things, Vlad. I am sorry, you cannot be allowed here!”
Vlad reaching Hell: “Dude, you went to church and killed so many bad men. You cannot come here!”
Vlad wakes up in his coffin. “Damn”


A few nice videos I found on the early days of Wallachia and Moldavia:

And an interesting thing about Dacia:

Something interesting a vlach civi can have is a mechanic similar to home troop shipments from aoe3 or mercenary contracts from aoe4.
EG you can research a tech in the castle which will either give a bunch of troops like aoe3 or enable different civi uus which can be trained from castle.these should be mutually exclusive.
Italian contact condos and GXbows
Hungarian contract kipchacks and magyar hussars
Polish contact polish and lithuanian uus
Turkish contract turk and tatar uus.

Vlachs used to buy Venetian Armor for their elite knights regularly, although this is not an unit but the armor.

Mercenaries were a common thing in Europe at the time, I know that Michael the Brave at its worst, right after losing to Poland and going to Austria for help, came back with an army of mercenaries.

Would also be interesting if you could “buy in bulk”. As in train 10 at a time. You can’t recruit 1 individually, you have a reusable technology and each time you use that technology you get 10 of those units at the castle.

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Couple of ways this could be done.research a tech and…
1.enable uus of other civis in castle eg austria mercs can train TK’s as we lack proper austria units buffs to current units eg venitian armor buffing knight line armor.
3.enables generic or special units in main tt. Eg venitian armor enables arbs condos and paladins
4.batch train units with only gold cost new civi bonuses to the entire civi

Or the most easiest thing to do give them a mercenary camp building where you can train mercenaries.


That would be an interesting mechanic.

Venitian armor could be a unique tech that gives buffs to paladin/hussar. But teutons Paladins already have the armor bonus.

That would be interesting, unique building: Mercenary camp. Michael the Brave did use Austrian mercenaries after he was defeated so it’s historically accurate.

Or perhaps a unique tech in Castle where they become available in the barracks. But there will be issues if you have an American civ with an Italian ally, you have no room for the new unit in barracks.

Why would that be a problem vlachs dont have eagles anyway.

There is an empty slot below the condo that can also be used for a new mercenary unit.

Mercenaries/alliance could be a UT as well which will enable the condo winged hussar and kipchak units.pretty sure romania is the only place which can have all three units.