Russian design issue

Well its good to know that your talking about “treaty games” most of the time when it comes to defenses now makes things easier.

They are only good for line of sight AND if there is any choke points OR important buildings (factory/farms/estate) you have where you can stack ALL of your defensive structures to have a more focused fire effect if a SMALL army manages to slip in. Any thing bigger slipping in at this point (in treaty) and the game is more then likely over.

BUT all this is pointless as you may know more about treaty then i do at this point. I’m guessing you want to increase the build limit of block houses to have the same as other civs. I’m for it if it only takes in effect in age 5 like a shadow tech of doubling some build limit. So that it doesn’t effect supremacy games all that much or revolts getting out of hand with even more outpost/blockhouse spam.

The balancing of treaty and supremacy is always a pain for developers. They need to just remove the deck system or just give ALL the buff card effects in treaty games. Or god forbid make a new deck system for ONLY treaty games (unique civ cards that can only be used in treaty games).


Was Ivan the Terrible inspired by Napoleon Bonaparte? XD

I know right? I’m here for the memes :3

There is a lot of issue balancing between a 15 minute 1v1 where there are no restrictions compared to a 60 minute treaty game where booming civs shine and you have to make the best out of certain cards to get ahead…
(The 1v1 games in supremacy being the main development focus)

Thing is, the guy who started this thread clearly plays exclusively on treaty, so he is missing a lot of learning from 1v1 games, so… as I said before:


Show a recording of either a treaty or 1v1 game where you struggled, then we can improve together, like a little family <3

Do that or I’ll keep meming ye

Also, that info comes from the community page “FreeFoodParty” Their info must update differently, mine is different too, but close enough.

Here you can see in the leaderboards:

There is also one in the page “Aoe3-Homecity”


Okey so, show me a 1v1 fight between Russia and someone, just so that the player is normal and I can learn something from him.
I’m very interested in what I’m doing wrong (are you sure of it).
At the same time, since you are the smartest, explain to me why they beat me for Russia at 7 minutes, and for Dutch only at 25?)))) I have never had a single game as a Dutch where I lost to an age 2 rush.

Playing through the musketeers in Russia is a lost game. You need absolutely crazy amounts of gold for cannons. I have already seen Russia three times in ranked games playing through castles and musketeers. For some reason, they all fight only with Oprichniks.

This is true. But if a guy can make 300 clicks per minute, he doesn’t give a damn about anyone’s problems.

I hear very often here that increasing the limit will make Russia too strong. I’d like to see why. Is there any video where Russia built all 7 blocks before age 4 and this gave her incredible advantages.

Of course not. No one will build towers in such numbers until the 4 age.

There is no need for this. It is impossible to balance treaty and superemacy because there are nations that 100% lose the battle at 5 age.

From 1:20:50

From 1:14:30


Thank you, of course, but that’s not it. They play Russia vs Russia. Especially through the noob 14 settlers. They are age 2 at 4:30. In a normal game, at 4:30 the enemy is already approaching your base with musketeers or hussars. That is, at 5:00 the battle already begins. And yes, the timings are great. Musketeers and Cossacks leave the blockhouse at the same time. This is great.
I’ll watch the second video later.

“noob 14v” I can’t even


Do you just not want us to watch you play? Are you shy? Twice you diverted showing a recording of a match.

The videos the guy above sent are legit, surely some learning can come of it, but it’s best to learn what YOU can do to improve (You started the topic, I assume you want help).


Watch it, that right there sir is “Ungurs” and “DennDenn”, ranking #5 and #24 in 1v1 worldwide.

I’d give you a recording tomorrow of my own games, but I’m not sure I can play any better than those 2.

Can’t get out of the 1300 to 1400 ELO on 1v1.

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He is 950 elo and calling Ungurs noob…


This is rather silly. The guy’s point is going to stand or fall on its merits, not on any one person’s ELO rating. We’re sitting here arguing over this as if it matters. It doesn’t. Either the blockhouse is underpowered as the OP suggests or it isn’t. None of that is predicated on his ability to click a mouse.

