Seige wasn't nerf

When will all seige be nerf I am tired of op seige need a huge berf I don’t care who don’t like it makes games not fun should have been nerf this patch. Or get rid of seige if u won’t nerf it. Keep rams and seige towers are fine


You didnt know what were medieval battles about? 10 mangonels firing on another 10 mangonels covered by mass springalds and yoling fire lancers to destroy enemy castles with spears (LOL). You should edutace yourself more bro.


I don’t care I hate seige in every I will do every thing to make sure it gets nerf and limted to how many player can have. Not have a army of only seige

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I lost 30 firelancers to a castle and I barely did damage thanks to this forum saying things like this lol

clocktower bombards are just ridiculous, please nerf clock tower and range bonus, it’s not fun to autowin when you get to imp lol

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It is stupid, all games i play people build tons of siege and every game ends up same…
i would lower numbers how many can civ. have and lil nerf so player must make army not 80 percent siege 20 percent army!!!
Not fun and it gets borring…

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It’s mostly springald dominating, and that’s going to end soon. The others are very expensive, vulnerable and specific.

but still players are massing up siege…

Siege units are Tier 3 and 4 (except Ram), so it is normal that the longer the game goes on, the more they are used, apart from other units.

With the upcoming springald adjustment its very likely that the late game siege fest will be toned down a bit as they should do much better against Bombards


Yes they need to buff Springdale so no one will use the annoying op seige cannons and trebs and catapult are irritating things feel like I am playing world of tanks game

Cannons simple don’t fit into age IV, tier lll is the most fun to play with trebuchet, once you reach imperial game becomes boring.


i do not have problem with usage, he can use it all the time but that mass of siege what players are making is not fun, last nigh i playrs 3v3 against 2 china ply i think they both hadlike10 each bees, and everything else, we were kicking there ■■■ militarily but they came wit siege bees etc…and what you think happened?
I wouldnt mind if they had reasonable ammount of that but it was only fck bees canons …pffff

i dont know but last night i was just sorry i did not make screens…
people wants to winn at any cost even if that means no mixing army just the fck spamm big guns mass em up and obliterate enemy…Plus if uplay as abbsids pfff once they are in ur base it over quick.
i dont mind loosing when player comes rushes me, fights me and win but wit mass siege is bs.

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Yea I agree with you. Units especially melee units like knights and MAA heavy armoured units must deal 2x-3x damage like in AOE 3 and AOE 2.

Siege’s are supposed to be the most fragile but powerful units in the game.
But it is currently, too tanky (especially Chinese “Clocktower”) and powerful.

Bombards are overpowered and need to be nerfed. They also pack and unpack too fast. I haven’t run into people using springalds too much. I use them some but they don’t seem super good,


Actually I wish bombard does not even exist on the game. Focus on trebs, ram and siege towers on large scale Sieges.
Is more fun. And is more beautiful.

Bombards are freaking op and tanky. And blows everything in second… Meh

And mangonels are kinda op. A group of 10 and you erase armies, even horse armies.

The Nerf of spingards will make that siege will run wild. Since will tone down the damage to not siege (good), they should nerf the rest siege