RTS Tournaments

Well, this is just getting more weird every minute

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Look the point of discussion is not to oppose everything that the other person says. We may agree on some facts while opposing others. We are just trying to change each others mind to think in our way

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The point is to respect them, still you can disagree with them,

Well, good point, but this is what the infinite-queue fans are doing too

AoE2 is much more micro heavy, considering the high importance on counter units.


Very much agreed, yet this doesn’t make it fit for some of the new ideas for change, mainly the hot topics now

If you are so worried about villagers, why not keep infinite queue for military buildings only?


Is this becoming a troll thread?

Probably you are trying to make it?

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And you want it to be micro only? or you want automatization for that as well

You clearly have a different view of how this game should be played. That is ok, I can respect that. But it stays a subjective opinion. I am not saying its wrong, I just disagree cause I am interested in this game staying competitive.
And since it has been a core of this game for 20 years, and the competitive scene has kept this game alive during all those years, in my opinion you would need a massive majority of players in favour of such a feature to consider it.


No. And no.
Happy now?


It really isn’t. It’s far more macro focused, there isn’t a super high priority on counter units.

Look at how high level team games are played. Players on the same team create complementary strong units to form well rounded army compositions (Paladins + arbalest) which aren’t specific counter units, instead relying on general strength. In these games switching to counter units is seen as desperation and a losing play. It’s a very macro heavy game with army numbers, tech switches late game, and upgrade timings being the key factors.

Even in 1v1’s the core of a players army is a strong overall unit, with trash added as complement as eco allows.


There isn’t anything macro about villager production. It’s micro.

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Quoted from a post by nC_Skittle on the nC Forum:

Maybe we should talk about the definition of macro first, i think some guys here see it only as “build 3 > tcs and then vills or an upclick”.

actually, macro is more like the good control of all tasks at the same time, including:
control of your army = no wasting, attacking 1-3 Points at the same time
proper reactions to attacks
producing constantly new Units and build new production buildings
producing constantly new villagers
adjust the composition of your army to the opponent’s composition (including the scouting-aspect)
adjust your economy to the Units you want to build (f.e. many farms for elephants, many Wood cutters for siege)

Source: nC Zone

Thats imo a pretty good summary of what “Macro” is describing.


That isn’t a good example of macro.

What could macro possibly be if you don’t agree with any of this?

And don’t just say “strategy”, because Skittle’s post already accurately breaks that word down into specific fragments, which you have disagreed with

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Macro and micro feed into each. Anything that requires your immediate attention is micro to some degree. The more of your attention it requires, the more micro intensive it is.

Your strategy is macro, how you apply it is micro.

Know where to move your troops to engage is macro, moving them is micro. The more you need to baby sit your troops, then the more micro intensive it is.

Some things should be micro intensive. When you are in direct conflict with the opposing player, trying to take advantage of hills, or dodge shots from Onagers, that seems like it works an intended.

When you are setting up you economy to get the right balance, that’s directly playing into your war.

When you have to baby sit your town center to keep producing villagers, that seems micro intensive for all the wrong reasons.

Aha and can you please elaborate on the word “strategy” in this case? I fail to see how your understanding differs much from skittles.


How does he define strategy? I can’t find it on what you posted.

He described macro in a detailed way. You said macro is “strategy”.
Guess I am done discussing with you. either youre a genius troll or