Seasons + Ranked - Console playerbase ⚡️

I love the updates and transparency for PC players and the game in general, but can we get some insights to what’s happening for all us console players?

PC about to start Season 6, on console we are in pre-season - and a lot of us are waiting for features that launched in Season 3 and beyond, such as Team-Ranked.

Can the devs provide some clarity on when Season 1 will launxh for console players? When will key features like team-ranked drop for us?

Are we following the same season timeline as PC? It’s great to see the updates, but we need some clarity on the console timeline, so these announcements apply to us?

Does the season extension apply to our pre-season? Do the updates in the seasons for PC all drop for us in Season 1? :space_invader:

Clarify please :pray: