I would like to know if any of you have information on when the new campaigns for RoR will be shown/streamed, I have seen 1v1 matches, but I am mostly a singleplayer, so I would like to see the campaigns before buying the DLC, any information?
I haven’t been following it, so I can’t say anything for certain about content that may have been covered by content creators so far, but if you wait a couple of weeks after the DLC drops, I think it’s guaranteed you’ll be able to find stuff online, and can then make an informed judgement.
Not sure some creators clearly showed the editor while others showed how it was greyed out for them.
Also the Romans are somehow not available for some that have access to the editor, kinda strange.
The AOE2 Romans are mainly a bonus (the Romans are one of the main civs of AOE1, they still exist for a short while in AOE2’s timeline, let’s add them for AOE2), it’s not the focus of ROR.
Return of the rome was hyped up in the age of empires 2 section as well even tho it’s pretty much only age of empires 1 remastered content with new campaigns?
I mean i’m happy for the age 1 section that they get some #### but i feel like they should’ve communicated this a lot better. I’m pretty sure that i’m not the only one who is not interested in anything from the age 1 stuff so the only new “content” for me is 1 civ, which doesn’t even have a campaign.
edit: really? l o v e gets censored? what the hell
Some major characters would need new civs to have a proper campaign. Gauls for Caesar, Indians for Alexander, Scythians for Cyrus… though who will be the Dacians for Trajan ?
True, though the Lithuanians were included directly into DE while you would still need the RoR dlc to play Romans… That being said, the Prtihviraj campaign can still be played even if you don’t own the DoI dlc with the Gurjara civ in it, so who knows…
Maybe we will get those campaigns at the same time as the enemy civs will be released… Though I don’t have high hopes for Caesar and Alexander until most civs will get their own campaigns.
I hope that they will add a Roman campaign. I’m not talking about the Return of Rome one. All in all, this is a small addition to AoE2 itself, as it was advertised as a AoE2 DLC. Technically we only get one civ, they at least could have shipped one campaign with it.