πŸ† RTSChampionships - Presentation and first Showmatch

It is my pleasure to communicate to the community, the official formation of RTSChampionships and its first Showmatch, which will be Revnak vs Iamturk.

:green_circle: About us?
The organization is made up of me, EliteRifleman and Nicius, who were previously members of the UnitedEmpires and ESOC staffs, we also have experience organizing various tournaments, events and showmatches,

:green_circle: Our Goals
We have the desire to organize tournaments, showmatches and events, initially for AoE3, but in the future for other games in the series. We want to improve the competitive environment of the game, help its growth and establish a healthier community for all its members.

:green_circle: Showmatch

:firecracker: Revnak vs Iamturk
:bookmark_tabs: Rules: BO7 - NO WALLS!
:world_map: Maps: Greats Plains - Rockies - Saguenay - Himalaya - New England - Mexico - Central Plain
:timer_clock: DATE: Sunday 30/07 14:00 GMT

Only for our twitch! Enjoy, thank you very much for your time.

Let’s hope we can get along, and have lots of fun!
Attn: RTS Championships Staff.


Live now!
Don’t forget to enjoy the stream.
Then we will upload the games to our youtube channel.


i suggest a better profile picture

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