Serjeants +1 attack

Just as the title suggest, a simple idea that is fairly common when talking serjeants, and i wanted to bring that up in the hope of a final buff

Currently serjeants is not as horrible as it was before costing 10 food less, but it’s still much less useful than many infantry UU and being that it’s own gimmick is being slow and tanky, i think they should hit harder to retaliate when they finally can connect in melee

So, increase their attack of 1 per each stage, to 6/9/12, and the unit would be good for its cost imho

Sicilians have many other problems as well and this buff would not solve them, but at least would make their UU stronger since they have no power options since their cavalier has been nerfed so hard

I think the idea is that you’re not supposed to go for pure serjeants, but rather mix them in with other units to combine damage and armor in one package. For example, if you put just 1 serjeant with 10 knights against pikemen, you go from tanking 53 hits to tanking 128.

I prefer going knight+crossbow against pikemen then.

Castle Age Serjeant is fine. In fact on the OP side.

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Yeah i admit their stat for caste are not bad, it’s the whole donjon strategy that is wonky and humpers you more ofter then not.

I very rarely ser pro players being able to pull that off because donjon + serjeants is hella expensive and would require an eco that siciliana simply do not have in feudal to ready the Attack on Castle, but if the donjon is addressed, like in the new pup, it might be enough

For imp tough they are weak imho for a UU of and infantry civ. They benefitted poorly from their 50% damage reduction earlier and now is even worse, and they have simply lowish Attack and no Speed to do damage

Even increasing elite damage by 1 would already be fine imho. Alternatively they could give serjeants +2 bonus to infantry as they do not have a good counter to strong infantry