If you use just a unit you will obviously die. Use other units like your Full Archers, Camels, Full Cavalry Archers, Full Hussars, good Siege…
Why would you use 85 gold unit in raiding? I don’t really understand Paladins too but it can worth sometimes. Make Mamelukes and Hussars and use Hussars to raid while Mamelukes guarding your siege.
because people actually said they are good at raiding. They are not. This comp is easily countered by either only cataphract or just camels. Or many combinations. Kamyuks which in group take down paladin faster than mamelukes does and are way tankier against archer fire. Mayans just has to send some eagles and hussar/mameloukes are done. Mameloukes are slow for a ‘‘micro unit’’, misses a lot of shots, get outranged by a lot of things and when you engage against archer you cant afford to pullback because engaging them would have cost you a lot.
defo agree on why it was nerfed, but i reckon the nerf to the arambai’s damage, was enough to allow manipur to stay (they lost 5 /4 dmg, while manipur is +6, meaning they only gain +1/2 from their original damage without the tech, which means no melting of buildings as fast as they used to)
they are literally stronger than they used to be. as proven above, they do -1 in castle age and -2 in imperial, but have stronger camels… they still do up to 100% more damage to buildings than opposing civs, while having stronger units than they used to
you need to learn to use their market. if you dont then saracens will always be weak… but imo they are not an easy civ to play, and could maybe do with a buff to make them more user friendly… but by no means are they weak(i used to think the same as you). the change to camels allows them to take 2 more hits (which is massive) vs a lot of units, heck even tanking 1 more hit can swing a battle due to the snowball effect of units surviving
Use Camel+Mamelukes or Archer+Mamelukes when fighting against civs like Indians and Byzantines. I am giving examples, you can change your combination by looking at your enemy’s civ and play style. It’s too simple.
I really appreciate your effort. you are very smart in your arguments and i’m thankful but the problem is mamelukes is actually trash against camels. Not even talking about imperial camel. Mamelukes has a low base damage and cataphracts just kills them. Mamelukes are very bad at protecting onagers because when paladin moves towards your onagers, they miss all their shots. You can’t protect anything with them.
Saracens has best Camels and enough pikes. Use them.
You can micro and murder all of Paladins, I gave Hussars for example, if Hussars are raiding game is over already your Mamelukes can just wait Trebs (take down Castles).
Like where Paladins moving cross them and be in front of them and throw your swords. If it’s unsuccessful, no problem if you Mamelukes are in front of Onagers, Paladins can’t fly to Onagers and killing 3 Paladins worth to lose a Onager
+10 HP makes Castle Age Camels slightly better than Indian Camels vs. cavalry by taking one more hit from Knights or Camels. They are worse than Indian Camels vs. Crossbows (22 hits for Saracens vs. 25 hits for Indians.) But Zealotry Heavy Camels are now comparable to Imperial Camels for a fraction of the cost. As the things full Imperial Camel have over full Zealotry Heavy Camel are +2 base attack, +5 bonus damage to buildings, and -2 seconds creation time, but -1 melee armor. But maybe Indians not having to tech switch into heavy siege from the building bonus damage is worth the extra cost of Imperial Camel?
Overall, it’s a great change that should make Saracen Camels a competitive option vs. cavalry civs again. And the Saracens still have a great Archery Range and great Siege Workshop vs. archer civs. The extra HP and cheaper cost to fully upgrade Saracen Camels could also make Camel + Mameluke a stronger force vs. pure Knight armies than Indian Camels from the stacking damage of the Mamelukes which are behind a shield of tanky Camels.
The mere fact they aren’t a flank only civ anymore in TG should hopefully open the doors for some experimentation, and hopefully people will give a second chance to the mameluke.
Guys ever play with Mamelukes? They are one of the strongest unit in the game if you have 30+ of these units. Yes weak against skirms, try and see how 130HP Mamelukes destroy these units. 11
Elite M. does not have any counter, Camels are probably the best counter as good micro is still hard to fight against them. (nearly zero attack delay) They are only rare seen because of their high cost and obviously playing with Archer are more common, but that change a lot with the new patch. Wait and see how Saracens will play now and then we still can discuss about gold cost reduction for Mamelukes.
you aren’t supposed to play camels vs archers. that’s not what they are supposed to do. camels are an anti cavalry unit. if they were supposed to be anything else they would have higher base attack with lower bonus damage.
why are you making mamelukes against those units? literally read what the mameluke says in the tech tree
Saracen unique camel unit with ranged melee attack. Strong vs. cavalry. Weak vs. archers and Pikemen.
seems like working as intended to me.
so two units are beating one? also again - what are you doing that they literally got to paladin in the first place? its one of the most expensive techs in the game, trade against them before they get there.
umm, fully upgrade mamelukes deal 21 damage after upgrades to paladins (every 2 seconds), while they take 7 damage from elite skirmishers every 3 seconds.
i agree mamelukes need buffs, but camel units definitely don’t need 2 extra pierce armor.
ah yes a list that is over half unique units. and full of units that are supposed to do good against mamelukes. if i did the same thing for other unique units they would look awful too.
man i willbe more than happy to do a 1v1 I go mangudai and u go mamelukes, I even give you the choice to go same numbers. I would even happilly do a 1v1 while i go kipchak.
People misreading the change. Saracens actually buffed. They still keep +2 building damage from Feudal but nerfed slightly in Castle and Imp (+3/+4) to (+2/+2) that only Team bonus (+2) are remaining.(and cav archer building damage was removed entirely)
It would be nerfed on their archer play. But +10HP to Camels are significant buff that they will be good against other camel civ and cavarly civ. Remember, Malians and Indians don’t have bonus to help Camel fight or Camel vs Cavarly in Castle age.
Also they decrease the cost of Zealotry significantly (from 750f/700g to 450f/500g I remember). It gives fast powerspike of Zealotry camels and Mameluke. I actually bit worried that they are now too good against Cavarly civs.
If I can make change, I would change the cost of Zealotry to pre-patch state, and keep their building bonus for Cav Archer. Getting Cav archer is much harder than foot archer. So the building damage for Cav archer would not be a problem. And I don’t like the fact that they lose Cav archer bonus entirely and their Cav archer is just same as Indians/Japanese. Their foot archer bonus was +1 and Cav archer had +4 bonus against building in pre-DE. Just give back Cav archer bonus to them for gameplay diversity and historical accuracy.