That is properly unhinged mate.
The reason professional players are being focused so much at in these discussions is because they represent maybe two, three hands worth of fingers. They are a very small minority, a minority which would exist regardless of what kind of gameplay the game would consist of.
Maybe some of them play the game with fun as motivation, but the obvious stance is always that they play for money. For some, it is their whole job. And so, when you find yourself developers who focus entirely on that demographic you realize that they aren’t really designing the game around the concept or principle of fun either.
Remember. This isn’t… Medieval Warfare Professional Gamer Simulator. This is AoE4. A game that SHOULD have been established on basic principles of the past iterations–for otherwise, why would they not just make a game called Medieval Warfare Professional Gamer Simulator?
And answering that question, it becomes obvious. It is to use the name of AoE4 to garner the market they wanted. This is a double edged sword however, because deviating from what Age of Empires stood for will NATURALLY be criticized. Had the game been its own thing, they could have had their own fan base and less criticism that stems from purely messing up the formula.
So yea, people focus on these esport players because… People aren’t esport players. When I bought AoE2 decades ago, I never once considered the state of professional gaming. And guess what–after spending 60 bucks on AoE4? I still don’t. I don’t care about them.
And that goes for most people. And this is why most of us are upset, disappointed at the developers for. Because the games of AoE, AoE2, AoE3 had many things going for them that satisfied the needs of casual players, like campaigns, proper editors, cool units and immersive maps. AoE4 on the other hand was released unfinished with the spirit of Age of Empires entirely lacking–and when decisions are made that OVERRIDE the basic needs of the majority of players, for the sake of a digital scene that those customers will never interact with–it feels bad.
That is why they are being focused at. It isn’t because this is some great fallacy and “oh there is no argument”. No, it is because quite literally, Relic, Microsoft are the ones focusing on them. And we simply don’t care for why.