Several suggestions about balance for aoe3 de: house war

These suggestions only aim at Japanses, Incas, Swedes house-economy. The military balance of these civs will be another story. Please check for it, thx. =)


◆Kancha house**(suggested*)**
─Change build limit to 10, supports 15-16 population
─Compare with manor house, extend its building-time, and increase cost to 150 wood
─When upgrades “large scale gathering” improvement in Imperial age, increase 20-30% food production of Kancha house, otherwise provides improvements of food production in market or other buildings

Plan A:
─“Coca cultivation” trickle of coin change to 1.1/s
─Change build limit to 10

Plan B: (suggested)*
─Change the effect of “Coca cultivation”: When it was developed, current food will be exchanged for an equal amount of coin
─No build limit for estate

─Compare with Japanese & Dutch, change villagers’ build limit to 80~90(depends on trickles changing of Kancha house & Estate )
─Change big bottom “Queen’s festival” cost to 150~160F/W/G (suggested)*

─Change all fattened llama cards into semi-fattened (suggested)*

─Add secondary mining improvement in market, for Incas in TAD period have mining improvement


─Players can’t delete torps by themselves (suggested)*

Plan A: (suggested)*
─Compare with manor house, extend its building-time, and increase cost to 125~135 wood
─Enlarge torps’ bulk or extend its unbuildable scope, allow only 2 torps can be built around mines

Plan B:
─Decrease torps’ gathering speed
─Compare with manor house, extend its building-time, and increase cost to 125~135 wood

─Decrease the effect of “Engelsberg ironworks” to 100%

─Compare with manor house, extend its building-time
─Make sohei archer won’t have “smoke screen” ability until fortress age or require improvements in temple