The Blockhouse isn’t underpowered at all. Russia does not need a buff to it. We’ve discussed why in the first half of this thread.

All this is about is trying to humiliate the guy because he’s been rather arrogant in his arguments. Maybe he needs some humble pie. In fact, I’d say he does, but it’s not why he is wrong.


I tried not to go there… at least on my very first response… but he makes such weird responses man!
(I’m only joking around btw, I don’t want to bully anyone here)

With all of this I wonder… maybe he ain’t being arrogant?, It’s near impossible to tell the “tone” of words without speaking them out loud, we should try being more specific in the forums…


I want to see an example that a Russian victory is possible.

But you’re trying to avoid this topic.

I don’t want to show you how I play in Russia or play with you in Russia because I’m sure there’s something wrong here. All the “top players” play through 14 vils, and I know for sure that this leads to immediate defeat. And you can’t convince me otherwise. These battles are outdated, they are not relevant.
Therefore, I ask you to show me proof that Russia is working at all.
As for the blockhouse, no one has ever answered my argument that Russia has neither normal barracks nor normal towers:

It’s funny. We could have become friends. Because I think exactly the same about you.

You didn’t comment on this either.
As a result, it seems that you select only theses that you can answer and ignore those that you cannot answer. Accordingly, it seems that wasting time talking to you is simply stupid.

Then this discussion is over. You refuse to learn from better players and no evidence will ever be enough.


Cool. Russia beats Italy. I also beat Italy. 14 vils again…


You just saw it, twice, on high ELO legends.

Here is another one, came out a week ago:

If the link doesn’t work, here is the title: “Is Russia really the worst civ in the game??”
The title is a joke btw, Russia made a 360° mid game and won.
(Lion Heart)

My boy, you joined the forum 3 weeks ago, please listen to the elders.

On a game design perspective: Variation
The natives get the war huts, and I find them fine too, they are a cost efficient way to get 3 buildings in one.

If you have too many issues keeping blockhouses alive, then keep them in the back and make infinite stables and foundries on front, they have no limit.

Maybe you make the mistake of treating blockhouses as forts, they are not…

No words…

You know why I asked you to show one of your games? Because we have no idea of how you play, so we don’t know the problem you had (Especially since you misspell a bunch of the info).
A recoding can shine a light into whatever it is that’s troubling ye.

I have no idea why you started this topic, you only ranted about blockhouses.
Is it the blockhouses? Is it the villager start? As far as we know, you lost a game to Dutch and Malta… and the info stops there.

It’s going nowhere since it never even started :v

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We can’t make contact in any way. I have never seen a single game on my elo where someone reached age 2 later than 3:40. Do you know why? Because the first unit to line up at 4:00 will attack your base. And you will hide the vils and lose. And you are simply arrogant about your old age and are not helping at all. You refuse to listen and laugh constantly. Make a Smurf and play 14 vils in Russia. Make a recording and let’s laugh together.
11 vils play reduces Russia’s advantage in economy to 0. Therefore, after age 2 you need to make soldiers, not vils. Because 14 vils is a completely different game. Ofcause with 14 vils i’ll dominate the opponet with +2 vils eco in age 2, and as your age-uping, you will work 3 more vils. So the game of ELO legends does not impress me at all. Moreover, his opponent acts in a mirror way. In my game, China attacked my base with 10 steppe raiders at 4:00. And yes, he broke the blockhouse. I don’t see anything legendary in this game.

All this only works at the age 2.

I’ve been waiting for you to say this. No, stables are not suitable for this. Russia has very highly specialized dragoons, they are only good against melee opponents (and they are great at killing samurai).
Only foundries + play through grenadiers. And taking it off is a big problem, but this is a separate topic for discussion. I still can’t get to it.

What’s their civ and build order? I would love to figure out how to age up at 3:40 and get units trained by 4:00.


I mean later, if china want it take age 2 at 3:00.