Share the craziest things that got censored in your chat

lol this one’s great

ahh yes, the ol’ micro-d insult. Good thing that’s censored.

The more I play the more ##### ##### ######## ######### to me. Really ##### ## #######. What we learn from this mostly ## ###### ###### ## #### ## ######. I hope ###### or ## ### ### ##### ###### because it is ###### #########.

Thanks for your ##########

It would have to be the simplest of all communications:


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I said: I love you.
and it got censored.

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my username is apparently censored

I agree that the censorship system is extremely over zealous, To the point where it impedes useful in game communication. That and perhaps newer less talkative players might assume everyone’s always insulting the hell out of them which is a bit of a shame.

I’d recommend allowing players more control over their own games censor bot, Perhaps having the current bot system being the maximum and perhaps even default setting, blocking obvious insulting words as a moderate setting and then a no censorship setting.


the letter “k”

buddy: Lets go attack
me: # (k)
me: ## (ok)
me: wtf can’t type ‘#’ (k)



lol :smiley:

20 characters

Hate to revive a dead topic, but I have yet to see devs comment on whether there will be an option to tweak the chat filter.

The latest censored words were ‘but pulled,’ which I can see being misconstrued into a euphemism if you are 10 years old.

Interestingly, the word ‘mongol’ was not censored, which is another word that is sometimes censored.

The word : Yellow

Lol. 20 chars

Amazing how gaming sites ignored the censor chat, and some people still think this game has no idiological crap or political correctness lol

I don’t mind having a censored chat or chat filter option, even if it were to be set as default. People online can be pretty awful when they think they are anonymous - like road rage.

However, the chat filter can not be turned off. This is clearly a hindrance to in-game communication - especially considering many players in the same team do not speak the same language nor want to speak at all.

I would also argue that AoE4 (or any AoE for that matter) has always had a bit of controversy - in the end, you are playing a game in which one civilization wipes out another civilization.

Here is something that did not get filtered for once


I removed part of the user name because you are not allowed to mention usernames by their name on this forum despite nobody knows why.

I remember the word, “yellow”, got censored when I was trying to call out to “yellow team”. My team saw it as, ###### team. :laughing:

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play 3v4

Can anyone explain to me how that could be no-no-language?

lol the devs are strangely silent on this issue

They probably think it is retarded too and had to add it because some essentially unrelated and uninformed person in power said so


sounds about right, whoever made that decision is a real gardening buddy, anyone whos played coh 2 will understand