How advanced will the trigger system be for scenarios? Will we be able to do lots of crazy things like in AOE2 DE. Add population (more than standard) make technology/unit available. Spawn unit, teleport unit. Tribute resources.
Will the scenario editor be user-friendly like AOE 2? Or will it be some ridiculously over-complicated mess?
We don’t know yet. Developers very rarely reply here so we have to wait and see.
You can take a look at the Company of Heroes 2 editor because that is likely the closest you can get to the upcoming AoE4 editor.
Maybe they will make the AoE4 editor a bit more user-friendly.
You can also probably see in the AoE4 campaign how much is possible (we both haven’t played that yet)
I personally don’t think the AoE2DE editor is user friendly though.
Working with triggers is still very slow and inefficient compared to AoE3DE for example.
But what I do hope is that those scenarios work in multiplayer too.
AoE3DE has the problem that some very useful triggers are not multiplayer compatible but the game doesn’t tell you.
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You think there will be a Trigger System added?