Hi guys, question about Set, but basically all Egyptians. Should I place the monuments near the temple? Because I see they have an aura under them, but I can’t understand what it’s for, and in the tutorial it says that only 1 monument generates favor. Can you help me understand?
Sets monuments give a 5% discount to military units in nearby buildings.
That’s it. Empowering them with a Pharaoh doesn’t change that.
They all produces favour.
What tutorial says one one monuments generates favour?
Maybe they mistake it for the Atlantean one, where only one oracle generates favor, if the field of vision overlaps.
Or it’s about only one momument of each type can be built.
In the game tutorial, but perhaps it is a wrong translation of the Italian language. So, I don’t have to place them near the temple, and that 5% I don’t think is worth the “risk” of placing them in the front row during the battle.
Also, in your opinion, who is the best of the 3 Egyptian gods? I never play 1vs1, but always late game games, therefore 3v3 or 4v4. Or even better… who is the best god for late game battles?
Sounds like it.
There is no interaction between Temples and Monumnets.
Yeah. It is a pretty strange bonus in my opinion.
5% discount would be considered on ok civ bonus on it’s own but being only around monuments is kinda stupid.
I feel like they just wanted to have some excuse to get the funny red particles on his Monuments to make him look more evil.
Isis has some really good late game bonuses:
- +5 Population for each Town Centre
- Monuments protect from God Powers
So you can have a little larger army then your enemy while also being able to be partially immune against late game God Power spam.
Until they change Fimbluwinter Isis is probably your go to in large lobbies where Wonder Age is likely to happen.
But Ra has some nice late game bonuses too:
- Camel Rider, Chariot Archer, and War Elephant +15% hit points.
- Pharaoh-empowered Monuments empower nearby buildings (70% efficiency of Pharaohs).
- Priests can empower (60% efficiency of Pharaohs).
That means you can more easily boost your late game unit and resource production, including trade. You can also put all your monuments into the range of the Monuments of the Gods (this one has 2x favour generation) and boost the favour generation of all of them with just your Pharaoh.
Or you just simply task a few Priests to empower your buildings.
The additional HP for Migdol Fortress units is also very useful since those are the units you want to train in the Lage Game anyway.
Set is more of an offensive God. The Animals of Set give you some power spikes and the cheaper cost for Military Buildings makes it easier to get out units earlier.
Vision helps with finding the right spot to attack.
Yes, true, you have some nice RA upgrades, but it seems to me that in era IV it doesn’t have available as upgrades those in which the elephants cost less, and above all that the units come out double… since you have all the troops they will leave the fortress
The translations in Retold are really bad.
What does this have to do with the topic?
This. It has to do with this.
Oh okay sorry, I didn’t understand. For me it was already a translation error.