September-October Screenshot Contest!

Another Halloween “Spooky” entry…

:arrow_forward: ENTRY: Shhh, he is looking for you… :bust_in_silhouette: :hocho: :frowning_woman:


This is Halloween, This is Halloween…:notes::notes:

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jack the ripper vibes…


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lol, did you get that villager to bend down by putting a dead deer under the water for her to gather?

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A 400 gold chest, somehow, it never ran out…

So I had the chance to take plenty of screenshots to choose the best one. :grin:

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Big (pumpkin) brain black rider.


Hey everyone! I was just having another read through this thread and realised I might have a useful (somewhat random) tip to contribute to the screenshot-taking community:

For the Hussar, Stradiot, Dragoon, Fusilier & Curassier units there are special Mercenary versions of each model. They are only used in-game for the enemy gang units during Fire and Shadow, Act II. These models feature no hats and a bandana around their neck instead.

These can be accessed if the Civilisation is set to Reno Gang or Hole-in-the-Wall Gang in the Player Data of the scenario editor. It may only come into effect after selecting Scenario\Playtest Scenario then quitting back to the editor. Perhaps this was known, but I thought I would share anyway! :cowboy_hat_face:


didn’t know that, great tip!

also, I think maybe its time you threw your hat in the ring and showed us what kind of screenshot a dev can make :wink:


I hope that tip helps!

Fair point. Though my “dev screenshots” are usually of bugs… I did capture many of the images for the Story Mode buttons. I like this one for Out of the Fog.


I think this might have come out looking a month early :man_shrugging:

Squash Harvest


Wait, you can access different military models according to the civ you select, what other variations are there that you know of?

Except villagers and these mercs units.

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There are many unique Revolution units that have unique models nested within the base unit. These can be accessed using triggers (Hotkey: T) in the Scenario Editor. This is similar to accessing the upgraded versions of units. (I usually just set the Trigger Condition to Timer : 0 Seconds).

Apart from the Cetbang Cannon (Indonesia) on the left, the other units are Wallachian Horse Archer (Romania), Independence Dragoon (Brazil) and Egyptian Army Reform Nizam Fusilier (Egypt).

Under Effects, look for Set Tech Status then select one of the DEHCREV items from Tech. For this test I also used Player : Set Age which was the key to displaying the Egyptian Fusiliers, the other units worked in any Age. Player : Set Age has to be used separately for each age and in order. Age I is 0, Age II is 1 and so on.

*Note that only one Revolutionary Unit of a base unit can be set per team so for two different Rev Dragoons in the same scene, you would need two Players.

Hope that helps!


You guys do amazing things! I will definitely see how I can join and contribute to this as I have mastered the AoM editor and the AoE 3 editor is almost identical, although I have my knowledge limitations in AoE 3 that I hope to learn if I get the chance, as is the Skybox system and the animation player (which have AoM and AoEO, but I haven’t seen it in AoE 3)


Does anyone know how to remove the glowing ring around special units? Explorers, campaign units, etc? I’ve figured out how to hide unit outlines, minimaps etc but its such a distracting little feature of some really unique looking units - curious to know if anyone knows how!

thats a good question roflmanz

Check my post on cinematic screenshot, it will remove the glow.


Why is that those units don’t exist on the object pool and are nested like that? Can’t the pool contain all the units/buildings/others, no matter what age/tech/civ/other is required. For a scenario editor, it doesn’t make much sense for these things to be ‘hidden’.

yea, I know you can remove the glow with a cinematic. That’s just not how I compose screenshots though, mainly because its very laborious. I just use shortcuts and workarounds to take the picture directly in the scenario editor, and it mostly achieves the same results I think. I just would like the glowing rings to not be visible, or to have a way to toggle them on and off in the game options. In fact, I might even want to just be able to toggle it on or off in regular supremacy game mode. Seems like it wouldn’t be that hard for the devs to implement.

It’s laborious the first time, but then, given you can save trigger, if you don’t use animation of any type wi th the triggers, it is less consuming than lets say deleting unit hp bar etc… like you do. Also here is another of my guide so you can make ‘infinite hp’s units’ so they will fight forever in the cinematic.

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You are getting your wish garanted in the next event:d

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It seems that no one continued participating because no one could compete with those excellent photographs. XD